Iraq,the real story! What we been told is lack of the truth! by kerminator .....

Quote of the day... " It is well that war is so terrible--- Or else we would grow too fond of it!! " General Robert E. Lee... 1865

Date:   6/20/2006 8:22:32 PM ( 18 y ago)

If you could do just one thing for an improvised beaten down people;  would you be willing to die for their freedom from the bonds of oppression?? 

The Dakota Indians have a saying;  " Today is a good day to die"  

When I first heard this; I was some what put out by it; because I did not understand at first; but now I have come to know the truth...  Having heard the bullets wizzz by my head, and looked death in the face on different occasions;   I now understand that death is just a heart beat away from us all... 

May GOD bless those in harm's way their families and those left behind...

Read these blog notes; if you still think this is sort of game or political ruse!!

Include in the blogs that support the troops!!!


19 June 2006

Myths and the US Military

Combat Jump Star has a synopsis of common myths about the US military. For those who don’t know CJS, he’s a duel citizen of Canada and the United States and has served 2 tours in Afghanistan and 1 in Iraq with the 82nd Airborne…. ( I dare you to tell him that the 82nd is the “little sister” of the 101st). Check out his debunking of some common myths; myths by the way, that are MSM or Leftist boilerplate:

1. All or most soldiers are rednecks from the South.

2. Minorities are being used as "cannon fodder" on the front lines.

3. Soldiers are uneducated, or less educated than their peers outside the Military

4. Recruiting is down