please help me identify this parasite under my skin
Please help me identify this parasite that is under my skin (all over my body but causing visble problems on my face, ears, neck.. so far )... I really need some kind of help. I have tiny painful blisters that appear on my skin, itching, black and white specks coming out of my skin, coloured fibers.. and lesions that stay for ages. (its all so weird).. I bought a little suction face massager (kinda like Chinese cupping) and stuck it to one of the bites (blisters) and this came out..(Im so gross) I have been to the doctors, but because i have anxiety and have had a history of panic attacks and depression, they told me im more than likely delusional (and just believe i have parasites???) .. they wouldn't test anything, take hair samples, biopsies.. nothing!! they did take blood tests which showed im deficient in vitamins D, B and Iron and that im anemic. Im certain I am not delusional and I am just so completely confused as to why the doctors would dismiss anybody this distressed.. (delusional or not) Im really frightened about how alone I am on this. After I was called "delusional", I tried to search the net for any kind of answers, but i kept getting something called "MORGELLONS" as my search results... which is apparently not even a thing??? WHAT THE NOODLE IS GOING? Anyway... morgellons or not, I certainly do have this parasite...among many other weird things. So if anybody reading this could help me out I would be so incredibly grateful to you.. HELP!!! pretty please help me
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