XYZ-Wellbeing Research Therapies 4 CANCER
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Many ancient cancer therapies lost... Or were they?
The good news is that many of these un-patentable therapies are performed by alternative health and naturopathic practitioners.
XYZ-Wellbeing, alternative health, metastatic cancer, chemotherapy, quality of life, radiation treatments, cancer free, curing cancer, alternative cancer therapy, brain tumor, esophagus cancer, parasites, cesium, ozone, high pH therapy, laetrile, Vitamin B17, nutrition, immune system, Blood Type Diet, blood tests, vitamin C
The good news is that many of these un-patentable therapies are performed by alternative health and naturopathic practitioners.
XYZ-Wellbeing, alternative health, metastatic cancer, chemotherapy, quality of life, radiation treatments, cancer free, curing cancer, alternative cancer therapy, brain tumor, esophagus cancer, parasites, cesium, ozone, high pH therapy, laetrile, Vitamin B17, nutrition, immune system, Blood Type Diet, blood tests, vitamin C
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