Looking for ID on these inside-the-skin parasites with 5-8 tentacles, and any ideas for eradicating the infestation
Taken at different times from lower epidermis, these specimens are nonetheless recurring, and sometimes (type in lower right photo) coincides with fiber clusters (will post photo showing one attached next). Has anyone else had an infection with this? My understanding is it is rare, but could be just rare to find one in whole condition.
NOTE that these are not all the same type - The top left was found removed one time last year. It looks the most like a spider with its oval core. The top right and lower left specimens are similar in having rounded tentacles with hollow or liquid filled core (note upper right has cut tentacle and shape/core viable). Uncommon but handful of times removed. Bottom right is common and type with its flat ribbon like structure that matches morgellons looking fiber bundles which I will post next.
NOTE that these are not all the same type - The top left was found removed one time last year. It looks the most like a spider with its oval core. The top right and lower left specimens are similar in having rounded tentacles with hollow or liquid filled core (note upper right has cut tentacle and shape/core viable). Uncommon but handful of times removed. Bottom right is common and type with its flat ribbon like structure that matches morgellons looking fiber bundles which I will post next.
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