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Quantum Intelligensia
by munificent

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  • Lsd-Soul Medicine?   by  munificent     18 y     3,421       5 Messages Shown       Blog: Quantum Intelligensia
    Nearly 100, LSD's Father Ponders His 'Problem Child'

    Published: January 7, 2006
    BURG, Switzerland

    Marc Latzel/Lookat
    "LSD spoke to me. He came to me and said, 'You must find me.' He told me, 'Don’t give me to the pharmacologist.'"
    ALBERT Hofmann, the father of LSD, walked slowly across the small corner office of his modernist home on a grassy Alpine hilltop here, hoping to show a visitor the vista that sweeps before him on clear days. But outside there was only a white blanket of fog hanging just beyond the crest of the hill. He picked up a photograph of the view on his desk instead, left there perhaps to convince visitors of what really lies beyond the windowpane.

    Mr. Hofmann will turn 100 on Wednesday, a milestone to be marked by a symposium in nearby Basel on the chemical compound that he discovered and that famously unlocked the Blakean doors of perception, altering consciousnesses around the world. As the years accumulate behind him, Mr. Hofmann's conversation turns ever more insistently around one theme: man's oneness with nature and the dangers of an increasing inattention to that fact.

    "It's very, very dangerous to lose contact with living nature," he said, listing to the right in a green armchair that looked out over frost-dusted fields and snow-laced trees. A glass pitcher held a bouquet of roses on the coffee table before him. "In the big cities, there are people who have never seen living nature, all things are products of humans," he said. "The bigger the town, the less they see and understand nature." And, yes, he said, LSD, which he calls his "problem child," could help reconnect people to the universe.

    Rounding a century, Mr. Hofmann is physically reduced but mentally clear. He is prone to digressions, ambling with pleasure through memories of his boyhood, but his bright eyes flash with the recollection of a mystical experience he had on a forest path more than 90 years ago in the hills above Baden, Switzerland. The experience left him longing for a similar glimpse of what he calls "a miraculous, powerful, unfathomable reality."

    "I was completely astonished by the beauty of nature," he said, laying a slightly gnarled finger alongside his nose, his longish white hair swept back from his temples and the crown of his head. He said any natural scientist who was not a mystic was not a real natural scientist. "Outside is pure energy and colorless substance," he said. "All of the rest happens through the mechanism of our senses. Our eyes see just a small fraction of the light in the world. It is a trick to make a colored world, which does not exist outside of human beings."

    He became particularly fascinated by the mechanisms through which plants turn sunlight into the building blocks for our own bodies. "Everything comes from the sun via the plant kingdom," he said.

    MR. HOFMANN studied chemistry and took a job with the Swiss pharmaceutical company Sandoz Laboratories, because it had started a program to identify and synthesize the active compounds of medically important plants. He soon began work on the poisonous ergot fungus that grows in grains of rye. Midwives had used it for centuries to precipitate childbirths, but chemists had never succeeded in isolating the chemical that produced the pharmacological effect. Finally, chemists in the United States identified the active component as lysergic acid, and Mr. Hofmann began combining other molecules with the unstable chemical in search of pharmacologically useful compounds.

    His work on ergot produced several important drugs, including a compound still in use to prevent hemorrhaging after childbirth. But it was the 25th compound that he synthesized, lysergic acid diethylamide, that was to have the greatest impact. When he first created it in 1938, the drug yielded no significant pharmacological results. But when his work on ergot was completed, he decided to go back to LSD-25, hoping that improved tests could detect the stimulating effect on the body's circulatory system that he had expected from it. It was as he was synthesizing the drug on a Friday afternoon in April 1943 that he first experienced the altered state of consciousness for which it became famous. "Immediately, I recognized it as the same experience I had had as a child," he said. "I didn't know what caused it, but I knew that it was important."

    When he returned to his lab the next Monday, he tried to identify the source of his experience, believing first that it had come from the fumes of a chloroform-like solvent he had been using. Inhaling the fumes produced no effect, though, and he realized he must have somehow ingested a trace of LSD. "LSD spoke to me," Mr. Hofmann said with an amused, animated smile. "He came to me and said, 'You must find me.' He told me, 'Don't give me to the pharmacologist, he won't find anything.' "

    HE experimented with the drug, taking a dose so small that even the most active toxin known at that time would have had little or no effect. The result with LSD, however, was a powerful experience, during which he rode his bicycle home, accompanied by an assistant. That day, April 19, later became memorialized by LSD enthusiasts as "bicycle day."

