Infestation or Die-Off?? Wth is happening to my body . . .??
Does anyone know what this is? It looks like the "skin" of a worm coming out . . . . .I've been doing cleansing for some time now (mostly water and coffee enemas) . . .Have seen flukes, ascaris, and different worms come out but this is different. I started doing epsolm salt baths, smearing coconut oil on my booty hole at night, and took Dr. Reese pinworm medicine . . . .OMG!! My booty and vagina have been red, in pain, constantly tender, and SOO itchy!! The coconut oil helps with the itching but now I'm getting this stuff ALL DAY LONG! . . .It's already going on four days straight that when I wipe, I get tons of this crap coming out day and night . . . . .
My question is: did I just trigger a massive resurgence in worm activity?? Are they coming back stronger?? ---OR --- is this an indication of die-off symptoms?
Also -- wth is this gross thing??
Thank you!!
My question is: did I just trigger a massive resurgence in worm activity?? Are they coming back stronger?? ---OR --- is this an indication of die-off symptoms?
Also -- wth is this gross thing??
Thank you!!
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