Statute at U.N. Building in NY
„h Will involve Syria and Israel, and will spread rapidly to world
„h Will be nuclear and very short
„h World at large will think it is Armageddon
„h False Messiah will arrive with all lying signs and wonders and bring War to close, will enforce PLO/Israeli agreement and Jerusalem Covenant
„h World will enter into the SEVEN YEAR Tribulation Period
„h Zionist Israel will win this war, but be badly hurt
„h America will take some nuclear hits, be badly hurt
„h America will undergo transformation into Fascist Police State
„h America will go under the United Nations occult forces
„h American citizens who were targeted for extermination will be rounded up
„h American citizens will embrace the lie of Lucifer and embrace a strong delusion
„h America will begin rapid decline as she is raped and pillaged by U.N. Forces
„h Occult U.N. will move to Jerusalem just before the middle of the Tribulation.
America IS Mystery Babylon, and Christians who will refuse the marc of the b.e.a.s.t. supercomputers (tracking computers) will be exterminated by U.N. PFP or Partnership For Peace troops occupying America and enforcing U.S. State Document 7277 under emergency or martial law after the SYRIA event (America smashes Damascus and suffers a horrible counter/parallel attack)
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Steadily throughout our history, the influence of these Secret Societies and the natural conspiracies hatched by them, have steadily eroded America's foundation, to the point of a soon collapse. Hardback, 972 pages
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Cutting Edge has long taught that America is most certainly the Economic Babylon of Rev 18; but we have been surprised, as you certainly shall be, of Mr. Coombes' research concerning Revelation 17 being America.
Given the lateness of the prophetic hour, these two books are sadly needed. Volume 1 is a primary exposition of Revelation plus Old Testament texts, and is more exegetical and analytical in nature. Volume 2 reviews American history, showing our Founding Fathers as the true Illuminists they were, showing that our true national foundation was not Christian, defines the Illuminati, and takes you right up to this modern era to see how the global plan is working to its soon completion
Two books for reading on one CDROM. Volume 1 is 225 pages, while Volume 2 is 388 pages long
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NOTE: This COMBO offers you 3 books! Two books on the CDROM ("America, The Babylon") and one 972 page hardback, "How Satan Turned America Against God"; This combo provides almost 1,600 pages of material! Wonderful resource. --
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