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ccws candida cleanser review

ccws candida cleanser review

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"I have not looked back, CCWS is truly amazing. "

Thanks to Lesley from UK for this great Candida Cleanser treatment review:

I have not looked back, CCWS is truly amazing. I was between stage 4 and 5. I had suffered with #Endometriosis from the age of 20 and did not have my first child until I was 34. I wished I had known about CCWS then. I've also suffered with a fungal nail infection in my big toes which has completely gone. To my surprise I also had it in my fingernails as after the end of the cleanse I noticed white marks down the sides of my nails that had not been there before. I also feel so much better and have more #energy. I also have noticed I can breath more easily and don't get out of breath climbing the stairs at home or in the office. My #sinuses are clear and a #wart above my eye has totally disappeared. Also my tongue is not coated in a white fur anymore and my hearing is much better. It's been really hard following the diet and giving up sugar but now my body has adjusted and lets me know if something does not agree with it. During the Christmas period I had one chocolate and it tasted so sweet I actually didn't want anymore. I also had a small lump in one of my saliva glands which had been there for almost ten years. My dentist took X-rays and sent me to a specialist at the hospital they said it was either a small stone or fatty tissue and was nothing to worry about. Since doing the cleanse that has also gone. So to all the people doing the cleanse hang on in there you will get better,

For more #CCWS #Candida Cleanser reviews and testimonials visit
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