What is in my skin?!
No doctors seem to know what's wrong with me. Family doctor sent me to infectious disease doctor. She said I had dirt and oil in my pores. She didn't even do a scraping or biopsy on my skin to come to her brilliant conclusion. Then I was sent to dermatologist. He said I was probably having an allergic reaction to something. Did the three day test for allergies. It showed I have no allergies. He wisely told me that perhaps I should stand in his stand up bed that is similar to a tanning bed because a lot of people feel better after doing so, wth?! That will not give me answers and he also didn't scrape or biopsy my skin. I'm currently on my third round of ivermectin. It seems to work while on it but a few weeks after its finished these weird things return. They only come out like this when my skin gets wet. When my skin drys, a weird film covers them and they go back into my skin. They are so extremely painful. They feel like shards of glass. I do all the recommended cleaning for my house and car. Change my bedding daily, bath in borax and Epsom salts, clean everything I pretty much touch to the point where I'm perinoid & ocd about it. I've this for at least ten years but it has gotten out of control the last nine months. It's ruining my life. It effects my marriage, my business, & friendships. The pain and exhaustion I feel every single day isolates me and keeps me from living my life. I have noticed that when I remove these white spikes from the sores the sores will heal in just a day or two. The problem is, they just keep coming and coming. The sores are on both butt checks, my right hip, my right shoulder blade area, and I do have two sores on my left forearm. It seems to be affecting my right side the most. Does anyone have any ideas of what this could be? My doctor doesn't think it's scabies even though he's treating me for them. He's unsure but knows we have to try something. Please let me know what you think it is or if you suffer from this too.
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