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SIPPIT The Mother Of Elixirs

SIPPIT The Mother Of Elixirs

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Hi, My name is Pamela, I own and operate Curios a small
Antique and Collectibles Resale Shop in a Suburb of Kansas City, in Northmoor
Missouri. I want to tell you about the Lady that gave me my first dollar when I
opened my Shop in 2002, I hadn't seen her for a while and One day I ran into her
at a Save A lot in Town .Her skin was grey, she told me she had just found out
she had stage 4 Liver Cancer,it was about two days later while buying things for
my shop I found a little old book that said something about a Natural safe
cure of Obesity ,I wanted to loose some weight,so I bought it.The book had
natural remedies for many physical ailments not just for weight loss
,their was one that said it would Detoxify the liver put more Oxygen in the
blood and would help to put your Metabolism in the order it is meant to
be, and that it would do for your body what your body needs it to do. reading
along it said it would Prevent Cancer as well as get rid of it. So I made up a
gallon of this Elixir and took it over to her. I read to her what it said
it was suppose to do ,less then two months of drinking this Elixir what I call
Sippit,She came into my shop, the color was back in her face, she told me she
had just left her Doctors office and she was in remission.About a week later my
Moms neighbor said she had Bone Marrow Cancer, so I made her a gallon of Sippit
and told her what it had done for my customer, less then two months later she
too was in remission, Making a long story short for the past 8 years I have been
making and selling SIPPIT the Mother of Elixirs in my shop. People have
come in and reported to me that ,Acid Reflux,Eczema, Migraines,Lung Cancer,
Brest Cancer ,insomnia Gone,reported Weight Loss, Increased Energy,Much Much
more let alone what I had mentioned before ,I am giving you the opportunity to
see what it can do for your body. I can't say it will do for you what others
have reported it has done for them .I only know what it has done for me and what
others have told me it has done for them.I do have a facebook page for Sippit
the mother of Elixirs so you can report what it does for you. I only ask
that you give it a full month before you report your results .
Please Join our Facebook page - Sippit "The Mother Of Elixirs"

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