Yellow. Similar. collected 061920
Hi there,
Retrieved these from the toilet yesterday (6/19/2019).
As you can see they are yellow in color, range in size from 1/2" to abt 2". The BM was mostly liquid which made them easy to see and pluck out. Some different appendages, tails etc. I think the uniform color has me believing they are of a single species, possibly at different life cycle stages tho that may not be the case at all. Because there are so many and that they're easily visible to the naked eye, I am concerned.
Like others, I, too, have been shunned by my both my PCP, GYN, as well as a major Southern California Medical Center ER. It's all really a rather bizarre situation when you think abt it. Being turned away, questioned, administered psych tests, told they have zero interest in viewing what is an overly clean, airtight container with a screw top lid that doesn't leak, of which the contents are double bagged for safety and easy viewing and then placed in in a small brown paper bag that is stapled with my NAME, DOB and collection date written on the bag. They don't even have to touch it. Just transport it to the lab for testing. But they won't do it. We then resort to taking matters into our own hands out of fear, concern but mostly to get back to our normal selves, be able to live our lives in the manner in which we had been doing for decades until the infection took over our lives, dictating what we can and cannot do which changes with each passing day. Friends and family don't understand why you just don't go to the doctor. What they don't understand is that we do... And the fact that we're turned away tells them that something isn't right and the problem lies within ourselves. Months and years go by. There are times when through mindful measures, you have reduced the burden. Begin to feel better than u have in a while but get lax even one day and the burden is heavier than ever. I want to wake up one day and have this be a bad bad dream because it's outlandish, far fetched and it's controlling me and has taken over my life. IT is what determines what I do, who I talk to, what I eat, what new combination of treatments I intake, whether I respond to phone calls and text messages, whether I hide from social media. It's not like I can post the pics Im able to post here. But that's what's going on in my life and what comes out of me every day is what takes up 90% of my phones storage plus a 64GB and 32GB micro sd cards. So I spin my wheels knowing only that life has been passing me by for a very very long time now. I dont want to try this and try that. I don't have those kinds of funds. I just want to know what these things are so that I can research and find what kills them for good. In closing, I want to say that I am ashamed of the way this epidemic, and it seems to be just that, or maybe not, maybe it's always been a problem here and it's the advent of the internet that's brought it to the forefront thanks to websites like curezone.org and its members being able to chronicle and share their own personal experiences. To the CDC, please ramp up your efforts to help us understand what's going on in our bodies and how to best eradicate it. Do not deny that these conditions exist in our Country. Some may have very low almost non existent infection rates, but by continuing to take that stance, you will only be perpetuating the growth and spread of infectious disease among Americans. Infectious and other diseases know nothing about boundaries. All it takes is one infected person from another nation to land on US soil and it'll spread like wildfire. Sickness disease and morbidity rates will shoot thru the roof. It seems like it should be rather simple. You know what kills which species. If we're infected, we should be treated like someone with Hepatitis, Influenza, Meningitis.. Administer a shot. And don't even get me started on Lyme disease. YOU are the CENTER FOR DISEASE CONTROL.... "Control" being the operative word. Yet... Someone shows up in E
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