Came from under a scab
I have traveled out of States many places in past 15yrs. 4 years ago I had horrible stomach pains for 2 weeks then instantly disappeared. For past year I feel movement under skin all over body. According to Doctors I am delusional. I have video of these moving and also another parasite that pinpricks my skin like a bee sting then the area swells couple days later and a purple triangular shape appears below skin. Hot water and borax powder soap I have had skin break open with with either 20plus these scary parasites that only live less than a minute or using tweezers I have gotten a hold of the tip of whitish and also clear .... worms?!?!?! They always break and disappear. Tip wiggled then stops. Past year every 2months I would feel pinpricks lose sleep then episodes would stop. Now it's constant pinprick over entire body. 1week I am anemic then 2weeks later I'm not. I weigh 145lbs though I should be 200lbs. I believe I have 2 Mabye 3 different kinds of parasites. I live in couintry and my 1dog always rolls in racoon, skunk or coyote poop. I am at my wits end. I have heard of parasites jumping. My Doctors see my face and because I never produce evidence as these turn to mush or look like flakles of dead skin by time i get to Doctor office. My white nlood count is vvery low. Thin brittle hair, sinuses runny. Eyes hurt. Muscle spasms. Plus I'm losing sleep from the movement. Doctor's claim it is nerves I'm feeling or allergies. I have plenty of pictures.
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