Enchanted Garden Mayor, Jim Bell by YourEnchantedGardener .....

Jim Bell, Ecological Designer, understand the needs of the San Diego- Border Bioregion. Thinking of his good work this morning. He is perpetually running for the Mayor of San Diego. When last we met, I told him he was the Mayor of the Enchanted Garden. He accepted with honor.

Date:   5/28/2007 9:52:28 AM ( 17 y ago)

7:45 AM
May 28, 07



Photo taken at the Cultivating Food Justice Conference
held in San Diego in earlier this year.
Jim's organization is called the
Ecological Life Systems Institute.
He offered to be a sponsor of my participation
in World Environment Day June 2



Jim Bell, Old Friend, is in my thoughts this morning
Re Bioregional awareness. Mother Earth does not know
any border between Mexico and the USA. Weather Patterns
and Environmental concerns, and Food Safety Issues
are our joint opportunities.

An artificial Border, whatever its strength and
Law Enforcement, is not stronger that the Laws of Nature
that will determine our health and well being in the future.

Jim Bell, has for many years, down some deep thinking
on the health of our Bioregion.

He calls it the San Diego-Tijuana Region
and tells me this includes all the coastal watersheds.
that goes in as far as Tecate and to Ensenada.

He tells me to look at a map in his new book
about the Region. He says the map is somewhere near Page 42
of his new book.


The more local the less energy used for transporation
and refrigeration, he tells me.

He refers me to his latest book....
P. 42 for a map of the San Diego-Tijuana Region,
as he calls it.

Jim wants to see local communities growing food for themselves.

He is writing now about SDG&E Power Link.
They are bringing in natural gas to make electricity from
Mexicali at great cost. His solution is solar panels over houses
and parking lots. He has it all figured out how the County
could be energy self-reliant with renewable energy.

Read his book online to understand one of
the leading edge thinkings in Ecological Design:

Quote from Enchanted Garden Mayor
Jim Bell, Ecological Designer,
and frequent candidate for the
Mayor of San Diego:

* Protect and strengthen watershed and habitat health. When watershed and their habitats are healthy, they reduce erosion and flooding and maximize groundwater recharge.
* Protect our best agricultural soils from development and other misuses. World and local population is still increasing, and the acreages and fertility of our agricultural soils, locally and world wide, are declining. Protecting our local agricultural soils for farming is our insurance policy for food security if imported food becomes too costly or if supplies are restricted or cut off.
* Create developable land certainty. We need development, and plenty of it, but not in floodplains, essential wildlife habitats or on our best agricultural soils. I’ll also create development standards to ensure that development methods and materials used in our city and region are benign with respect to our health and the environment.


This is an Open Letter from Jim Bell
that I received today, May 29, 07.
Jim Bell is truly one of the great minds
who understands how to set the balance
straight with Mother Earth.

I support his message getting out
and Celebrate the Seed Dream he is Planting here:



From: Jim Bell, Ecological Designer


(619) 758 9020


We have to get right with each other and with our planet‚s life-support system. If we don‚t do this soon, our planet‚s life support system will fail in some fundamental way. Global warming has caught our attention of late, but we are harming our planet‚s life-support system on so many levels, there are plenty of ways we may trigger a serious life-support system failure if global warming doesn‚t do it.

Whatever the tipping point -- if from a single cause or a combination of causes -- a serious life-support system failure will be hurtful to everyone and all life. And if serious enough, cause the extinction of the human family and most of the other life forms that share this planet with us.

As I write this I look around at my life. While I‚m far from living a completely life-support sustaining life, I‚ve come a long way from the person who rationalized that I was creating jobs when I threw trash out of my car or on the ground. Now I pick up other people‚s trash, recycle everything I can, drive as little as possible in a 1989 Geo Metro still getting 40 mpg and I‚m vegan.

