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Detail Click Statistics for 6 Day(s)
Start Date: '9/21/2024 11:27:10' ( 6 day(s) ago)
End Date: '9/27/2024 11:27:10' ( 0 day(s) ago)

# Text Ads Spot #51 Time Elapsed Clicks Total Count Visitors
Clicks per month Visitors per Month
Visitors per Month
Clicks per day Visitors per Day
Visitors per Day
Time Elapsed since last click Clicks per hour Clicks per week Clicks per year

Σ Total Spot 51

6 days12810680640530400211813 0.91497,787
1Cure Bad Breath!
Herbal cure for bad breath
6 days222101010000 61 h0.012122
2Lose Weight Naturally
With a 9 day detox
6 days000000000 7 days0.0000
3Cleanse the Liver
with a natural herbal detox
6 days655302525111 24 h0.047365
4Cleanse the Colon
Organic colon cleanse kit. Complete!
6 days111555000 5 days0.01161
Regenerate your digestive system and organs. Speed up your metabolism by detoxing with the Bio Cleanse Organic Detox Kit.
6 days665303025111 19 h0.047365
69 Day Juice Fast Kit
Juice fast without hunger.
6 days111555000 52 h0.01161
7Lower Cholesterol
Cleanse the body of fat
6 days222101010000 4 h0.012122
8Remove Parasites and Worms
Get rid of the life suckers!
6 days555252525111 56 h0.036304
9Constipation Cure
Solve the root cause of constipation. Full herbal program.
6 days555252525111 4 h0.036304
10Remove Mucoid Plaque
Remove the black gunk now with organic herbs and clay.
6 days543252015111 33 h0.036304
119 Day Fasting Program
Complete with herbs and clay to eliminate hunger and cleansing reactions.
6 days442202010110 52 h0.035243
12Heavy Metal Detox Kit
Removes heavy metals from the body
6 days444202020111 4 h0.035243
13Cleanse the Liver in 9 Days
Feel great again!
6 days666303030111 13 h0.047365
14Heal Gut Dysbiosis
Remove the gunk and repopulate with probiotics.
6 days111555000 6 days0.01161
15Feel Vibrant Again!
My skin glows with youth!
6 days333151515111 11 h0.024183
16Natural Weight Loss
Remove toxins from the body, restore digestive function, lose weight and keep it off.
6 days444202020111 41 h0.035243
17Mercury Detox
Dental work and fillings, not a problem.
6 days000000000 7 days0.0000
18Juice Fasting Made Easy
Organic 9 day juice fasting kit. Heals the body, removes toxins.
6 days222101010000 61 h0.012122
19The Bio Cleanse
Complete detox kit for removing toxins, heavy metals, parasites and mucoid plaque.
6 days555252525111 11 h0.036304
20Candida Detox
Mucoid plaque = Parasites = Candida
Remove them all!
6 days161313806565322 21 h0.1119973
21Organic Detoxification Program
Cleanse your body of toxins and wastes. Feel vibrant and youthful again!
6 days444202020111 61 h0.035243
22Organic Colon Cleanse
Get the waste out, feel free and light.
6 days444202020111 4 h0.035243
23Herbal Colonic Program
Cleanse your entire digestive system.
6 days644302020111 31 h0.047365
24Feel Like The Wind!
Be light and breezy now!
6 days000000000 7 days0.0000
25The Easier Way to Juice Fast
Reduces cleansing reactions and hunger.
6 days111555000 61 h0.01161
26Organic Herbal Detox Kit
9 Days complete detox. 40% off with coupon ’40off123’
6 days000000000 6 days0.0000
27Bio Cleanse Detox Kit
”This program is probably one of the best on the market, especially for the price.”
6 days775353525111 12 h0.058426
28Bio Cleanse Detox Kit
”I have recommended it to family and friends already and am sure 2 of them are planning to do it soon.”
6 days777353535111 27 h0.058426
29Bio Cleanse Detox Kit
”The formula you guys have developed is so gentle, unique, and effective.”
6 days222101010000 11 h0.012122
30Bio Cleanse Detox Kit
”It seems so many people (including myself) are walking around with lbs of waste in them affecting their health and immunity...
6 days555252525111 61 h0.036304
31Bio Cleanse Detox Kit
”Great job, the clean-out worked a treat :)”
6 days444202020111 24 h0.035243
32Bio Cleanse Detox Kit
”I was surprised by the effectiveness of it, and I wasn’t hungry.”
6 days444202020111 12 h0.035243
33Bio Cleanse Detox Kit
”I tried juice fasting before but it was very hard. With this product it was much easier.”
6 days665303025111 23 h0.047365

Σ Total Spot 51

6 days12810680640530400211813 0.91497,787
  Slot 51 clicks as % of all clicks on all slots6 days26%29%34%26%29%34%26%29%34% 26%26%26%
  Total Clicks on all spots6 days4853612382,4251,8051,190816040 3.456629,504
      Total count of all clicks to this spot Total count of all unique visitors who clicked on any text ad on this spot Total count of all unique visitors who clicked on any text ad on this spot Average or estimated based on the total number of clicks (128) Average or estimated based on the total number of visitors by Cookie (106) Average based on the total number of visitors by IP (80) Average or estimated based on the total number of clicks (128) Average or estimated based on the total number of visitors by Cookie (106) Average or estimated based on the total number of visitors by IP (80)


Average or estimated based on the total number of clicks (128) Average or estimated based on the total number of clicks (128) Average or estimated based on the total number of clicks (128)
# Text Ads Spot #51 Time Elapsed Clicks Total Count Visitors
Clicks per month Visitors per Month
Visitors per Month
Clicks per day Visitors per Day
Visitors per Day
Time Elapsed since last click Clicks per hour Clicks per week Clicks per year

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What are those numbers?

Numbers listed on this page represent clicks counted, and visitors counted!

A single visitor may click more then once, and on more then one text ad.

Visitors are counted by the Unique Cookie and the Unique IP.

The number of clicks will always be larger then the number of visitors!

Discrepancy between clicks counted by Google Analytics and clicks listed on this page exist.

The main source of discrepancy in numbers is from the clicks created by different Search Engine spiders and other software robots.

Google Analytics excludes all clicks and all visitors recognized as Search Engine spiders and robots, while CureZone counters may not be able to exclude all robots excluded by google analytics.

The only way to get real numbers is by analyzing original server logs.

Another source of Discrepancy could be:  the target site or target web page is not online.
If a target site or target web page is not online, CureZone counter will still count each click on each link on CureZone .... but visitor who made that click will never reach the page if page is inaccessible due to not being online at that moment.


To find out the exact number of visitors to your website ... you will have to analyze the original server logs.
Every web server logs all visitors.  People who provide your website services should also provide detail statistics of all visitors.

If you owe your own web server, then you should be able to find those logs inside log folder.

There are many free programs out there that can be used for analyzing web server logs and giving reliable statistics.

On CureZone , we use:

Here are, for example, curezone stats generated monthly: