SEVEN MONTHS LATER, same back and shoulder area.
Although I was quite rough with my skin, you can barely see the evidence of those cysts and lesions today. Considering my massive gains, I can handle a tiny bit of scarring.
I truly think my skin really healed up nicely as my health improved. I was absorbing more nutrients and also clearing my body of the toxins and ammonia and histamines that made me so ill in the first place. It took a while to get my health back on track...but it's like my immunity started rebounding, and then my body figured out what it needed to do to heal after that.
I truly think my skin really healed up nicely as my health improved. I was absorbing more nutrients and also clearing my body of the toxins and ammonia and histamines that made me so ill in the first place. It took a while to get my health back on track...but it's like my immunity started rebounding, and then my body figured out what it needed to do to heal after that.
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