This is one of many that I have forcefully blown from my nose - all of them no matter the size have these long tail looking things! I also have the tiny hair-like worms in my nostrils - but these larger alien things live somewhere deep and hidden, I have to force them out, and when they do come out, they come from somewhere located in the tip top of my nostril, there’s a tiny opening at the top of both of my nostrils that they will reluctantly shoot out from- the tail typically comes out first, then I have to force the body out! SOMEONE PLEASE HELP ME IDENTIFY WHAT THESE ARE. I’ve been to ENTs, internal medicine doctors, infectious disease doctors, you name it - they all say “they’ve never seen anything like it”, then run a bunch of tests which come back negative, then send me on my way with no diagnosis or cure. PLEASE PLEASE HELP! :(
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