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04 What is this in my stool?? smooth, gelatinous, pebble or pod shaped,crumbly inside

04 What is this in my stool?? smooth, gelatinous, pebble or pod shaped,crumbly inside

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What is this in my stool?? smooth, gelatinous, pebble or pod shaped,crumbly inside
Can anyone identify this object I passed in my stool? I have recently noticed that I have been passing them regularly.

They vary in size- from the size of about the upper digit of a thumb to that of a pea- and color- red, brown, or yellow.

Outwardly, they are completely smooth and can be separated from the rest of the stool easily. The outer "membrane" appears gelatinous, the texture reminds me of a fruit roll up or gummy fruit snack.

Inwardly, the color is always lighter and a completely different texture, more chalky or grainy.

They don't appear to have an odor.

I have been experiencing abdominal pain in my lower left abdomen for a while and when I press on that area it is consistently hard, as though there is something stuck inside my intestines.

My body regularly tends towards constipation, with only one or two bowel movements a week (if I'm lucky.) I recently started having inexplicable bouts of diarrhea. I have also been experiencing bloody stools from time to time, as well as stools that are strange colors, like green or orange, and often accompanied by lots of what appears to be mucous.

I was eating mostly raw vegan and juicing for a few years, but have been eating more animal products the past few months, I believe I also may have found a parasite in my stool this week. (I have also posted that picture on the thread.)

Please, please help. I am desperately freaked out over this. What on earth is it??
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