Agnihotra--Lighting Healing Fire GMJ by YourEnchantedGardener .....

Agnihotra Garden Management Journey. Daily Recordings of Sunrise and Sunset Healing Fire Meditations. Glad I am doing this.

Date:   6/10/2007 9:12:43 PM ( 17 y ago)

May 30, 2007 5:42 AM

Overnight guest.
Up till 1:30 AM

Did not do Agni this morning.

EG Mobile about to go in shop again.
See where birds are getting interesting in seeds
on Agni Table. Opened up some chia seeds for them
and put them out.

7:50 PM 14h 08m 02s + 0m 56s 12:46 PM 79.1° 151.644

May 29, 2007 5:43 AM

May skip if I have my wits about me.
IT is addicting!
writing at 9:29 PM
May 28,07

I am extremely exhausted from getting up so early.
Did not use my time wisely today at all
because I was so tired.

Overworked...pushed the river...

Concerned...lots of emotions up.
Better go to bed and rest.

6:18 AM

tempted to get up and do it.
I am awake, but tired.
Paris is outside doing it, I see.

I want to compose a request for funds for Support
for Enchanted Garden Neighbors now to friend Michael

Go for it, Leslie!

May 29,07
7:50 PM 14h 07m 06s + 0m 58s 12:46 PM 78.9° 151.620
System feeling vulnerable right now.
IT is 7:36 PM

EG Mobile? Can you believe it...

No start....please not possible...
shock...WF Receiver did not accept the six boxes of fruit
from Noel for me. Feeling really let down. Who do I check with?
Do I have time? EG Mobile into shop again in early AM.
Mike doesn't know it is coming.

Checked on location of more Dung.

May have one source, Brandt Beef.

Pressures around the house.
Faucet fixed upstairs...
More to do.
N. looking around seeing clutter....
Agni good. Angelene + Paris...

babby possum viewed.

Angelene cleared Sanford + Son Area by worms.

May 28, 2007 5:43 Pm
invite to event...

7:49 PM 14h

Late. Hard starting fire.'
Windy. Paris and Angelene.
I am feeling unworthy...
about fundraising right now...

WFM go out...
Feeling in a time bind.
Need to switch to working to be done...
not fundraising.

May 27, 2007 5:43 AM

Sunday morning. did not get up at sunrise.
Did a small fire later.

7:48 PM 14h 05m 06s + 1m 03s 12:46 PM 78.6° 151.570

May 26, 2007 5:44 AM

Good one...on time.
Scott and Paris...

Did healing work around St. Francis prayer.

Saturday....15 to 6...
not sure I will get up...

6:06 AM

I was up. Was writing.
A couple minutes late....
Birds out this morning big.
No crows...just sweet ones.

Writing up things for World Environment Day.

Operation Good Neighbor...

911 Alternative...

7:48 PM 14h 04m 03s + 1m 05s 12:46 PM 78.5° 151.545

Coming in from Gardening.
Unexpected gardening.
N wanted to hang an American Memorial
wind chime on the banana tree, in the wild
front area of the entryway.

The wild area is no longer,
maybe a tiny bit of it.

The exuberance to cull out the banana,
has led to the sacrifice of 90% of the wildness.

7:17 PM
May 26, 07

May 25,
7:47 PM 14h 02m 58s +
The time is 7:32 PM
Friday Sunset

Agnihotra is 7:47
13 minutes...

was good.
Paris came out.
Good fire.
nice brid sound.

May 25, 2007 5:44 AM

The time is 8:38 AM.
I did not sleep well.
I slept through the Sunrise.
I just set in motion some energy for the day.

I will go do the Agnihotra right now, even though
I missed the Sunrise.

Reminder: I will need more Cow Dung.
Tom said to call him on Wednesday to "keep him honest"
to arrange for a drop off. That would be a powerful event
to have such a drop off.

8:40 PM

Go do Healing Fire and Check for Plant Health.
Then, come back in, and Focus energy.

Do not forget completion needed today.

Some Paris Communication?

10:11 AM

Back here....
Some Gardening...

Healing Fire...less than full power...

edited pot with Lemon Verbena...

Have I the energy to harvest the rest of the Barley?

Tired and weary....

