- What is Consciousness, and Does it Arise from Electromagnetic Radiation? by FlyingSwan
16 y
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Blog: Journey into the Self - HealerGeorge
The drawback of studying Physics to get at human consciousness is that scientists who write about Physics are trained to look at one event separately instead of seeing the Whole. Human consciousness is so complex and multi-layered that you cannot really get the full picture from physics, or science in general.
It is your own experience of Being and allowing the awareness to relax and expand into the many different dimensions that will get you to an understanding of human consciousness. If you focus on the EEG output, you miss the chemical changes that took place; or if you focus on the chemicals, you miss the changes that took place within the memory crystals within the water of the body.
If you focus on the EEG output, you miss the depth of Consciousness, which goes down the layers from the physical body into the light body and the colour spectrums which exist there. However, you can make the connection to your God Consciousness (the awareness of your nature as God) when you transcend down through the Zero-Point Field to the other side of the veil and beyond into your essence.
This is why I was saying, We Are All One. Everything in the Universe is made of Energy vibrating at different frequencies and acting on combinations of basic elements; it is all connected on many different levels and in many different dimensions.
I cannot see a way for Physics or its related sciences of Biology, Physiology or Neurology to come up with the answers about the nature of human consciousness. It is our own experiences – as we turn our own human consciousness back onto the Self and look deeply at all the nuances of vibration, light, water, and matter which exist in all the various layers of the body – that bring Us to an understanding.
Then one can go beyond into one's light body and through The Zero Point Field, into one's Essence and beyond, in a conscious way, taking oneself out of the physical into the Essence of who one is; one then realizes one's true nature of Being One with the Whole Omni-Verse.
The nature of the Human experience is that we are all individuals; we all have different life experiences to base our knowledge on. We have all realized different aspects of our Self. This is the Divine Dichotomy of the relationship of the individual Part to the Whole and the fact that we are all experiencing different stages of evolution.
That said, I am a firm believer in group consciousness – that, when one of Us gains an aspect of knowledge, it simultaneously becomes available to the whole of Us through intuition or one basic evolutionary programme at DNA level, or gets written in the Akashic Records which are accessible to all; remember, it is all happening in the one eternal moment of Now.
When you are both the Whole and the Part, time and space can get very confusing. But, if you can transcend your Being to a ball of light and notice that you are beyond the bounds of time and space, you get a whole new perspective on life.
I am not basing what I am saying on scientific research, or quoting different experiments. Although these certainly have their uses, they can only give one a fragmented view of life, which is the opposite of the Wholeness and the experience of Being One with everything.
Just a few seconds of the experience (I mean a few seconds of your earth life, but not of the experience itself, which takes place in the Timeless), can change your perspective on Life forever. Consciousness is refining and getting more integrated. Humans are now thinking in terms of layers of matter and energy, which are beyond current physical capabilities to measure or monitor.
The human Being's experience of its Spiritual nature goes beyond science and into the realms of Being. Each of Us has the potential to realize our true nature and experience our Self in our Conscious Awareness that We Are All One.
- Re: What is Consciousness, and Does it Arise from Electromagnetic Radiat... by socrat
16 y
The Origin of Consciousness.
Descartes said: "I think , therefore I am"
Buddhist monk says "I think not, therefore I am"
Consciousness is real but nonphyslcal.
Consciousness is connected to physical reality .
There are many theories explaining the origin of consciousness.
Here some of them.
"God" "blowing" "consciousness" "into man"
"whom he created from clay"
20 billions years ago all matter (all elementary particles,
all quarks and their girlfriend antiquarks, all kinds of waves:
electromagnetic, gravitational, muons….) –
all was assembled in “singular point”.
Then there was a Big Bang .
Question: when was there consciousness?
a) Before explosion,
b) At the moment of explosion,
c) After the explosion.
It is more probable, that it existed after the explosion.
Then there is a question: what particles (or waves)
were carriers of consciousness?
Mesons, muons, leptons, bosons (W+, W- , Z) ,
quarks, …gluons field ….. ets …?
On this question the Big Bang theory does not give an answer.
But can it be that consciousness was formed as a result
of the interaction of all elementary particles, all waves, all fields?
Then, on the one hand, the reason for the origin of the Big Bang is clear:
everything was mixed, including consciousness, and when it is mixed
then it is possible to construct all and everything.
But on the other hand, it is not clear:
why farmer John can think simply, clearly and logically.
3) Ancient Indian Veda approve, that origination of consciousness
is connected with the existence of spiritual, conscious particles – purusha .
4) Modern physics affirms that the Quantum of light
is a privileged particle as in one cases,
it behave as a particle, and in other case, acts in a way which causes a wave.
How is a particle capable of creating a wave?
The behaviour of Light quanta (dualism ) is explained simply.
A quantum of light has its own initial consciousness.
This consciousness is not rigid, but develops.
The development of consciousness goes
“from vague wish up to a clear thought”.
The man acts:
1) usually under logic program,
2) sometimes on intuition (unconsciousnessly).
Our computer-brain works on a dualistic basis.
In a usual daily life all we do is done logically,
under an influence of our feelings.
On the other hand, in intuition we act:
a) Without the participation of the sense organs.
b) Without the participation of the logic mental processes.
- Re: What is Consciousness, and Does it Arise from Electromagnetic Radiat... by Dr Drumright
16 y
Thank you for making contact with me via selfgrowth.com.
I really like your post, but would like to offer a variance.
Each time you mention "matter" in the post, I think you are referring to 3rd dimensional energy organized by 5th deminsional information. As the information from the 5th demension gurgles through the 4th demension it coagulates the 3rd deminsion into what we heretofore have called matter. In my understanding "matter" does not exists as a separate intity.
A consciousness being is an unique energy source that creates electromagnetic radiation in the local 3rd and 4th deminsional universe like a boat leaves a wake in the water.
Dr Drumright