Cons of Hormone Replacement Therapy
Although hormone replacement therapy has many benefits, there’re various side-effects related to it. It’s not safe to start this therapy with certain medications. Increased cancer risk is one of the major concerns. Synthetic progesterone increases the chances of breast cancer. However, this risk is small, and approximately 1 case per 1,000 women annually. This condition is more often seen in women with BMI>25 and late menopause.
Oestrogen-only therapy is linked to endometrial cancer and cyclical progestogen for 10 days can lower this risk.
Because of some risks associated with HRT, the therapy should be started with a well-trained doctor. Visit one of the reputed women hormone replacement therapy clinics and get personalized HRT for your condition.
Oestrogen-only therapy is linked to endometrial cancer and cyclical progestogen for 10 days can lower this risk.
Because of some risks associated with HRT, the therapy should be started with a well-trained doctor. Visit one of the reputed women hormone replacement therapy clinics and get personalized HRT for your condition.
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