Hear me out please!!! Its a little long but I need advice!!!
My name is Amanda and I'm Swedish if there's any typing errors!
For the last year up to 2 years I've lost approximately 20 pounds - not on purpuse, but I started to like the six pack that starting to show on my stomach. But the weight loss seemed to never stop! Here I am 117 pounds now and way to skinny which made me worried.
I have a history with a troubled stomach so having diarea almost everyday doesn't seem weird any more or the SUPER loud stomach growl, the 4-10 stools everyday or the chronic tired feeling. And to not talk about that I wake up my husband every night because I grind my teeth sooooo loud!!
How ever; I'm in school to become a skin specialist due to my acne I've been experiene for the last 2 years. Got to see a "face- mapping" chart yesterday and EXACTLY where I have my acne is "problem with colon and digestion" ...and the research began - and OMG if I could scrub my inside I would.
I'm totally grossed out tho I think (KNOW) I have worms inside me.
I spent about 10 hours of researching since yesterday and also since yesterday I've only been eating raw granted carrots, garlic and kale. I've been drinking apple cider vinagar and water with lemon - ONLY! I'm also a heavy coffee drinker and stopped that this morning (hello headache!!!) and today - 5 mins ago I could go to the restroom for the first time today (usually I'm doing my 6-7 round by this time) and I could only get out a tiny little hard poop (sorry lack of other terms) BUT there was a string through the whole thing looked absolutely like all the pictures I've seen on I think it is tapeworm- everytime I eat garlic is it like my stomach screeaam and I can feel things.
I don't know if it matters but I'm 25, female, vegetarian but eat a lot of fish and take approx 10 fish oils a day (Carlssons Salmon oil).
On wednesday I have paraclear coming in the mail - what else should I do!? Oh and tomorrow at 3.30pm I have a colonic hydrotheraphy session - my first ever!!
Help from all you wonderful people is MUCH appreciated!
Hugs from a lost Swede in the worm world of America :)
Hear me out please!!! Its a little long but I need advice!!!
My name is Amanda and I'm Swedish if there's any typing errors!
For the last year up to 2 years I've lost approximately 20 pounds - not on purpuse, but I started to like the six pack that starting to show on my stomach. But the weight loss seemed to never stop! Here I am 117 pounds now and way to skinny which made me worried.
I have a history with a troubled stomach so having diarea almost everyday doesn't seem weird any more or the SUPER loud stomach growl, the 4-10 stools everyday or the chronic tired feeling. And to not talk about that I wake up my husband every night because I grind my teeth sooooo loud!!
How ever; I'm in school to become a skin specialist due to my acne I've been experiene for the last 2 years. Got to see a "face- mapping" chart yesterday and EXACTLY where I have my acne is "problem with colon and digestion" ...and the research began - and OMG if I could scrub my inside I would.
I'm totally grossed out tho I think (KNOW) I have worms inside me.
I spent about 10 hours of researching since yesterday and also since yesterday I've only been eating raw granted carrots, garlic and kale. I've been drinking apple cider vinagar and water with lemon - ONLY! I'm also a heavy coffee drinker and stopped that this morning (hello headache!!!) and today - 5 mins ago I could go to the restroom for the first time today (usually I'm doing my 6-7 round by this time) and I could only get out a tiny little hard poop (sorry lack of other terms) BUT there was a string through the whole thing looked absolutely like all the pictures I've seen on I think it is tapeworm- everytime I eat garlic is it like my stomach screeaam and I can feel things.
I don't know if it matters but I'm 25, female, vegetarian but eat a lot of fish and take approx 10 fish oils a day (Carlssons Salmon oil).
On wednesday I have paraclear coming in the mail - what else should I do!? Oh and tomorrow at 3.30pm I have a colonic hydrotheraphy session - my first ever!!
Help from all you wonderful people is MUCH appreciated!
Hugs from a lost Swede in the worm world of America :)
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