May 27, 2007 5:43 AM 7:48 PM 14h 05m 06s + 1m 03s 12:46 PM 78.6° 151.570
May 28, 2007 5:43 AM 7:49 PM 14h 06m 07s + 1m 00s 12:46 PM 78.8° 151.595
May 29, 2007 5:43 AM 7:50 PM 14h 07m 06s + 0m 58s 12:46 PM 78.9° 151.620
May 30, 2007 5:42 AM 7:50 PM 14h 08m 02s + 0m 56s 12:46 PM 79.1° 151.644
May 31, 2007 5:42 AM 7:51 PM 14h 08m 57s + 0m 54s 12:46 PM 79.2° 151.667


May 24, 07

Sunset, Coyotes and Crows
7:47 PM

It is 7:23 PM

I am home from Whole Foods.

27 minutes to go...

I better go out and get it ready.
I am very tired.

I feel if I lay down, I may sleep through the Sunset time.

If I were not doing this practice, I would take a nap now.

There are crows giving a concert.

Angelene helped me pick up the EG Mobile,
then I went to Whole Foods for a food binge
to get over and feel my feeings Re: Paris,
and his leaving June 5.

There is no point to hold on to someone who wants
to go. I have put in a good attempt to show him
what was good about his being here.

He was planning to take a trip, but was holding
back the full story that he planned to go to the Rainbow Gathering
in Oklahoma. There are no shortages of roofs in can sleep under.

There are many circumstances here that do not work for him.

It triggers many boundary issues.

I wanted to go out and get on a drug high, so I ate a chocolate bar.

I will likely take a nap after dinner.

To pull off Mexico trip would take a ton of focus.

I was doing that in part for Paris. Not sure I want to take on
all that work now. What will I gain?????

7:30 PM

I want to talk to Paris about the high price of being here....
I am sure that will inspire writing in me at a time when
I do not have time to take on the house full on if I want to
commit to the Mexico Trip June 2.

No sense doing either half way, or is there an in between.

The Gates are Open, but I am not sure I can go through them
with my plate filled as it is.

The Scorpio in part wants to sting.

Paris is a good mirror for my own Peter Pan archetype...

7:47 PM is Agnihotra.


8:21 PM
May 24, 2007

Paris came out later.
Their was a concert of crows welcoming me home,
or so it seemed.

They wanted me to see something perhaps.

I picked up energy doing Agrihotra tonight.

I was alone with the crows.

There were a number of them.

I started to "crow" back.

Their were a number of them,
one in front of me in the canyon and one in back of me,
some distance behind me.

I am more aware of the animal life here now,
and the animal life seems more aware of me.

It seems that all the animals are out at sunrise
and suneet. Now as I write it is totally quiet.

When the crows were talking, I started to crow back.

Then, there were be no crowing. They we would crow
in unison breaking the silence at the same time.

I sense they were wanted to tell me something.

I turned to the right and looked down at the
meditation garden. I thought I saw a fox.
I have not seen a fox for many years.

Then, I looked again, and there was a coyote.
It looked at me briefly. It had stopped
long enough for me to see it clearly.

It looked unusal, as if it had mated with a dog,
but I do not believe this was a dog.

The fire burned well tonight.

Then Paris came down. I had already chanted.

He chanted some, Om Nama Shiva, then the Agnate Shava,
etc. I got up some after when the fired started to go out.
I made up some Peter's Powder. I got rain water from the barrel
in my water can.

I also got some worm castings, a good amount in a yellow bucket.

Then I went and fed the Rock Rose that had been suffering.

Paris and I spent a number of hours clearing the area
where the Rock Rose lives.

He helped me take away the old soaker hoses.

He helped fix one soaker hose that had a hole.

We wrapped it around the Rock Rose.

I added Peter's Powder to it tonight as well,
and rainwater in the can.

I also watered the Angelica. I really want
that to bloom.

I gave some Peter's Powder to the Cactus I like.

I am wanting to simplify the area more where
Paris worked today and yesterday. It has added a Zen touch.
I want to go all the way there with that approach.

Gardening brings out the consciousness we have.
It is like Sand Play.

8:35 PM

Better call Tom and get some more Cow Dung.

