This path will heal you if you follow it
Before CCWS, I was in stage 4 of systemic candida and I was dying.
Now, I know I will have a full recovery
I did 3 CCWS candida cleanses this year within 6 months. Prior to cleansing, I was borderline diabetic, 60 pounds overweight, and my hormones were “off.” I didn’t have my hormone levels tested this time, but they are improving. I still have leaky gut, but it is improving over time as well. I am on the GAPS diet, and will do another CCWS cleanse in 3 to 6 months from now.
My bloodwork, was drawn on December 9th. All of my levels are PERFECT. This is proof that CCWS does NOT harm you. I worked hard to detox my liver…. lots of water with ACV (Apple Cider Vinegar) or lemon, detox teas and activated charcoal.
I have also lost 50 pounds and have started running and doing crunches and push ups to get my body back. My body now looks 25 (except for a few wrinkles on my face) and I just turned 40.
Before CCWS, I was in stage 4 of systemic candida and I was dying. Now, I know I will have a full recovery.
I am still working hard to heal my gut. This path will heal you if you follow it. It is difficult at first to make all of the necessary changes, but over time, you get used to it and learn to enjoy it. I do not feel sorry for myself when others around consume breads and sugar. I feel sorry for them. I know how much better they would feel of they changed just their diet.
I hope 2018 finds you in a better place with your health. We are all on a great journey together. We will live long, happy, healthy lives and we will have many opportunities along the way to help others.
Now, I know I will have a full recovery
I did 3 CCWS candida cleanses this year within 6 months. Prior to cleansing, I was borderline diabetic, 60 pounds overweight, and my hormones were “off.” I didn’t have my hormone levels tested this time, but they are improving. I still have leaky gut, but it is improving over time as well. I am on the GAPS diet, and will do another CCWS cleanse in 3 to 6 months from now.
My bloodwork, was drawn on December 9th. All of my levels are PERFECT. This is proof that CCWS does NOT harm you. I worked hard to detox my liver…. lots of water with ACV (Apple Cider Vinegar) or lemon, detox teas and activated charcoal.
I have also lost 50 pounds and have started running and doing crunches and push ups to get my body back. My body now looks 25 (except for a few wrinkles on my face) and I just turned 40.
Before CCWS, I was in stage 4 of systemic candida and I was dying. Now, I know I will have a full recovery.
I am still working hard to heal my gut. This path will heal you if you follow it. It is difficult at first to make all of the necessary changes, but over time, you get used to it and learn to enjoy it. I do not feel sorry for myself when others around consume breads and sugar. I feel sorry for them. I know how much better they would feel of they changed just their diet.
I hope 2018 finds you in a better place with your health. We are all on a great journey together. We will live long, happy, healthy lives and we will have many opportunities along the way to help others.
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