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Blog: Raw Foods is it for Everybody
by bluepastry

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  • Raw Foods is it for Everybody by bluepastry
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        Subject:   maybe this will help a little..
        Username:   #66379     contact #66379
        Date:   7/21/2007 4:01:55 PM   ( 17 y ago )
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        Pastry take the time to read this, Yes this is a left wing reporter and this is his take on antisemitism.

        While some of his statements are over the top,there does seem to be alot of you in here...some of the stuff that you spew about antisemitism

        Note the debate at the bottom he has with a white supremist

        In my never-ending endeavor to battle misconceptions in general, especially about the Jews and the Left, I present you with this article based on a recent email exchange I had with a White Supremacist.

        I have frequent email exchanges with these wayward folks, so I may be posting some more of these back and forths, but only if there is some educational purpose other than, "Lookie here at the stupid anti-Semite!"

        Screaming "anti-Semite" isn't really useful; it's demeaning to the screamer, it's useless for educating the anti-Semite, and it even tends to worsen their anti-Semitism.

        I am a strong critic of the way and Jews and Judeophiles attack anti-Semitism.

        I understand FULLY why Jews are so frightened and angry at anti-Semites, but the Jewish approach to this issue is just wrong and dumb, like so many unexamined things the reflexive Jews do. When Jews attack anti-Semitism, they do it in full defensive mode, so the Jew ends up looking just as dumb and often just as nasty as the anti-Semite. So much for the attempt at differentiation.

        Anti-Semites, despite popular misconception, are often healthy psychologically, are not morally sick, and are often quite successful in life, in every sense of the word. The Jewish nonsense that all anti-Semites are failures in life, are psychologically disturbed, hate all other minorities, sympathize with Nazism, and are evil human beings is simply nonsense.

        Racism is in our genes, like murder and rape and wife-beating, and it is up to us to rise above our base animal natures. That's why we have a cerebral cortex!

        Anti-Semites are frequently successful in life and do not necessarily envy Jews at all. Rather than envy them, a lot of anti-Semites simply hate Jews.

        The historical record includes numerous societies in which huge percentages of the population were anti-Semitic, the rich and the poor, the successful and the failed, the sane and the disturbed, the upstanding and the degenerate. Many Arab societies are so infected right now, including highly successful Arab societies like Qatar, Kuwait, Bahrain and the UAE, where the cities look like Tuscon.

        The notion that 90% of the humans in such societies, since they are anti-Semites, therefore feel like failures, are failures, are psychologically disturbed, or are simply evil, is pretty ridiculous! Racism is NOT a mental illness. I know it's hard to believe, but racism is not listed in the DSM-IV, the most recent list of psychological disorders recognized by psychiatry.

        The unnerving thing about anti-Semites is that they are not always wrong. The anti-Semite mixes his diatribes about Jews with facts and lies, half-truths and dissembling, propaganda and sophistry, and quotes from upstanding folks, including many Jews. So, just because someone is an anti-Semite does not mean we can dismiss all their judgments about Jews, many of which are correct!

        Now your head is spinning, right? If anti-Semites often tell the truth, then why shouldn't we pay heed to their message? IMHO, we should be taken in by anti-Semites, because their message is dangerous.

        And the lies the anti-Semite tells about Jews are not necessarily matters of truth or falsehood, but instead matters of tone. The anti-Semite wildly exaggerates the negative aspects of Jews in such a way that presents a false picture in the broad sense, even if they utilize factual statements to get to that picture.

        Your mind is still spinning. But how can we differentiate people who are merely critical-Semites (like the owner of this blog) from the true anti-Semites? What makes an anti-Semite?

        Really, it's just the tone. The anti-Semite simply hates Jews, and doesn't have very good reasons. The tone is not one of kind, friendly or indifferent criticism, but instead is one of fury, rage and utter contempt. The perfidy of the Jews (which exists, of course) is exaggerated beyond all coherence, and the nasty, conspiring hand of the Jews is seen behind every rock and under every bed.

        The Jews are shown as uniquely evil, a fount of evil, and typically, as genetically evil (the last being particularly dubious). The Jews are portrayed as a dangerous menace to the Gentiles requiring serious, timely counterattack.

        Often, Jews are drawn to suggest that they are not even human. In the world of the anti-Semite, there are humans and there are Jews. Humans (Gentiles like you and me) are portrayed as good people - struggling to get by, moral, decent, law-abiding, morally upstanding, honest and proper.

        The good people like us are thwarted at every turn as they just try to survive by evil (apparently nonhuman) entities called Jews, who are full of wickedness, evil, malice, immorality, dishonesty, impropriety, indecency, criminality and wickedness. If only we good people could rid ourselves of this curse, what rich lives we could create!

        Yet in attacking anti-Semites, Jews just blow it. Jews just can't handle the idea that anti-Semites are often factually correct, so they freak out and attack everything the anti-Semite says about the Jews as a LIE. The end result is a Jewish portrayal of their own group that presents the Jews as full of innocence, light and goodness, with no negative qualities at all.