It is 7:25 PM

May 25, 2007 5:44 AM 7:47 PM 14h 02m 58s + 1m 07s 12:46 PM 78.3° 151.519
May 26, 2007 5:44 AM 7:48 PM 14h 04m 03s + 1m 05s 12:46 PM 78.5° 151.545
May 27, 2007 5:43 AM 7:48 PM 14h 05m 06s + 1m 03s 12:46 PM 78.6° 151.570
May 28, 2007 5:43 AM 7:49 PM 14h 06m 07s + 1m 00s 12:46 PM 78.8° 151.595
May 29, 2007 5:43 AM 7:50 PM 14h 07m 06s + 0m 58s 12:46 PM 78.9° 151.620
May 30, 2007 5:42 AM 7:50 PM 14h 08m 02s + 0m 56s 12:46 PM 79.1° 151.644
May 31, 2007 5:42 AM 7:51 PM 14h 08m 57s + 0m 54s 12:46 PM 79.2° 151.667

May 17, 2007 5:49 AM 7:42 PM 13h 53m 06s + 1m 21s 12:45 PM 76.7° 151.292

May 18, 2007 5:48 AM 7:42 PM 13h 54m 27s + 1m 20s 12:45 PM 76.9° 151.322
Friday. TS/FB, from bed.

May 19, 2007 5:47 AM 7:43 PM 13h 55m 45s + 1m 18s 12:45 PM 77.1° 151.352
Prometheus story and Pandora's box.

May 20, 2007 5:47 AM 7:44 PM 13h 57m 02s + 1m 16s 12:45 PM 77.3° 151.382
got up late. Did in back in small way. tied sunflower. feel over. mine.
ashes to different plants. more Peter Powder on Archangel plant. Walked
with Scott.

May 21, 2007 5:46 AM 7:45 PM 13h 58m 17s + 1m 14s 12:45 PM 77.5° 151.410

Got up was writing on Susan Davis Blog.

When out to back to start Agnihotra.

Started a few minutes late.

Fire would not start.

Theme of Keeping the Fire's Burning,
Promethius theme is Alive in me.

Feeling Anger...deep Anger...
that the Fire will not burn for me this morning.

Is it my attitude????

Did all kinds of things to make it,
Force it to burn, but the Fire would not
burn naturally.

Brought out N's second Copper Pyramid to back area.

Matches are inadequate. They keep breaking.

Idea: Build another fire, and use the first first to heat
up the Cow Dung.

I have a call into to Tom of Brandt Beef for a load of
Cow Dung.

Powerful Sinai Strength Coming in.

We are in Day 48 of the Omer Count.

The Energy of Twin Soul/Best Friend is in my energy field.
She is wanting somethings and suffering and I am feeling
the Enchanted Gardener Energy inside of me to make her Seed Dream
come True, even though it is an absurd thing in the eyes
of most men to do this for a woman who is their partner in Love.

I do not feel to be more specific due to harsh Blog Comments.

It is Day 48 of the Omer Count.

I also am continuing the Plant Experiment with the Mammouth

I am reminded of the work of Christopher Bird about Plants.

That book burned in the fire we had years ago.

What was it called....????

The plant that Peter Dukich tended and loved was doing
remarkable better than the plant that I started four feet away.

He did spend more time Preparing the Soil.

His was staked better.

Mine was drooping over and I did not fully stake it properly yesterday
morning. His soil looks Richer. Both were watered with rain water.

His got the Peter Powder.

I want to do more gardening this morning.

Starting to feel tired.

Want to Capture the rest of the Blogs.

Amazing Plant Experiments going on now!
Thank you, Luther Burbank!!!

"You are welcome, Dear Leslie,
my honor to serve.
Thank you for Thinking of me."

A bird sings...YES.

Want to go out and read the Omer Meditation of today.

I will speak tomorrow night.

This is the Week of Malchut, and I believe
we are in Yesod in the week of Malchut.
Yesod is the Genitals. Procreative Forces.

Peter reminds:

"Bio Dynamic" means Life Forces.

He really Blessed the Garden the other day
when he was here.

Sunset, is in fifteen minutes!
Got a call for Magic Carpet...I own them
a web site...told to call back middle of June!
I was thinking about that overdue today.
Rick has been waiting for years for me to do this!

7:33 PM
May 21, 07
Sunset comes,
and Malchut enters the week of Malchut!
Truly All came Together tonight!
I am in a Heighened state of Spiritual Communion!


I am listening to "The Emperor" now, by

Time of Sunset, 11 minutes!
7:45 PM 13h


Had my best Fire tonight!
I was the only one here!


Me and the ALL.

Found my spot in front of the St. Frances Statue.
It has unusual blooming flowers to the right of it.
I will take that photo tomorrow, while they are still at their peak!

Oh My God.
I set the Cow Dung as the chart said for the First Time!
It made it work better.

I set the structure less like Stonehenge,
more than Agnihotra.

I set my Feng Shui at the table before.

I have Rhimax Paper covering my Red Favorite Sarong.