    Mr. Hofmann participated in tests in a Sandoz laboratory, but found the experience frightening and realized that the drug should be used only under carefully controlled circumstances. In 1951, he wrote to the German novelist Ernst Junger, who had experimented with mescaline, and proposed that they take LSD together. They each took 0.05 milligrams of pure LSD at Mr. Hofmann's home accompanied by roses, music by Mozart and burning Japanese incense. "That was the first planned psychedelic test," Mr. Hofmann said.

    He took the drug dozens of times after that, he said, and once experienced what he called a "horror trip" when he was tired and Mr. Junger gave him amphetamines first. But his hallucinogenic days are long behind him.

    "I know LSD; I don't need to take it anymore," Mr. Hofmann said. "Maybe when I die, like Aldous Huxley," who asked his wife for an injection of LSD to help him through the final painful throes of his fatal throat cancer.

    But Mr. Hofmann calls LSD "medicine for the soul" and is frustrated by the worldwide prohibition that has pushed it underground. "It was used very successfully for 10 years in psychoanalysis," he said, adding that the drug was hijacked by the youth movement of the 1960's and then demonized by the establishment that the movement opposed. He said LSD could be dangerous and called its distribution by Timothy Leary and others "a crime."

    "It should be a controlled substance with the same status as morphine," he said.

    Mr. Hofmann lives with his wife in the house they built 38 years ago. He raised four children and watched one son struggle with alcoholism before dying at 53. He has eight grandchildren and six great-grandchildren. As far as he knows, no one in his family besides his wife has tried LSD.

    Mr. Hofmann rose, slightly stooped and now barely reaching five feet, and walked through his house with his arm-support cane. When asked if the drug had deepened his understanding of death, he appeared mildly startled and said no. "I go back to where I came from, to where I was before I was born, that's all," he said.

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    This is NOT me. This is just randomly assigned avatar, until I upload my own photo. Click here to see my profile.
    • Fundamental Misunderstanding   R   by  #43216     18 y     1,701
      WARNING: Extremely long post. Only read if...............

      Drugs are no means of genuine spirituality. Why? Because "experience" is not spirituality. Just as the body and the material realm are "external", so too are the astral and soul realms. Those realms are fundamentally the same "thing", only at different levels of vibration. Just like ice, water, and steam. Ice is just more manifest than water and steam, more dense and more "material". Water is more material than steam. But fundamentally, all 3 are the same "thing"...

      At the most, drugs should only be experimented with briefly, as they can show that there is more depth to the mind than most people think. Once that is seen, they should be dropped completely. Even then, it would still be best to never bother with them in the first place. They can temporarily "awaken" you to astral and soul realms, or deeper depths of the mind, but becoming aware of those things is not "spirituality". All it is is learning more about the external "world" in which we function.

      A very common misconception that people have is that psychic phenomenon or "visions" or whatever, equate to spirituality. This is not so. All of those things are only external experience. They exist only in the ever-changing realm of the "non-me". ALL experience is a constantly changing movie on a screen. That is the "non-me". The "me" is the watcher of the screen.

      This is a problem many people run into with various meditation practices and yoga, especially kundalini yoga. Why especially kundalini? All of these practices can lead to psychic phenomenon as a result of "feeding" various centers through concentration, but kundalini yoga is more especially prone to (even designed to) open mass amounts of psychic energies. Yes, this might be an opening to "what we're really capable of", to energies and abilities that most people aren't aware we have ... but the thing is, people equate this opening of psychic phenomenon with "spirituality". This is a huge stumbling block as far as the path to REAL spirituality goes. Getting caught up in these things only delays the realization of the real "me". This is why many genuine gurus/enlightened people are very adamant about not bothering with psychic powers and experiences, to just discard them and not pay much attention to them.

      None of those experiences are necessary for genuine spirituality. What do I call genuine spirituality? The cultivation of that pure awareness that leads to the direct realization of itself. The process of getting disentangled with the ever-changing, external, "non-me". Everything you need is already here, right now. The only tool that is needed is *YOU*. It makes no difference whether you're functioning on a material, astral or soul realm. There are countless beings in all the realms, there are Gods and deities that are no more "enlightened" than humans. That is proof enough that those realms do not equate to "spirituality". To become "enlightened" (I hate even saying that word), you do not need "spiritual experiences" or psychic powers or any of that nonsense. To become enlightened is simply to see and remember the witness of all experience. In every experience, whether it's of a material, psychic, or soul nature, if you look closely enough... very closely... you will see that the experience is separate from "me". There is the phenomenon of experience, and then there is the pure undisturbed witness that makes the awareness of that experience possible. The witness is forever uninvolved in the experience, and that witness is the eternal "me".