        Jewish history is woven by Jews as a heartbreaking trail of of unbroken kindness, wonderfulness and decency on the part of the morally upstanding Jews, who are always thwarted by the tragedy of the regular bizarre, incomprehensible attacks of the anti-Semites. According to this chronology, the Jews have never been wrong, and their enemies always have. The poor Jews!

        Can you see the trap here? The anti-Semite sees the Jews as the embodiment of pure evil and shows the Gentile as an embodiment of pure goodness and decency. The Jew responds by portraying the Jews as the essence of innocence, light, purity, beauty and holiness and the anti-Semite as the opposite.

        The fascinating conclusion is that both Jews and anti-Semites are acting as mirror images of each other in their conflicts.

        Getting back to the dialogue below, many may find this exchange educational. I describe the history of both Jewish conservatism and Jewish liberalism, the Jewish role in the development of both capitalism and Communism and recent intra-Jewish conflicts between Jewish liberals and conservatives.

        I wearily attack once again the Nazi propaganda "Jews are Communists", which seems to keep rearing it's head, like an indestructible snake in a hole that keeps popping out of its hole no matter how many times you smash it with a shovel. I also deal with some non-Jewish issues that confuse many folks, such as the etiology of the recent energy crisis in California.

        The edited letter follows with my comments in bold:

        You obviously do not know anything about U.S. History. First of all, there is no such thing as a rightwing Jew.

        [RL: I don't agree with that at all. And that is contradicted massively by history. For hundreds of years before 1800, almost all Jews were rightwing. All through the middle ages, the Jews were ultra-rightwing, as they were in bed with the Lords screwing the serfs. Jews only turned to the Left in the early 1800's as the Right started getting more anti-Semitic.

        The Right is, has always been, and will always be nothing but the politics of rich and the oligarchs, and prior to 1800, the Jews had always been in bed with them, because the Jews were often well-off.

        The whole reason Jews turned to the Left was simply a reaction to anti-Semitism, not for economic reasons. In fact, by moving Left, Jews worked against their economic self-interest.

        Note that in Israel, over 50% of Jews now describe themselves as conservatives. The Likud, the ruling party in Israel, is considered to be a rightwing party. Most of the ultra-Orthodox Jews in Israel are rightwing.

        It's true that in most of the 20th Century, there were not a lot of rightwing Jews in the West. Do you know why? Because in the West in the 20th Century, the Right was synonymous with anti-Semitism.

        But there always some.

        Little-known to most Gentiles, since the late 1940's, there has been a major ongoing conflict in the US Jewish community between the Jewish Right and the Jewish Left.

        The conflict has roots in the Jewish immigrant experience in America. When the Jews first came to the US in the late 1800's and early 1900's, many were terribly poor. Conditions in the factories back East were pretty nasty, and proud Jews took offense to capitalist super-exploitation.

        Jews formed unions, tenants associations, women's rights and anti-racist organizations to promote their working class, renter, gender and minority interests against relentless attacks by oppressive bosses, landlords, racist Gentiles and men in general.

        By the late 1940's, some Jews had started to come into some money, especially Jewish landlord classes back East.

        A new Jewish Right formed in this milieu. The new Jewish Right represented business and especially landlord interests back East. Roy Cohn, Jewish lawyer and all-around awful person, was one product of the new movement.

        Another product was Judge Julius Hoffman, the judge in the 1968 Chicago Seven trial pitting mostly Jewish New Left radicals such as Abbie Hoffman and Jerry Rubin against the conservative Jewish bourgeois, represented by Hoffman.

        By the late 1940's, there had been decades of leftwing Jewish activism in forming tenants associations and fighting landlords, who were often Jewish. This enraged the rightwing Jews as an attack on their class interests.

        By the 1960's, this split was ongoing. See transcripts of the Chicago Seven Trial with Abbie Hoffman calling the Judge insulting names in Yiddish (he called him a ghetto term that meant "Jewish traitor") to get a flavor of this conflict.

        Most importantly to our era, it is the new Jewish Right described above that gave birth to the neoconservatives in the early 1970's. And many neoconservatives are rightwing Jews.

        The libertarians, a very rightwing movement, was created by and has been led by Jews for many years. Ayn Rand, libertarian - reactionary ideologue, was a Jew. So was Murray Rothbard, intellectual father of libertarianism. I can go on and on here...]

        The Jews created the Communist Party.

        [RL: Well, I don't know.....Marx was a Jew, but he renounced his religion and ferociously attacked the Jews in his life. Marx's On the Jewish Question is considered an outrageously anti-Semitic document by many Jews. Trotsky considered himself a lapsed Jew and even Trotsky criticized the Jews in ways that would be considered anti-Semitic nowadays.

        Many Marxists (almost all of them Jewish) have attacked the Jews for over 100 years. See my blogroll under "The Jewish Question" for many links to Jewish Marxists attacking and criticizing the Jews.