As I said the words, the flowers and wind carried my words.

I was looking through a gaze of smoke it seemed.

All the flowers started to dance, all the White Roses,
and then the Cheramoya started to dance in front of me.
It has leaves turning brown.

Behind me to the left were the two Sunflowers growing,
and the new Lemon Verbena I planted this late afternoon.

I am listening to "The Emperor by Beethoven.

I want to upload this music.
I am the Emperor now.

Tonight we enter the 49th Gate, Preparing
for the Marriage with God!

8:12 PM

Oh My God!

May 22, 2007 5:46 AM

in the week of Malchut.
I stayed up late last night.
I was pushing it.
Wanting to Set the Seed Dream for
the World Environmental Day with uploading photos
so I would not have to do that today.

I said to myself that it would be O.K. to miss Agnihotra
this morning and sleep in, but I found myself waking
up and waking up, looking at the clock not wanting
to missing the timing to get up and not miss the Sunrise.

My first breakthrough with this came last night.
That was the 13th Day. It was an authentic Spiritual Connection.

So here it is, 5:24 AM.

The time is 5:46 AM, 26 minutes away.

I want to get it set up so I have the fire lite during the
exact moment of Sunrise on a powerful day.

Tonight, is the gathering at Rabbi Wayne Dosick's House.

I want to review my materials...
on the Seventh is about Adul;tery...
So...I want to play with this and do something fun and creative
in my ten minute Teaching.

I already have some notes...

7th Inner stretch....Let's take a stretch with this....

"Since we have this in our tradition, and their are many other
ways in many other traditions, I want to give the Jewish People
a chance to be able to abide by this one. Mandatory are
"the words that men need to know and women wnat to hear"
soul inspired words...otherwise, we will have continued straying...

Take the Seven Love Cures...
these were forgotten...

Patriarchy...#7 to control the women...
When did the Patriarchy start????
We were slaves...and tribalists...

Print up notes...make it easier on myself.

quote from Felice Dunas... on patting...on behind...

Time is now 5:32 AM....sunrise is 5:46 AM...
14 minutes....O.K.

Ten Commandment Notes:

O.K. get going 10 Minutes...birds starting to wake up!

6:33 AM
Desk reordered...
things put away to Focus on Tongiht...

Back to bed asap...

Look over Professor's work
on Ten C

Call Rabbi Wayne....

Teachings and Readings...on Ten C...

My speed alert him. O.K.?

7:45 PM 13h 59m 30s + 1m 13s 12:45 PM 77.7° 151.438

I will be at Wayne's...

May 23, 2007 5:45 AM

Been up for about one hour.
Lots of healing energy and good feeling
running through me.

Got up to write two Blogs so far.

it is now 5:27 AM.
Agnihotra is in 18 minutes.

Leslie, link to Blogs.
Take four minutes to write Blog #3. Start it.
Then get dressed and do the Healing Fire, please.

Message from God at Sinai,
Food Grown Here:

Night of Miracles:

Whole Foods to the Rescue:
Goes here!!!

6:08 AM

Shavuot morning!

Lite the Healing Fire with more Dung today...
more than usual.

Added the Essene Communion from "Enoch to the Dead Sea Scrolls"

Angel of Fire.

Light drizzle of rain,
held my hands over the Warmth of the Flame.
Wearing my pants from last night.

I will change my clothes now and go out and do some gardening.

This is A Holy Day.

I am Confident that All will work out with The EG Mobile.

Joe the Farmer must come to my Aid, as I will come to the
Aid of Joe the Farmer; Whole Foods will also come to my Aid.
Ellen Cell in Now Contact, and my Cell Phone,
She looked so lovely last night on the night of our Marriage with God.

Putting in #'s for Ellen and Blog on this....

on 5/23/07 9:36 AM, Patty Norton at wrote:


A couple of things about Agnihotra..... Agnihotra is more powerful and ashmuch more healing if you take a shower before Agnihotra and remove the BROKEN rice before you make the offering.

All the Best,


Shavuot Day Eve,
May 23, 07

7:46 PM
14h 00m 41s + 1m 11s 12:45 PM 77.9° 151.466

It is 7:18 Now.
I am Blogging a Powerful Seed Dream
and uploading Good Energy Photos:

May 19, 2007 5:47 AM 7:43 PM 13h 55m 45s + 1m 18s 12:45 PM 77.1° 151.352

Just did the sunset...
Agneye Shaha
Prajapataye shaha
Prajapataye idam na mama

[is there someone who can help me put/teach me how to put those
foreign characters over certain letters?????
Gosh, I have to do a much of that soon for my upcoming
Mexico trip, and this Mac is hard to do that for me so far.... ]

I am inspired to pull Szekely's
Ludwig Van beethovan off the shelf...