      Real spirituality is the rememberance of that "me" in all experience. No deeply profound spiritual insight is necessary. People think "enlightenment" is something big and amazing and huge... but that's just the ego's fantasy. It's really not big. It's the most simple thing in the world, and it can be realized through the most simple experiences. While eating, reading, bathing, taking a dump, looking at a flower, picking your nose... whatever. Infact those simple experiences are far better for practicing awareness than "big" so-called spiritual experiences are. The simple things are far less distracting, far less overwhelming. When it's simple and quiet you can better differentiate between "me" and "not me".

      Whether eating quietly or seeing grand visions of other realms, both are only external experience. Both exist "out there". One is just a lot more distracting than the other.

      Here is a simple technique, the only technique that is needed for spirituality. It will not lead to great "spiritual experiences". It will only lead straight to YOU.

      First, the understanding: the seer is never the seen. The witness is never the witnessed. If it is seen or observed, know that it is in the realm of "not me".

      Second, the application: Go through all experience, all phenomenon, all thought, all attachment, applying this "not me" to it. This is a process of dis-identification, of disentanglement. This pulls you out of all the clutter and puts you into yourself. See *ALL* experience as "out there" in the external. None of it is the pure "me"

      But it will be hard at first, due to the veil of delusion and attachment. Start first with the most external, and then progress in stages deeper and deeper. Start with things external to the body. Your cars, money, relationships with other people, clothes, home, food, etc. See them as "not me" and become unattached. Also see analyze the concept of ownership -- it is only an idea that the ego places on things. "This is mine" is a false concept, and only leads to attachment to external things. Hold an orange in your hand, and ponder... "How can this be mine? It is over there, completely separate from me. It is obviously not ME. It is only sitting there in my hand."

      Once you're free from strong attachment to external "things", move on to the body. Use the same process. Observe and analyze the body intently. Search every nook and cranny in the body for "me". Can you find it anywhere? Ask yourself "Where am I?" and then search. Start with the fingers, the toes, move to the limbs, the lower abdomen, the upper chest, the neck, and finally the head. The head is where most people feel the "me" is, only because western culture is so focused on thinking and intellectualizing. But just look and see for yourself. Feel. If I can feel and experience the head, where am I? This leads to the next stage: the mind. Thought. Astral and psychic phenomenon. Go through the same process with these things, always moving deeper and deeper, to the core of the ego, the whole feeling of individuality. Always searching for the "me", and always remembering that if it can be observed, it is not "me".

      This can be practiced at any time, in any circumstance. As I said, the only tool needed is "you". This will bring you home. This is the real "Soul Medicine"


      Reply   FCK   TinyMCE  
      • James, You're in the neighborhood again!   by  9thbody     18 y     1,668
        But as to your rendition, Kundalini does open one to our true energetic nature...This is true, I on the other had have had Self Realization as my meditative soul practice..Do you know of Parmahansa Yogananda?

        Here's the problem with your debate, you have no first hand experience with the kundalini yoga you speak of.

        How do I know, easy, your interpertations...and I know you to be, if not longwinded, very clear when you have experience...but James you are so in your head that it is you give cerebral experience to even feelings. Your opinions are well thought out, but they lack the experiential nature that is the connection with the soul to the ovasoul- which requires energy.
        You're a bright guy but... But Here goes: All ** are my experiences**

        by Quinthius

        Subject: Fundamental Misunderstanding
        From: Quinthius < Send email to Quinthius > | All Quinthius's Messages |
        Date: 1/9/2006 1:16:36 PM ( 4 min æ ago ) ...

        WARNING: Extremely long post. Only read if...............

        Drugs are no means of genuine spirituality. Why? Because "experience" is not spirituality.

        **Yes one must experience soul to have an interest in pursuing spirituality- the soul is of experiential nature-this is why we incarnate on this plane -the lure and pull of the experiencial...the soul unfolds as an experience.**

        Just as the body and the material realm are "external", so too are the astral and soul realms.

        *All is inside no one goes anywhere externally this is the misnomer of an uninitiated***
        Those realms are fundamentally the same "thing", only at different levels of vibration. Just like ice, water, and steam. Ice is just more manifest than water and steam, more dense and more "material". Water is more material than steam. But fundamentally, all 3 are the same "thing"...

