Parasites Forum 01 PHOTO 20191128 210148
Someone please help me identify what this is. I've got more picture blut cant seem to upload them all together? I've been having stuff like this in my stool. It has translucent skin around it and something black in the middle. I've had just the skins but this is something inside the skins this time? Usually a transparent green color skin and sometime the skin looks ribbon shaped symmetrical on either side and sometimes just straight looking skins please hell
Someone please help me identify what this is. I've got more picture blut cant seem to upload them all together? I've been having stuff like this in my stool. It has translucent skin around it and something black in the middle. I've had just the skins but this is something inside the skins this time? Usually a transparent green color skin and sometime the skin looks ribbon shaped symmetrical on either side and sometimes just straight looking skins please hell
Uploaded by Msb001