Screenshot 2013 01 31 01 18 31
Parasites Screenshot 2013 01 31 01 18 31
Aanyone knows what kond of parasites are those?
It must been saying I have been battling morgellons for exactly one year (a t least the physical symptoms aka the skin sores fatigue mood swings itchies extreme weightloss depression suicidal thoughts hearing voices from the sleep deprivation asIn three hours or sometimes LESS of sleep PER WEEK anorexia and incapacity of focusing more than a couple minutes). I finally have the symptoms under control (which means im hiding it well from my entourage who tried several times to have mehmeheld on a 5150 hold at hospitals) and the skin sores have healed and im keeping it at bay through a ritual rigourous cleaning daily with h202 aand chlorophyll therapies. I could ALMOST feel normal if it wasnt for seeing this in the toilet daily and the fact that im starving eat really big amounts of junk and yet stay at my low weight (5'9 for 110/120 from 150 one y ear ago at the start of it all). It looks like fibery strands from thread thin to about half the width of a pinky finger are all the way buried in it and poking through very much looking like some kinda beetle legs. I know Ive been called crazy for that but thats what it looks like to me. Its from a yellowish brown to dark brown and it is attached to some kinda round matrix covered with a skin very much looking like those pinto beans. Inside it is literally like a FULLY undigested peanut or cashew nut which I NEVER EAT. It is puzzling me and im past my freaking out stage where im just dissecting it in amazement (crazy. I know). I have been treated for a pinworm infection six months ago also. Which I know was just one of the stages of these things in the pic. You can see these red chunks which I know people have reffered to as "the little red fish" yet without knowing what it is. A hydro colon therapist mentioned absolutely EVERYONE that comes in her spa for colon therapy has those passing through the water tube. What in the world is this people??? It isnt supposed to be here and it wasnt before this crazy morgellons stuff started happening. Anyone got anything??? I forgot to mention now sometimes these long yellow blobs covered in that pinto bean skin are actually passing thru my nose and throat into mucus I cant seem to stop having come up through blowing my nose and coughing. I believe the h202 and chlorophyll I s what is making it come out finally and probably is the reason to my success with erradicating the skin sore problem. Gosh just re reading this I understand why my own family tried to have me locked up. Now I know better and just pretend all is fine by applying the law of silence. It is very sad believe me even though some have it worse than me at this stage and im HAPPY to be at the stage im at compared to one year ago when my life fell apart in all areas. PLEASE HELP LETS GET THIS MORGELLONS. THING DEALT WITH TOGETHER AS NO ONE IS GOING TO HELP US SUFFERERS!
Aanyone knows what kond of parasites are those?
It must been saying I have been battling morgellons for exactly one year (a t least the physical symptoms aka the skin sores fatigue mood swings itchies extreme weightloss depression suicidal thoughts hearing voices from the sleep deprivation asIn three hours or sometimes LESS of sleep PER WEEK anorexia and incapacity of focusing more than a couple minutes). I finally have the symptoms under control (which means im hiding it well from my entourage who tried several times to have mehmeheld on a 5150 hold at hospitals) and the skin sores have healed and im keeping it at bay through a ritual rigourous cleaning daily with h202 aand chlorophyll therapies. I could ALMOST feel normal if it wasnt for seeing this in the toilet daily and the fact that im starving eat really big amounts of junk and yet stay at my low weight (5'9 for 110/120 from 150 one y ear ago at the start of it all). It looks like fibery strands from thread thin to about half the width of a pinky finger are all the way buried in it and poking through very much looking like some kinda beetle legs. I know Ive been called crazy for that but thats what it looks like to me. Its from a yellowish brown to dark brown and it is attached to some kinda round matrix covered with a skin very much looking like those pinto beans. Inside it is literally like a FULLY undigested peanut or cashew nut which I NEVER EAT. It is puzzling me and im past my freaking out stage where im just dissecting it in amazement (crazy. I know). I have been treated for a pinworm infection six months ago also. Which I know was just one of the stages of these things in the pic. You can see these red chunks which I know people have reffered to as "the little red fish" yet without knowing what it is. A hydro colon therapist mentioned absolutely EVERYONE that comes in her spa for colon therapy has those passing through the water tube. What in the world is this people??? It isnt supposed to be here and it wasnt before this crazy morgellons stuff started happening. Anyone got anything??? I forgot to mention now sometimes these long yellow blobs covered in that pinto bean skin are actually passing thru my nose and throat into mucus I cant seem to stop having come up through blowing my nose and coughing. I believe the h202 and chlorophyll I s what is making it come out finally and probably is the reason to my success with erradicating the skin sore problem. Gosh just re reading this I understand why my own family tried to have me locked up. Now I know better and just pretend all is fine by applying the law of silence. It is very sad believe me even though some have it worse than me at this stage and im HAPPY to be at the stage im at compared to one year ago when my life fell apart in all areas. PLEASE HELP LETS GET THIS MORGELLONS. THING DEALT WITH TOGETHER AS NO ONE IS GOING TO HELP US SUFFERERS!
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