        **There is truth in the statement if it stood by itself but, poor example or a nonsequitur for your subject***

        At the most, drugs should only be experimented with briefly, as they can show that there is more depth to the mind than most people think. (*Who are these people you keep referring to?*)

        * I am in agreement- exposing the already existing *

        Once that is seen, they should be dropped completely. Even then, it would still be best to never bother with them in the first place. They can temporarily "awaken" you to astral and soul realms, or deeper depths of the mind, but becoming aware of those things is not "spirituality".

        *** To each is own- read Rajneesh and Osho (same guy different periods of teachings- in the end he "had no name") Some believe that we must ride all seductions of the flesh out to the extent we need to rid ourselves of the attachment-do as much as you want as long as you want, so one will not reincarnate to have that experience again. There is a whole bank of literature on sense pleasures, sex, food, drugs, that hook us to reincarnate...and a belief that restraining our addictive nature is one of the reasons we are "lured" back or "attached to"****

        All it is is learning more about the external "world" in which we function.

        *** Nope, all is internal you only view it as external- ***

        A very common misconception (**Whose common misconception?**) that people have is that psychic phenomenon or "visions" or whatever, equate to spirituality. This is not so. All of those things are only external experience. They exist only in the ever-changing realm of the "non-me". ALL experience is a constantly changing movie on a screen. That is the "non-me". The "me" is the watcher of the screen.

        *** All is inside-no outside***

        This is a problem many people run into with various meditation practices and yoga, especially kundalini yoga.

        ***Try it for 6 months- you will come back with experience ~ please this is not said flippantly, then we'll talk***

        Why especially kundalini? All of these practices can lead to psychic phenomenon as a result of "feeding" various centers through concentration, but kundalini yoga is more especially prone to (even designed to) open mass amounts of psychic energies. Yes, this might be an opening to "what we're really capable of", to energies and abilities that most people aren't aware we have ... but the thing is,

        "people equate this opening of psychic phenomenon with "spirituality"."

        *** How do you know this, you have a penchant for the soap box my friend, how do you know this? You make all sorts of statements "about people's misconceptions" that are finally just your opinion and not my experience at all...***

        This is a huge stumbling block as far as the path to REAL spirituality goes. Getting caught up in these things only delays the realization of the real "me". This is why many genuine gurus/enlightened people are very adamant about not bothering with psychic powers and experiences, to just discard them and not pay much attention to them. Your opinion

        *** all can heal immediately this is one of the powers of this energy you call psychic energy- all in the world can be used for selfish purposes or service- and truly James this is a fleeting judgement- the key is to LIVE you life, and if you are truly living you can stop the analysis and experience it. So here is my question, why are you afraid to experience life force. Gurus warn of the fun and games of energetic power becuase it has a tendency to entertain the ego and distract, --How do they know this? Because they have all been through that stage before moving through it***

        None of those experiences are necessary for genuine spirituality.

        ***An Opinion- you do not know nor can you judge anothers path...***

        **I'd bet you are incorrect, but each has their own path- so Here's my *opinion*...But here's the giveaway- it is mentioned often and it is mentioned often because we have experienced it~ It is a gatekeeper so to speak a place to move through-many remained stuck but most move on because it loses it's sexiness in comparison with other callings"***

        Again your opinion and the one perfect for you in the now, the downfall is to get so attached to your opinions that no shifts can be experienced- and James there will be several more for you*

        The cultivation of that pure awareness that leads to the direct realization of itself. The process of getting disentangled with the ever-changing, external, "non-me". Everything you need is already here, right now. The only tool that is needed is *YOU*. It makes no difference whether you're functioning on a material, astral or soul realm. There are countless beings in all the realms, there are Gods and deities that are no more "enlightened" than humans.

        *** in potentiality this is true..but are we using our potentiality to become healed, and whole- are we becoming? Are we soapboxing or practicinng?***

        That is proof enough that those realms do not equate to "spirituality". To become "enlightened"
        (I hate even saying that word- )
        *my advice give it up hate is spiritually damaging!*;>}

        you do not need "spiritual experiences" or psychic powers or any of that nonsense. To become enlightened is simply to see and remember the witness of all experience. In every experience, whether it's of a material, psychic, or soul nature, if you look closely enough... very closely... you will see that the experience is separate from "me".

