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Please help me identify these parasites

Please help me identify these parasites

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Soneone please help me. For several months I have been battling painful sores on my face. Sometimes they ooze clear liquid and tiny square flat things pop in and out. When I use a tweeter to pull them out they come very easily. When I put silver cream or tea tree oil on my skin - these white squares pop right out all over my body. When I bathe in Epsom salt I can actually see what looks like white worms moving just under my skin. I have lost 60 pounds in 3 months and not been on a diet. At times the sores heal over but leave a swollen hard bump that feels pressured like it needs to be lanced. There has been a small spot with a hole in center on my bum cheek that something white pops out and in of but is too fast for me to grab. I have gone to the ER and the doctor would not even look at my skin and left the room and sent in a social worker to tell me I have some disorder called parasychosis. Yesterday I did a vitamin c salt water treatment and found these things in the toilet. I have not been out of the country but I did have a snail infestation at my last residence. I don't eat raw meat but have eaten sushi and crabs. No one will listen to me. They all think I am crazy. I don't know where else to turn. I'm begging for any advice. Please look at these photos and offer me some guidance. I don't eat corn and I see several things which to me look like parasites. This is my first post about this and I pray someone can help me. Thank you.
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