Mouth hookworm #2
I pulled this one-inch sucker out one night after brushing my teeth...I think it was living in the tissue under my tongue.
I almost looks phallic.
Chewing on cloves buds allowed me to purge massive amounts of smaller hookworms and egg bundles from between my teeth. They looked like little triangle-shaped wedges, but when you pick 'em apart, they are tiny little hookworms. It's easy to discern the males from the females--males have a little fan-shaped thing on one end.
I almost looks phallic.
Chewing on cloves buds allowed me to purge massive amounts of smaller hookworms and egg bundles from between my teeth. They looked like little triangle-shaped wedges, but when you pick 'em apart, they are tiny little hookworms. It's easy to discern the males from the females--males have a little fan-shaped thing on one end.
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