        Big Point here:!!!!
        ***Yes you do, it is the pure essence of who you are- if you can unattach all these endless opinions that are you now, and you will experience something*** The soul is experiential***

        There is the phenomenon of experience, and then there is the pure undisturbed witness that makes the awareness of that experience possible. The witness is forever uninvolved in the experience, and that witness is the eternal "me".

        Real spirituality is the rememberance of that "me" in all experience. No deeply profound spiritual insight is necessary. People think "enlightenment" is something big and amazing and huge... but that's just the ego's fantasy. It's really not big. It's the most simple thing in the world, and it can be realized through the most simple experiences. While eating, reading, bathing, taking a dump, looking at a flower, picking your nose... whatever. Infact those simple experiences are far better for practicing awareness than "big" so-called spiritual experiences are.

        *** really the same thing, huh?*** All will happen as it happens***

        The simple things are far less distracting, far less overwhelming. When it's simple and quiet you can better differentiate between "me" and "not me".

        ***All is One, no differentiation between***

        Whether eating quietly or seeing grand visions of other realms, both are only external experience. Both exist "out there". One is just a lot more distracting than the other.

        Here is a simple technique, the only technique that is needed for spirituality. It will not lead to great "spiritual experiences". It will only lead straight to YOU.

        First, the understanding: the seer is never the seen. The witness is never the witnessed. If it is seen or observed, know that it is in the realm of "not me".

        * So if it is observed is not me- all is one- you have had OBE and this is your basis for this differentiation? None exists*****

        Second, the application: Go through all experience, all phenomenon, all thought, all attachment, applying this "not me" to it. This is a process of dis-identification, of disentanglement. This pulls you out of all the clutter and puts you into yourself. See *ALL* experience as "out there" in the external. None of it is the pure "me"

        ***There is the perception of external unless your vision of you is separateness. This is only the individuation of the whole to co-create (or have lusty sex, and drop tons of acid or eat a whoel fudge cake and then rub left over icing all over your body and have your lover-oh that another forum**** (Loosen up, James it is that narrow- your opinions may be-but not the truth of this incarnation)

        But it will be hard at first,***pfft***due to the veil of delusion and attachment. Start first with the most external, and then progress in stages deeper and deeper. Start with things external to the body. Your cars, money, relationships with other people, clothes, home, food, etc. See them as "not me" and become unattached.

        *** all is you if you are seeing it or feeling it, it cannot come from anywhere else in the form you describe- if you are pure spirit you have trancended through the energetic vibration and you will see your whole creation of thought, feeling, as your beautifulness***

        Also see *analyze* the *concept* of ownership -- it is only an idea that the ego places on things. "This is mine" is a false concept, and only leads to attachment to external things. Hold an orange in your hand, and ponder... "How can this be mine? It is over there, completely separate from me. It is obviously not ME. It is only sitting there in my hand."

        *** OUT, OUT OUT of that head, NOW!***

        Once you're free from strong attachment to external "things"

        *** and instructions to others? Take your advice and use it where it belongs-as part of you***

        , move on to the body. Use the same process. Observe and analyze the body intently. Search every nook and cranny in the body for "me". Can you find it anywhere? Ask yourself "Where am I?" and then search. Start with the fingers, the toes, move to the limbs, the lower abdomen, the upper chest, the neck, and ***finally the head.

        The head is where most people feel the "me" is, No James this is where you feel "me" is*****Most feel it in their chest..this is my experience****

        only because western culture is so focused on thinking and intellectualizing *hmmmm*). But just look and see for yourself. Feel. If I can feel and experience the head, where am I? This leads to the next stage: the mind. Thought. Astral and psychic phenomenon. Go through the same process with these things, always moving deeper and deeper, to the core of the ego, the whole feeling of individuality. Always searching for the "me", and always remembering that if it can be observed, it is not "me".

        ****You have fallen prey to your own logic!! feelings are the answer, - look at your choice of words...****

        This can be practiced at any time, in any circumstance. As I said, the only tool needed is "you". This will bring you home. This is the real "Soul Medicine"-

        ***NO soul medicine is to get into your heart and outta that head***

        James I was not suggesting LSD was soul medicine (although I did enjoy it 3 decades ago) It was a quote from the article.

        ***Thanks for all the time you put into this, you have some decent points but you often disagree with your own principles and you have a way of treating your opinions as fact***And truly you give way too many directions to others-they are here for their own experience not to have yours,?****



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        This is NOT me. This is just randomly assigned avatar, until I upload my own photo. Click here to see my profile.
        • Re: James, You're in the neighborhood again!   by  #43216     18 y     1,764
          The world is full of paradox, isn't it?

