electromedicine 030
Subjects may feel sleepy, sluggish, listless, nauseous, faint or headachy, or have flu-like reactions if neglecting sufficient water intake for flushing toxins. We interpret this as detoxification plus endorphin release due to electrification. Let them rest and stabilize for ~45 minutes before driving if indicated. If this detoxing becomes oppressive, treat every SECOND day. Treating at least 21 times should "fractionate" both juvenile and maturing HIV to overlap maximum neutralization sensitivity windows and interrupt "budding" occurring during the HIV cells' development cycles. Treatments also safely neutralize many other viruses, fungi, bacteria, parasites, and microbes in blood. See US patents # 5,091,152 5,139,684 5,188,738 5,328,451 and others as well as numerous valid medical studies which are presently little known or suppressed. Ingesting a few Oz. of 5 to 20 parts per million of silver colloid solution daily can give subjects a "second intact immune system" and minimize or eliminate opportunistic infections during recovery phase. www.sotainstruments.com http://www.perutechnologies.com/beck-hiv.html
d forums dr bob beck electromedicine 030
d forums dr bob beck electromedicine 030
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