        Frederick Engels, co-founder of Communism, was not a Jew. It's true the Jews played a large role in the formation of the Communist Movement in the last century, but only in Europe.

        Tell me now.

        Did Jews lead Communist parties in China, Vietnam, Laos, Indonesia, India, Nepal, Pakistan, Iran, the Arab World, Latin America, the Philippines, Japan, Korea, Mongolia, Bangladesh, Thailand, Cambodia, Mozambique, Angola, Zimbabwe and Turkey?

        There were (and sometimes still are) large CP's in most of these places, and some of those CP's seized power and ruled for many years.Mao killed 70 million people in China. So was Mao a Jew or what?]

        They are the exact opposite of rightwingers.

        [RL: You need to realize that the Jews also played a major role in the formation of capitalism too! The Jews are everywhere, my man, they lead all sorts of movements, often leading movements on both sides of the fence. Jews just lead movements, period.

        In the 20's and 30's, many Jews, especially German Jews, were sympathetic to the rise of fascism. And many of the large capitalists in Europe in the 20's and 30's who were fighting wild battles with the Communists and socialists were Jews. So in the 20's and 30's, Jews were leading both the European Communist Parties AND their capitalist ultra-rich enemies.

        Leo Strauss, a German Jew and the intellectual father of neoconservatism, was a Nazi sympathizer (along with many other German Jews) until about 1932 or so.

        A German Jew even wrote the legal opinion justifying the Reichstag Fire in 1933 that enabled Hitler to seize power. It was only when the Nazis turned hard on the Jews that most Jews abandoned them. Minus anti-Semitism, fascism was appealing to many Jews.]

        Jews created Communism. How could you be so stupid not to know that

        [RL: Well they played a role in its formation. But even at the peak, in 1917, 70% of Russian Jews voted against the Communists - 70% of them voted for the Jewish nationalist party in Russia. So, in 1917, 70 percent of Russian Jews OPPOSED Communism. So gimme this "All Jews are Commies" thing again?]

        The Republican Party was always the main enemy of Communist Jews here in America.

        [RL: Correct. But more properly, it's been the enemy of Communism. The Republicans never cared whether the US Communists they fought were Jews or Gentiles.]

        Rightwing organizations like the FBI put hundreds of Communist Jews in prison and deported hundreds of Communist Jewish families back to Europe.

        What about Gray Davis, the guy that just stole thirty billion dollars from the tax payers of California. How could you be so stupid to not that he is Jewish?

        [RL: I am not aware this guy is Jewish.

        Gray Davis did not really steal that money. That money was stolen by Republicans like Schwarzenegger and Bush and their buddies, who deliberately plotted (we have the records) a conspiracy to destroy the state of California and get rid of a Democratic governor by rigging the energy market.

        After the fact, Davis, who took money from these same criminal gangs (called energy corporations), negotiated a deal that was very criminal gang-friendly and mandated that the state of California PAY BACK $10 billion the Republican criminal gangs stole from California. This deal mandated a tripling of our electric rates for at least 10-15 years, and possibly forever.

        So, both parties were in on this theft by criminal Republican gangs, but Davis was only in on it after the fact.]

        Davis even admits this on his own website. The problem with leftwing nuts like you is that you don't know anything about the Republican Party.

        [RL: I know it too well! Why would any poor or working class White person support the party of the rich, the Republican Party? The Republican Party wages all-out war to the death on all poor and working class Whites! Why would a poor or working class White person support that?]

        Most Republicans like me hate George Bush because he is a liberal, not a Republican. He is for socialized medicine, which has always been a radical leftwing cause.

        [RL: In fact, socialized medicine was supported by 62% of all Americans in a recent study. And Medicare, which is nothing but socialized medicine, is supported by the vast majority of Americans. So, are 62-80% of Americans radical leftwingers? I wish!]

        That is because Communist Jews here in America dominate the Pharmaceutical Industry in America.

        [RL: This statement is clearly deranged. That industry is run by nothing but a bunch of rich Republicans, and there are approximately zero Communists amongst them. Further, I am not aware this industry is Jewish-dominated. The pharmaceutical industry has always been just Old White East Coast Protestant money. Ever heard of the Du Ponts?]

        Bush is for illegal immigration, which has always been a radical leftwing cause.

        [RL: It's not just a leftwing cause. Here in California, the vast majority of the rich and business interests support illegal immigration as a source of CHEAP LABOR.]

        The Jews were always Communists. Like [media magnate] Rupert Murdock, who back in his college days used to toast a glass of champagne to a statue of Vladimir Lenin every day before class.

        [RL: That was very nice of Rupert to do that back then, but right now, Murdoch is an extreme rightwinger.]

        I think where you are mixed up at is the fact that Communist Jews used to infiltrate the Republican Party and act like they were against Communism.

        [RL: Huh?! First time I every heard that one!]

        So don't blame your sick George Bush on us. He is one of your people - a liberal.

        [RL: Alas, if only it were true!]


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