What are these parasites called?
Hi guys I see here people are experts on this stuff. I have been really constipated recently and I have always my whole life been more on the constipated side. I found these in a small amount of stool. Saw a string popping out of it and thought let’s see if this is actually a parasite and found all of these.
I need to know my next steps. I have also found liver flukes on different occasions.
What are these called and any recommendations of how to best get these out for good?
I have a Paragone cleanse kit and coffee enema kit.
I am also bipolar and I honestly think this is a part of it all
I need to know my next steps. I have also found liver flukes on different occasions.
What are these called and any recommendations of how to best get these out for good?
I have a Paragone cleanse kit and coffee enema kit.
I am also bipolar and I honestly think this is a part of it all
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