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Liver Flush Forum
Forum Description
Last Message  23 d

This forum is open for those who need a support in doing liver flush and are in the same time interested in supporting others in their quest for better health and cleaner and healthier liver. This forum is not for questioning the validity of liver flush.

You are free to report both unsuccess stories and success stories.

You are free to report results of stone analasys, blood tests reports, health benefits, health injuries and risks, ultrasound reports, MRI reports, HIDA scan reports, as well as any and every other report or every other diagnostic method or test performed on you or on stones.

If you are interested in questioning liver flush, debating liver flush validity, criticizing liver flush or searching for scientific proof of liver flush, please access Liver Flush Debate forum and try to read recommened messages.

This forum is not for liver flush skeptics, it is open only for those who are beyond skepticism, those who have already made their mind and want to flush liver, or are already flushing their liver. Like Us on Facebook!

To find liver flush recipes, please click here.

Before you ask your questions here, you are advised to read Frequently Asked Questions & Answers about Liver Flush.

Posting skeptical questions inside this forum will be considered forum trolling, and messages will be removed. Repeated breach of those guidelines will result in permanent removal of your privilege to post messages on CureZone. This forum have had very many trolls in the past 4 years, and forum moerators will not tolerate any breach of those guidelines!!! It is your own resposibility to read forum description before posting messages inside this forum.

Liver Flush Survey 494

Forum Link1: Liver Cleanse/Flush Recipe
Forum Link2: Books


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