          "Everything is me" and "Everything is not me" are only techniques. They dissolve the ego, the sense of individuality, and lead to a deeper truth. The technique itself is not the truth.

          If "ultimate truth" could be expressed so easily through words and concepts such as "I am all", then everyone would have already reached it. But it can't be given to people so easily. Only maps can be given ... techniques. It's up to each individual to actually follow the map and reach the end for themselves.

          "Everything is me" and "Nothing is me" are positive and negative poles, and practicing either one will lead to the same ultimate realization. Both lead to nonduality, absolution, dissolution of ego. Neither is "better", neither is "more true". "Everything is me" is just more popular, but I talk about "Nothing is me" because this is the technique I am deeply familiar with. I know it very intimately, and I can speak about it with absolute confidence and "knowledge" of the various phases that one will go through while practicing it. It's not an "opinion". I'm not attached to it. It's just the method I KNOW.... from experience (haha....) Why get attached to a map? Just use it for its intended purpose. How well do you know your own map? Are you following it without becoming attached, or is it just something you "believe"?

          It sure does look like I'm too much "in the head", doesn't it? This is just my most potent tool currently. But it is just that -- a tool. I manipulate it in this world, but I am not it. I am not "stuck" in it as you think. But from your vantage point, you only see these things coming from a particular form ("my" intellect, in this case), and misinterpret that form itself as being the source. But it is not the source... it is only a chosen form that I am expressing through.

          Am I saying that experience is useless? No, absolutely not. Experience is a necessary contrast. How can you know the gap between sounds without the sound? The sound provides the contrast. Similarily, experience provides the necessary contrast in order to see the "gap" that is you. My only point is for people not to get so caught up in the experience, because then they miss the point.

          A boat is needed to cross a river, but if you get attached to the boat you miss the original point of simply crossing the river.

          As for "internal" vs "external", both are only relative concepts. Again, neither is "truth", they are only different concepts that suit different styles of minds. The point in me saying all of "this" is "external", is to create the sense of separation/detachment. What is the point in this detachment? To create a gap. To take a step back from the "screen" and realize that you are not the screen. To become disentangled with all the entrapments of the world. To become unattached from the body, the mind, the ego, the "soul", etc. etc. etc.

          Whether all of this really is "me" or not, makes absolutely no difference. The crucial point lies in attachment and awareness.

          Yes, all experience, all of the whole universe, is an extension of "me" -- of God -- of the Self. But it is only a manifestation, not the core source. You can look at your arms and legs as "extensions" of the "core" organs of the body (heart, lungs, brain, stomach). You can lose a finger, or even a whole limb, and still the core will remain functional. This shows that the core is not DEPENDANT on the extension. The extension is not a fundamental necessity of the core. However, if the core is lost, the extension dies as well.

          Similarily, all of Creation is an extension, or a manifestation of "God", or of "me"... whatever word you want to use. All experience comes out of "me", and it is deeply connected to me. BUT, just because it comes from me, does not mean that it IS me as my pure self. Somewhere in there, "I" am separate from the Creation, even though the Creation is a deeply integrated extension pouring out from me.

          Ultimately, "everything is me" and "nothing is me" are also true, as should be obvious from what I just explained. Everything is me because I am the source of it all. But, everything is also not me, because I am not dependant on that Creation, that manifestation. If it fades away, I still remain.

          Stop getting so caught up in words. These are only a chosen form of expression. Look between the words and find the meat. Don't fall prey to "believing" in these various techniques. Believing in them leads nowhere. Instead, just DO them, follow them, find the end of your map and then throw it away.

          Reply   FCK   TinyMCE  
          • I'm a vegetarian- no meat here   by  9thbody     18 y     1,693
            It all boils down to one thing

            Everyone has their own experience and to "think" for others or even deign to know what is and is not- well...

            is not a spiritual path no matter how you instruct- soapboxes are your way of getting clear with you- not others.

            You do not have the control you imagine or dictate-It is can get into your heart..and off the soapbox

            They are only opinions James- yours are usually more coherent than many others here- but generally Curezone has a lot of people trying to do others thinking for them..this is far more dangerous than experiential spirituality- In fact...

            It is OK to live James,

            And as far as taking on others ...don't you enough to manage in your own life?
            Reply   FCK   TinyMCE  
            This is NOT me. This is just randomly assigned avatar, until I upload my own photo. Click here to see my profile.
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