- Non-FDA approved by munificent
19 y
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Blog: Quantum Intelligensia
Congress is considering amending current laws restricting our access to critical medical treatments - a change that will help save lives.
The law is called the Access to Medical Treatment Act (ATMA), and it gives Americans access to therapies and treatments already being used safely and effectively in other countries, but which are not available here because the FDA has not approved them.
Urge Congress to act swiftly to pass the Access to Medical Treatment Act: http://go.care2.com/e/HlV/d9/Eb3z
The FDA drug approval process is lengthy, expensive, and can take over a decade to complete. People with critical conditions do not have the time to wait that long. And many companies have developed treatments that have been researched, approved and used safely in other countries, but are financially unable to undergo the process for FDA approval. The AMTA gives patients, in need of these life-saving treatments, access to what could save their life.
The AMTA would also allow doctors to prescribe the treatments they feel are most beneficial to their patients. Doctors using alternatives in medicine, nutritionists, naturopaths and others will be free to use the therapies to prevent disease without being harassed, censured or subject to recrimination.
People should have the right to choose their medical treatment, and doctors should be able to prescribe treatments that save lives. Sign our petition and urge your Representative to pass the Access to Medical Treatment Act.
- Access to Medical Treatment Act by sledgehammer
19 y
Before one signs up for support , one needs to read the actual bill or proposal. If the senate and/or the house supports this , there might be wording that would give control to Big Pharma. In my experience , congress , FDA , USDA are bought and paid for by Big Pharma and Oil , and if they don't fight this , then there will be wording so they will be allowed to benefit , by manditory prescription for access , or you'll have to use one of their facilities (they would control costs). Don't get me wrong , I'm all for access to alternative health , herbs ,and alternative therapies , it's just I'm suspicous of any good deeds by congress "for the good of the people" , which translates to -what makes us money or gives us more control-