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Tangled Clump/Cup 1

Tangled Clump/Cup 1

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Experiencing close to unbearable pain. Intestinal track. Left groin radiating down my leg. Significant nausea as well. Against my better judgment, as I know the detriment that enemas can sometimes cause, especially during infection and possible unknown issues, I took half of a store bought saline enema solution knowing it would temporarily provide some degree of relief. I was mindful not to hold it long. What expelled was mindblowing at best. The sheer weight of the mass of entangled Para of many species produced significant relief immediately tho no doubt there are more. I'm recognizing liver flukes. What I'm not clear on are the myriad of species of the typical worm shape.. They're a variety of lengths. Some are pretty thin. Others appear stockier. I rinsed them multiple times by placing the entanglement in a large plastic Dixie cup and added enough 91% by volume alcohol to completely cover them. Using a plastic fork I transferred the mass to another Dixie containing fresh 91% alcohol. I did this multiple times, each time placing the worm mass in a new Dixie cup containing fresh 91% alcohol until the bulk of the feces/brown water was eliminated allowing me to get a pretty good look at the actual individual worms. Googling is not of much help.. At least not to me. So rarely do you ever get results that are actual photographs of the parasite(s), and if it is, it's usually a members post here on curezone. It's the subtle nuances that prevent me from doing my own IDing. We see and hear abt the major players like tapes, strongyloides, ascaris, whip, hook etc but there are countless others but I don't know the key identifying features which of course I need for numerous reasons. Im starting to think all this should not have been put in the photos description. A little late now. What do you see in the photo.. I have abt 4 other photos of the worm Clump. I also noticed what felt like scratches along my lower back just above my rear. 2 more side by side vertical ones appeared this morning near my right hip/butt cheek. Coincidence? All are in spots that I cannot quite reach with my hands. If that's any clue to what I may be dealing. Thank you to all who may respond.
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