Peace Medal + 911 by YourEnchantedGardener .....

This Long Blog gives background about what I will be doing in Tecate June 2 at World Environment Day and Why. I believe being Good Neighbors is an alternative to our 911 Strategies.

Date:   5/26/2007 8:43:56 AM ( 17 y ago)

6:08 AM
May 26 07

Robert Muller,
once a United Nations Undersecretary General
gave me a Peace Medal for the work I would do in my life.

That year was 1983.

Lots of times, when I do Enchanted Garden Projects
I think of my dear friend Robert.
He was very involved in Environment Projects
for the U.N. back then. He worked to hook me up with
a man named Sandy who did Children's Gardens.
There was a special name for those gardens,
but my mind does not remember them in this moment.
Sandy had his project tied in with the U.N.,
just as the Enchanted Garden Children's Gardens
are going to be an offshoot of the U.N. Peace and
Environment work. Peace and a Healthy Environment
go hand in hand.

So the latest Barley Crop is in
in my backyard Enchanted Garden.

It is time to clear the field,
separate the chaff from the barley
and plant a new.

It is a good time to put in seeds crops
for the Fall Harvest.

The Summer will be about Clean Up here,
intermixed with some lovely visitors and helpers.

Did you want to come by and help with the cleanup
or do some gardening, or just hang out and make Art?
Do you want to talk some long snoozes in the hammock
that we are going to put up again?

I am thinking of 911 right now.

That sure did make an impression on us as a country!

I do not mean to belittle the Event.
There was a tremendous loss of Precious Life.

The solution to Loss of Life is to Create More
and More Life, that is how I see it.

There were two approaches that I can see
that might have worked following 911.

The one we are doing now--going to war--
is an excellent approach for selling the necessary
implements that go with war. War is very costly
in human life. I believe we as a country
as now seeing that.

Following 911,
It seemed to be that after the initial
good will we expressed as a nation internally,
our whole country seemed to go into terror
and not want to speak.

In the first years after 911, when I shopped at Whole Foods Market,
people would not talk. It did not seem the right decorum.
I felt like everyone was fightened of each other.
I would shop, and get depressed.

We have come a long way, Baby! March 31 I see where there
is a Singles Night at our Whole Foods Market Hilcrest,
complete with Speed Dating!!!

So what about 911--
was there any other alternative???

Here is one Idea--

There is a man I respect named Marshall Rosenberg.

He teaches Compassionate Communication.

He has gone into villages in Africa where tribes have
killed each other for a long time.

Two Chiefs were very upset with each other.

They had killed each others sons.

Marshall got in the middle of this.

He applied principles of deep listening,
and taught the Tribal leaders to hear each other
after they expressed their deep upset.

When he left, they were on good terms.

He has done the same between Palestinians and Jews.

The Palestinians he worked with realized they could no longer afford war.
The price was too killing. At first they yelled at Marshall.
He is born Jewish; By the end of the Compassionate Communication
work, they asked him to stay in their homes.

911: This is how I might have approached it--

I would have commissioned a Bunch of Government Folks
to go get Marshall Rosenberg. I would have paid him a lot of money
for his non-profit work. Then I would have asked him to go over
there to Afganistan--is was Afganistan right?--
and find out why they were so upset with us.

Exactly what was it we were doing--
exactly what was it in our behavior that could
so excite our Neighbors
to want to knock down a couple of our tallest buildings?

I would have made a list of what they felt
we were doing that was so upsetting to them.

Then, I would have called an Enchanted Garden Conference.
I would invite The Good People of the World to decide how to help
the people that were so very upset.

I would get a Peace Corps going really big again,
and a Vista Program--Volunteer in Service to American-
for our own Country.

After needs to start at home...]


I have done a lot of thinking about this Myth
that one day the world will blow itself up
so we can get to 1000 years of Peace.

My alternative is Good Communication.

I wrote a whole story about that somewhere
in one of my books.

I believe that this millenium is intended
to be the 1000 years of Peace. I do not believe
the Peace needs to come to our Earth because
every is dead and there are no more people here to fight.

I believe people can learn to be Good Neighbors.
I believe that Men and Women can actually learn to
live together!!!

What to do about Irag?

Right now, I believe we have helped pass laws
that prevent the Iragi's from growing their own Seeds.
We prefer to control them by disallowing them to
have their own seeds to reproduce.

We are doing the same thing to our own people
here in this country.

We have everyone hooked on junk food.
We are paying our farmers to grown foods
that help make kids fat and sickly.
We have created a generation more
familar with Apple Computers than Apple Trees.
Heirloom Seeds were on the way out....

Luckily, my Governor of California
who was once the Terminator, is not necessarily
into Terminator Seeds with GMO's.

