Find these Star-Fish / Spider-Like 8 legged Parasites in my skin scrapings regularly - Some have riibbon like tenacles - some round worm like tapered to point
Find these Star-Fish / Spider-Like 8 legged Parasites in my skin scrapings regularly - Some have riibbon like tenacles - some round worm like tapered to point. Ribbon like specimins often attached to dense fiber cocoons. Note also ova eggs in some photos - often found attached or in close proximity. These ALL came from skin, but last year, had what looked like IG parasites - used prazi/albendezole/Iver for 6 weeks til no more ova or worms/flukes showed in periodic stool samples - but the 8-tentacled ribbon like specimins also were found im stool samples in first week or two - EXACTLY THE SAME - have they "scattered?" Is it related to h. pylori (current research indicated h. pylori found in a high percentage of those with Late Stage Lyme Disease.
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