tapeworm in my stool
I have been suffering from having to poop immediately after I eat for about 4 years. As soon as I eat my belly starts to growl and I have to find the nearest bathroom (really embarrassing especially when your out). I weighed about 2304-5 years ago an out of nowhere went down to about 175. Right now I am at 205 (I'm 5'9"but muscular). More recently I have inadvertently caught a glimpse of my stool and notice some stringy things around it. Today my stomach was talking to me so I went to the restroom and when I seem what came out make me wanna puke. It was like a 6 inch strand of light brown stuff with a more rounded end. So I started browsing online and seen that it look almost exactly like a tapeworm.
Can someone shed some light on this situation...I can give more info if someone knows more than me and I welcome it
Can someone shed some light on this situation...I can give more info if someone knows more than me and I welcome it
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