Is this hemorrhoids???
Okay I know this is gross but could someone tell me is this hemorrhoids?? And does my bum look normal? For almost four weeks I have had a change in bowel habits. I randomly got full blown diarrhea one night and my stomach made these awful rumbling noises. and then I had soft stools and then liquid/chunky diarrhea.. For about a week or so it started to get better not back to normal completely but now the last week its like mushy and I literally have to go every morning soon after I wake up and I feel constipated too. I know that is weird but I feel like backed up. I have also saw tiny red spots in it. Which to me looks like blood. It has also had little black specks.I have had blood work done it was normal. Stool samples came back negative for all parasites and infections and even said no blood all it said was ABUNDANCE OF YEAST AND REDUCED NORMAL FLORAL. I just had a baby via c section three months ago my stools went back to normal after having her. I am at my ends wit with this.. I have had this crazy colon cancer thing on my mind. I am only 20 years old. I also had an x ray done yesterday all looked normal except lots of gas in my stomach. I have been referred to a Gastro but it could take weeks to get it. I don't know what all would show up on a x ray would any kind of tumor or masses show? If someone could please tell me though above if that's hemorrhoids and if everything else in the pic looks normal? They checked me like two weeks ago and said they didn't feel hemorrhoids. But I've been so constipated feeling and I've strained so much I think that's why this have just developed? Any feedback would be tremendous. Thanks!
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