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Strand of my hair with creatures

Strand of my hair with creatures
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O P Forums Strand of my hair w creatures - This is a 450x pic of one strand of my hair with God-only-knows what is clinging to it. I plucked a single hair from my temple area of my head and put the microscope lense on top of the hair. At first, the creatures were not on the hair, but as I moved the hair over the top of them, they "leaped" onto the hair and and held on. I watched for an hour or so and it appeared to me as if the creature on the far left with the pointy "ears" and "nose" (the one that kind of looks like a stick figure) was the "parent". The long worm-looking creature seemed terrified and had flung itself around the "parent's" neck and had one "arm" around the hair, holding on. Also, it's hard to make out in the pic, but there is what appeared to be a "baby/larva", crawling at the foot of the "parent" and looking up to see what was going on. The "parent" did not seem at all disturbed by the wormy thing holding onto it.

This is NOT lice. That's all I know, but I had a hard time sleeping that night (and many others) due to being so creeped out about what is in my hair. Oh, and it came from my skin where my biggest problem/infection is. Lots of different looking things:
1. Reddish black worms with round heads, short necks, and almost no body, with definite eyes and teeth
2. Millions of long, skinny, segmented, reddish black worms just lying in my skin on their sides - they don't move much if at all, but their eyes look around and, if disturbed, appear to be upset/frightened
3. Black worms that look like threads, but are definitely worms. They vary from short to very long and tangled, weaving in and out thru the worms and my skin. They always originate in some skin.
4. Occasionally I'll see red, fuschia, blue, and clear worms identical to the ones in #3 above. They are most definitely worms and NOT fibers/threads as I've watched them for long periods of time and if you look closely, one end has a worm-shaped head and grows/moves slowly.
5. Yellowish-brown larvae with definite eyes that look around and don't move.
6. Clear larvae.
7. "Creatures" - lots of different creatures that appear like little "people" or "animals" with arms and legs. They sometimes appear to "talk" (their mouths seem to be moving) and/or make facial expressions like laughing, smiling, and/or anger/outrage if disturbed.

I'd love to hear ideas from anyone about what in the world has infected me and been there for 2.5 years now. They've ruined my life.
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