But more important than my personal journey to live more consciously, is my work to create a world where we can all live and make decent livings in ways that protect human health and the health of the only life-support system we have; a world easily and completely powered by renewable energy; a world where everything is designed to be easily recycled and harmless to human and life-support system health.


First, I want to apologize for all the world‚s problems my generation and those before us are leaving you to solve. But that‚s the past and we can‚t do anything about it now.

What I‚ve been doing since I realized that the human family is destroying its life-support system and what I recommend you do, is to learn as much as you can, as fast as you can, about how our planet‚s life-support system works. Then use that knowledge to create life-support sustaining economies and ways of life wherever we live and, ultimately, planet-wide. If you have access to the web you can find my work on this subject at

Bottom line, I‚m motivated to help you develop a sustainable future wherever you live on our planet. The source of my motivation is that the more conscious I‚ve become, the more I care about people and feel connected to them. I especially feel connected to young people and future generations. I have also come to care about the process of consciousness becoming as it is manifesting in us as individuals and in the human family as a whole. A serious life-support system collapse would certainly set the process of becoming more conscious back, if not end it all together.

The goal of my life is to help you avoid such calamities so please feel free to call on me for help in gaining the knowledge you need to create a life-support sustaining future. The human family has come so far. Why blow it now by not paying attention to life-support system health? Especially considering it will be better for us economically to develop life-support sustaining economies than to stay with the status quo. Additionally, developing sustainable economies will result in communities, regions, states and countries becoming renewable energy, water and food self-sufficient, thus insuring that these essentials will be available locally no matter what happens to the supply and price of them in national and global markets.

If we use our minds and follow our hearts to get ourselves past the rough spot we are going through now, there will be no limit to what the human family may accomplish and where in the universe we may go. If we don‚t get past it we will certainly lose a lot of ground and may even be stopped in our tracks as in extinct.


While everyone needs to help create a prosperous and life-support sustaining future, people with wealth are in the unique position to accelerate the process.

Many wealthy people donate money to improve the common good. Bill and Melinda Gates, and through them, Warren Buffett are the latest notables in a long line of philanthropists who‚ve donated money to improve the public good. Up to now, the lion‚s share of Gates Foundation help has gone to improving world health with a focus on children and AIDS -- and education, with a focus on high schools.

While this help is good and needed, we have to realize that to sustain the gains we make on these levels, we must develop life-support sustaining economies and ways of life wherever people live and ultimately planet wide. If we do, efforts to improve public health and education will be sustained. If we don‚t, any gains we achieve in health and education or on similar fronts -- will not long stand.

This is where I come in. I know how to gracefully transform non-sustainable economies into prosperous economies that are completely life-support sustaining. I‚ve published two books on the subject and both books are available free on my web site at
I suggest you start by clicking on „Jim‚s New Book:

The book's title is Creating a Sustainable Economy and Future On Our Planet - The San Diego/Tijuana Region ˆ A Case Study.

Although the book focuses on the San Diego/Tijuana region
where I live, the design principles behind the economic plan
the book develops can be applied to create life-support sustaining economies anywhere on our planet.

What I need now are people and money to expand my on-going educational programs. These programs, workshops and classes focus on teaching people how their planet‚s life-support system works and how that knowledge can be used to create prosperous and completely life-support sustaining economies wherever they live, and ultimately, planet wide.

Well that's my pitch. Check me out. If you believe I'm on the right track and want to help, let's sit down and discuss how we can work together to create a happy, healthy, prosperous and life-support sustaining future; the most important birthright we can pass on to our young and future generations.


However far in the future you are when you read this, the fact that you are reading it probably means that people early in the 21st Century got it together well enough to avoid any serious life-support system collapse. It gives me pleasure to imagine you living happily in a completely life-support sustaining world where the growth of consciousness is accelerating and the human family is living not only on earth, but throughout our galaxy and even beyond.


Jim Bell

619 758 9020,

Mail: 4862 Voltaire St., San Diego, CA 92107- 2108


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