CM190630 172041002
Passed 4 brown "snails" with squiggly pieces in toilet, as well. Now, I'm stopped up but one tiny turd had 3 brown and white "sunflower seeds"? Been suffering with skin problems, been to multiple doctors and ER's, they tell me Im delusional, or I'm exhausted, or it's "stress" related. NOT ONE DOCTOR GAVE ME A STOOL EXAM!! I looked back in the toilet and see this!! This hes been going on for years and not only am I scarred physically and emotionally, I'm barely getting by! Can't get a job bc of my skin issues and pain and fatigue! My son is in another state with his grandparents bc I can't afford to take care of myself, much less a little boy! And, I'd never forgive myself if I passed it to him! I have tons of pictures, some so discusting they give me nightmares! I can't even go out in public! Can anyone tell me what this might be? Am I carrying multiple parasites? Will post more pics now
Please someone help! Btw...I haven't been out of the country, but I do eat sushi, crabs, crawfish. Im from Louisiana
Please someone help! Btw...I haven't been out of the country, but I do eat sushi, crabs, crawfish. Im from Louisiana
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