"The greatest miracle in Zeus's world was accomplished;

Prometheus brought the Divine Fire and
gave it to man.

Each member of the great human family receivedf a spark
from the Eternal Divine Fire.

Many of them were unable to keep it alive and lost the Divine Fire;

but he who preserved it became a Genius.

And life became beautiful upon the Earth.

Great architects appeared and created magnificient monuments.

Great sculptors and artists created wonderful forms and colors.

Poets sung-melodious songs.

Everything because beautiful and harmonious upon the Earth,
and Man became more and more similar to the Gods of Olympus.

And Olympus became dark and cold without the Divine Ligh and Fire.

The Gods became to envy Man because of their earthly paradise.

In their fury they decided to revenge themselves upon Prometheus
whjo stole from them the Divine Light.

More later.....

Prometheus...the Creator...
He united Heaven and Earth....

Thursday, May 17,07
up at 4:36 AM
just took a shower.
Difficulty sleeping.
Tired. Processing a Lot.

Sunrise time is:

May 17, 2007 5:49 AM

done by 6:05 AM
flame not burning strong...
too much smoke.
smoke bothering N. and Paris...
did outside.
feeling headachey from too much protein
too late and lack of sleep.

Felt strong o.k. about short trip...
some other thoughts now...
would like a confirmation of desire
to be met from on other side.

Concern about smoke going up into Paris's room.
Concern about his note.

committment to myself now?
Now seeing clearly.
better go back to bed.

Was having second thoughts about doing this,
this morning.

Where is my focus?
Where is my spirit?

Sunset is: 7:42 PM

I will likely be out of town from this morning
to Saturday morning. I will likely return to meet
with Congress Woman Susan Davis.

Catch UP:

Tuesday eve:
Went out....Angelene did it.

Wed AM...I did it.

Wed PM...I did it with Angelene...
hard to get fire started.

This is my Day #5 Journal...


This is a Garden Management Journal
of my Three Week Experience doing Agnihotra,
the Avurvedic Healing Fire.


This is my Day #4 Journal.

5:36 AM
May 15, 07

paris joined me this morning.
Then we had an important learning
about dying, death, and living.

We are working out our agreements so
we can work together.

8:01 PM
finished. Sunday night.
History Channel on Hippies.
Fire lite nicely.
Did a few minutes before hand.

6:09 AM

Lots of smoke.
Flame did not catch well.

House full of smoke.
Opened front and side door to let smoke out.

Angelene up early with car alarm about 10 minutes
before, but she did not stay up.
I am the only one doing this morning.

Want to read Omer Meditation and go back to bed.

Got to complete Rodriguez photos before going to FM this

8:01 PM
May 12, 07

Anna and I started.
Then N. and Paris came home
and set up a second fire.

Works to do the fire four minutes before.
Tonight it was 7:38 PM.

Better get on with Rodriguez scanning.

5:28 AM-6:18 AM
May 12, 07

Up early.
some angry feelings.
Woke up with a fresh dream in my head.
Just did some exciting Enchanted Garden Project
for someone--I likely know who--and then,
after all was said and done--It came into my
head to receive funds for the service.

It was as if they was not considered.
There was a free flow out, and break in the energy
coming in.

This made me angry.

I need to spend today--working with Joe's completions,
and will work with the rents first, out of dealing with

I see there is some comment, from anonomous person in
this Blog. Likely some kind of negativity being expressed.
I am not going to read it now. I am expressing enough
negativity toward myself right in this moment.

It would likely be healthier to disallow comments on my Blog.
I am writing primarily for myself, as a record of my own growth.
I allow others to read my process, imagining this is
a gift.

I realize that many here in Curezone are not dealing with their
own stuff. They would rather project on to others their own
disowned stuff. I am not into argument.

Argument has been coming up with Twin Soul/Best Friend this week.
IT is a tool of "intimacy avoidance." We avoid first intimacy
with ourselves. We push away the darkness, and spend our energies
in distraction, such as argument, to avoid clearing.

I am feeling tired doing the Agnihotra.

It is bringing up my stuff.

I do not want to avoid my stuff.

I write it out. It takes courage to clear, to declutter,
to empty out, to use fire to cleanse.

