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    Juniper Berry's Dental Cleanup

Blog: Juniper Berry's Dental Cleanup
by Juniper Berry

14 blog entries; 14 entries per page; 1 pages; viewed 133,953 times
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  • Juniper Berry's Dental Cleanup by Juniper Berry
    • Initial Contact with Dr. Morales's office by Juniper Berry  19 y
      • Dr Morales   by  koala     19 y     1,858
        • Re: Dr Morales   by  Juniper Berry     19 y     2,085
        • Re: Dr Morales   by  AHARLEYGYRL     19 y     1,935
          • Re: Dr Morales   by  eureca     19 y     2,086
            • Re: Dr Morales   by  #43012     19 y     2,161
              • The root canal   by  Juniper Berry     18 y     2,910
                Subject:   The root canal
                Username:   Juniper Berry     contact Juniper Berry     email Juniper Berry
                Date:   11/20/2006 2:18:57 PM   ( 18 y ago )
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                Juniper Berry

                Hello all.

                It's been a long time since I posted, so I will add another chapter to my blog soon for everybody's benefit. Just let me say for now that I am happy that I had my root canal tooth extracted and my amalgams removed. I went to Dr. Morales because his office could do it all in one day and prepare me well with the on-site massage, and I could get the vitamin C drip (one of the best things you can possibly do, besides the massage) and the conscious sedation.

                Part of my jaw is a bit skinny where the root had to come out the side of my gum, but the place healed well. I paid for a temporary bridge, but never received one. I never mentioned it, and for just a $50 cost outlay, I did not feel that I needed to squabble over it. I actually spent about $1350 for my complete dental revision (all in one day), which is a BARGAIN!! Of course, the plane tickets, motels, and car rental were all tacked on to that, but these are variable expenses, and you can really shop around to keep costs low.

                The tooth with the largest filling got broken during the process of garbage out- goldCrown in, and Dr. Montana (Sorry if I got your name wrong), Dr. Morales' second, let me know that I would need to get it crowned. The tooth was sensitive for awhile, but I can eat pretty much anything without pain or sensitivity now. It's been 18 months since my revision, and I still have the tooth (uncrowned). This is not a good idea, but I don't like seeing dentists or doctors, so I will probably let it go for so long that I will just have to get it extracted in five or ten years. But maybe not. Hopefully I'll never have to have it removed.

                I'll post more when I get around to it. Several folks have e-mailed me, but I have had mixed feelings about where I chose to get my work done. I have run the emotional gammut, and I needed time to let my feelings settle. I'm ready to share a bit now about some of the relevant issues:

                I think that soon everyone will need to have a passport to go down to Mexico and back, though that may be just for people entering the US by boat and/or plane. There is the possibility of kidnapping, as you would have anywhere in the world. I did not feel unsafe going to Tijuana, but I happen to have supernatural protection. I also have a very tough-looking husband/bodyguard. He has a pretty mean "bark" too. I cannot be 100 percent sure that Dr. Morales did all or even any of the work, as I was blissfully in lala land during most of the time I was in the chair. There was a professional to administer the sedation. However, as the sedation wore off near the end of my treatment, I was painfully aware of my tooth being wrestled out of my head, and I had a hard time getting anyone's attention about it. I finally had to resort to crying. One other negative: they gave me instructions about my extraction, that I should put ice on it right away, but I sat in the office for hours after my treatment waiting for my ride back to the motel, and nobody ever gave me an ice pack!!! The office needs to realize that patient care does not end when the person leaves the chair. This needs to be improved upon.

                BTW, when you go to Mexico, the culture concerning time is quite different than in the US. If you have a 9 a.m. appointment, that means 9 a.m. "or so" and it's probably not going to ruffle any feathers whatsoever if you come dragging in at 9:30 or 10. And don't ever be in a hurry, ever! I really like this aspect of Mexican culture, but unfortunately, if you have a plane to catch back in the US, the plane's not going to wait for you, so allow PLENTY of time!! :)

                One more thing before I end this note... Over the past 18 months, I have gradually noticed a positive upward health spiral. I've had an increase in my energy level. I also do not get the devastating headaches that used to plague me once or twice a month. Keep in mind that I am in perimenopause, which could have been a factor with the headaches. Also, I still liver flush (the mild Dr. Schulze kind) and I use coffee enemas regularly. I just feel so much better physically when I am using the coffee enema. It helps to keep my liver and gallbladder cleaned out, and I now have less GB pain (mostly non-existent) than I have had for many years. My vocal range and stamina has improved. My hay fever is less. I have a better overall outlook on life. I hate to leave you all on a negative note, but this is a symptom that needs to be commented on: my ears still ring (tinnitus). I'll have to keep you posted on this one.

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            • Re: Dr Morales   by  #43012     19 y     2,120
          • appts with Dr. Morales   by  #42426     19 y     2,620
      • New website. Dr. Morales   by  Dr. Morales     19 y     2,656

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