Terminator Seeds are Seeds that are intended
to grow and then will not reproduce. They
are the opposite of Heirloom seeds.

My Friend Arnold is putting out 15 million so every school
can have a garden.

When I see him, I am going
to give him a Good Report of Operation Good Neighbor
that I will be doing next week in Tecate.

June 2--it is World Environment Day around the world.

Guillermo Romera Ibarrola, Director Ejectivo
for the Fundacion La Puerta, A.C. tells me that
while the U.S. celebrates Earth Day April 22, the
rest of the World has a World Earth Day, June 5.

The US can get a bit ethnocentric!!!

As Your Enchanted Gardener, as a Rep
of The Enchanted Garden, a name for our renewed
Earth, I am taking a Little Road Trip in
the EG Mobile June 2 to Tecate.

I am going to some time
with some Kids from our Good Neighbors to the South.

More Background--

Last Saturday, I attended a Town Meeting
called by Congress Woman Susan Davis.
A lot of people at the Gathering were
very upset becasue people from Mexico
want to cross the border to work and live here.

The are very upset about what is called
Illegal Immigration.

I can understand their upset.

The Enchanted Garden Plan next Saturday
will be to bring the Kids of Tecate
delicious locally grown organic fruits--
food donated by some of my Whole Food Market
and Hillcrest Farmer's Market Friends of the Farm Sponsors.

I will also have an array of beautiful
Joe the Farmer Produce for them to see,
smell, and touch.

I will also give them
some Seeds of Job's Tears and invite them
to Plant Dreams with living Seeds.

We are going to make some drawings on
recycled given to me by my friends
from the Rhimax Company.

I am going to encourage these wonderful kids
to start growing organic foods. I want them to
learn how to make topsoil one foot thick.

When I meet the Mayor of Tecate, I am going to
encourage him to do what Arnold is doing!

Every school in Tecate deserves a garden!

Every School in Tecate deserves a cafeteria.
and every cafeteria deserves
wonderful organic locally grown food.

I want to encourage my friends at the Fundacion
la Puerta and thank them for their wondderful work!

I know through their work, kids can be encouraged
to grown their his own food
and food for their family!

Look what the Fundacion has done:

A couple weeks ago, I attended Deborah Szekely's 85th birthday
at Professoris Park!!! That Whole Park is a gift from the
Szekely Family!!!

What a formula--for making Good Neighbors!!!

I do not feel that building big walls between us
with barbed wire fences is the best use of our money.

I do not believe that Mother Earth recognizes
the border between the US and Mexico.

I believe she recognizes a Clean River between us!

Mother Earth wants a border area rich
in natural bird life, and animal life, and people

Mother Earth wants singing and dancing between all
Children of both our countries.

She wants are kids to be Pen Pals--and garden buddies!!!!

I am going to see what I can do about creating
what Mother Eerth would like with your encouragement
and support.

Seeds--Seeds--wonderful foods--having plenty
on the Table to eat--having Good Neighbors--
Having these things helps us see
see that what we have in our own backyard
is as good as what the people have across the fense.

Making sure our neighbors have their needs meet at home,
in every way we can, this is a way to make Good Neighbors.

We do not have to give the people of Tecate Welfare.
We need to do the kind of things that the Fundacion La Puerta
is doing!!!!

Look at the Formula created by
the Szekely Family. L what they did.

They helped create this Fundacion La Puerta
from some of the money that comes from Rancho La Puerta,
a beautiful destination spa in Tecate.

Fundacion La Puerta--
It is the largest Foundation in Tecate
supporting the Public Good and wonderful Projects
that express that we are Good Neighbors.

Take a Look what "American" can do
when their hearts and souls are in
the Driver's Seat of their lives:

About Las Piedras Environment Center,
on the grounds of Professoris Park,
site of the World Environment Day:


Your Enchanted Gardener


Parque del Profesor (Professor’s Park)

Set in the foothills of Mount Kuchumaa, Parque del Profesor is a cultural and recreational center fostering a sense of place among the citizenry of Tecate. Parque del Profesor, named in honor of Edmond Szekely, is the backbone of community interaction where events and celebrations have drawn as many as 2,000 participants. Picnics, guided interpretive trail walks, jogging, and a host of sporting events, at the state and local level, and annual cultural and holiday celebrations provide a variety of activities and events for the citizens of Tecate to enjoy. The Fundación also offers the Parque free of charge for weddings, parties, graduations, and other family celebrations. Las Piedras Environmental Education Center lies within the heart of the Parque and provides a magical place where children and families learn to love nature. Events held at the Parque are at the heart of the Fundación’s overall vision of achieving a sustainable way of life in the Tecate region based on respect and celebration of the human and natural communities.


7:25 AM
May 26, 07

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