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I've been having digestion problems on and off for a few years. The past year has been horrible. Severe bouts of nausea, anxiety, terrible sleep, etc. I eat super healthy I'd say 90% of the time. I've worked out in the gym steady for 20 years, I'm regular as can be bowel movement wise.. I'm usually awoken in the morning for my morning poop. My blood work for the last years or so have shown elevated liver enzymes and some other off levels. Odd low blood and ravenous hunger haunts me as well. Doctors have done numerous blood tests, I've had stomach scopes under anesthesia and so forth. Doctors have no explanation for my problems. After hours of my own research on my odd symptoms I came across a thread on parasites. For the last 6 days I've started some anti parasite eating and dieting. Such as clove oil, pumpkin seeds, psyllium powder, the supplement called "The Cleaner" eating zero grains, very limited sugers.. My diet has been pretty much consisted of soups and smoothies this week. I've been having some crazy movements this week and a lot of them! So many different looking stuff.
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