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My doctor said it was CHRONIC eczema and that I had to live with it the rest of my life. CCWS proved the opposite.

My doctor said it was CHRONIC eczema and that I had to live with it the rest of my life. CCWS proved the opposite.

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Finally! Found pictures of myself taken on my first CCWS cleanse back in 2015.

For many years I’ve had blister eczema on my hand. My doctor said it was CHRONIC and that I had to live with it the rest of my life. CCWS proved the opposite. Cured my blister eczema 100%!!! See after pics in the comments. 😁

I had alot of die off symptoms from the Candida on my face. Swollen eyes, liquid poring out of the eczema, dizziness in my head, tired 24/7. I’m so glad I did this!!!

This is my hand today. No signs of eczema at ALL! Been eczema free since after the second bottle of CCWS.
At first everything got worse! My eczema got worse, I got eczema on my face, my chronic fatigue got alot worse and also my chronic struggle with headaches. This is when I reminded myself over and over again that this is just the die off and that everything will get better. After a while I started to be more awake and then the eczema started to heal on my face and on my hand 100%.

When I now take CCWS I feel nothing at all. It’s only when there is Candida present in your body you will experience the die off symptoms. It’s actually when you experience the die off that you can be sure it’s working as it should.

I started my first bottle of CCWS in 2014. I got eczema over my whole face and left hand while using the first bottle, this eczema outbreak happened right after I felt a ball like substance exploding in my head. (Candida related). Tired 24/7 while on the first bottle of CCWS. I also used essential oils for internal use and was on a very strict Candida diet. Had been for some years. While on the second bottle with CCWS my eczema cleared.

The strongest and fastest Candida treatment I’ve ever used are CCWS. It works fast and are really getting the chitin surrounding the Candida fungus out of the body. My doctor said I would never cure the eczema on my hand, but I did exactly that with CCWS!

Still to this day I’m a little confused about the severe pain in my head/behind my ears and why it is there. Now 80% better than when it first started though.

First of all I have to say that CCWS (Lufenuron) is a wonderful product. It cured all the blister eczema I had on my left hand. But this was not all I used throughout my cleanse with CCWS. I also used essential oil supplements for internal use in capsules through the candida cleansing process with CCWS. Something I’m sure made it a big success!

My thoughts on it is this. If I use CCWS to clear the chitin layer of the actual Candida Fungus why not help my immun system to get rid of the Candida with the use of potent oils for internal use at the same time, like: Clove bud, Peppermint, Oregano and Thyme. This combination to heal has helped me alot!
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