That is what Agnihotra is all about.

Check the time now.

The Committment was to do this night and day for three weeks.

This is the Sunrise of Day 3-

IT is now 5:37 AM.

It is 14 minutes before Sunrise.

The Jewish people as well acknowledge the sunrise and

They Essenes speak about the Angels being out strongest
at Sunrise and Sunset.

The Angels are associated with the Life Forces.

H is home from her trip.

She has not been introduced to Agnihotra
and has some lung stuff. I am feeling to do it outside.

The house filled with smoke yesterday morning when I did it.

Angelene said it made her sick.

Paris said he woke up and thought the house was burning.

6:18 AM

Dropped a match in it today...retrieved part of it.
Did it on the porch outside the kitchen.
Some rice not burned.

Added water to old ashes.
Abel said, leave a few days and then strain
and spray on plants.
Will experiment with this.

Would like to make Art from Agnihotra Mantras,
but need to learn how to creat a character.

Wonder how long it will take to learn how to make that character?

Start 6:20 AM--

Úa aa;aaa a;

8:15 PM
May 11, 07

Day 2 Sunset

Paris and I did it.
Fire: start about five minutes before the sunset...
Some funbling around before it gets lit.

Paris said the words to St Frances Prayer after
and I repeated.

He added some other prayers.

I was dozing.

I feel off the chair before.

It seemed to catch around sunset.

5:43 AM

Up early...
Saw Flyer for Rodriguez Ranch Buy Back
in my Mind's Eye. Blogged on that and to do list.

Checking now on Day two for Agnihotra.
Four of us did Sunset yesterday.
Angelene set it up. Anna, Scott,
Angelene, and I did the mantras.

Check time now for Sunrise of Day 2

5:40 AM
May 10, 07

Completed by 6:24 AM

Improvements needed:

Have the CD all ready to go in Player.
Have Cow dung ready and primed with Ghee
the night before.

Get better matches...longer...

Frustration... hand to light...

Ask: When start fire?
How long before timing...

Want it up to work with Prana in exact moment.

Anxiousness enters if not done already...
found myself rushing around for rice.

Have all preparations in place,
so lighting at specific time is all that needs to be done.

Put old ash in with other ash...after it cools.

Ate some ash from yesterday morning.

6:27 AM

Translating the words into English.

What do they mean?

Sooryaya Svaha


* External sources

[edit] What is Agnihotra

The process of Agnihotra consists of making two offerings to the fire exactly at the time of sunrise & sunset along with the chanting of two small Sanskrit mantras. Among devout smArtha Hindus who follow the vedic path of sanAtana dharma (Eternal Law) and its injunctions, Agnihotra is regarded a process of purification of the atmosphere as a cumulative effect of various scientific and sonic principles harnessed to give rise to an unparalled purifying and healing phenomenon. The benefits, both spiritual and mundane, that accrue to sacrificers is said to be enormous.

Agnihotra in Sanskrit is a karmadharaya compound (samAsa), meaning an offering, oblation, or sacrifice unto Agni (ignis, Latin cognate) or consecrated fire. It finds earliest mention in the Atharva Veda (1000 BC), vi 97,1, (source Monier Williams) though ritual fire was known as early as the later period of the Rg Veda (possibly 1400 BC), and a detailed explanation on its performance is given in Satapatha Brahmana (12:4:1, Fourth Adhyaya, First Brahmana).

Agnihotra as performed by several conscientious Hindus today, is a simplified version, sometimes accompanied by daily (nitya) karmas (duties) such as Sandhyavandanam and Samidhadanam. It can also be a kAmyakarma (optional obligation, not performed continuously) as mentioned in Manu or Yagnavalkyasamhita.

Though it is likely the Agnihotra ritual was originally performed exclusively by men, in this time and age it is open to both genders and all varnas and castes. What is required is an attitude of devotion (bhakti) and faith (saraddhA).

The process of Agnihotra consists of making two offerings to the fire exactly at the time of sunrise & sunset along with the chanting of two small Sanskrit mantras.

The offerings consist of two pinchfuls of uncooked rice grains smeared with a few drops of cow's pure ghee (clarified butter). The fire is prepared out of dried cowdung cakes in a small copper pot.

First, one takes a small piece of the cow dung cake and place it at the bottom of the pot. Then he puts Gugul, Camphor or a Cotton Wick duly soaked in cow's ghee on the bottom piece and then starts arranging the other pieces of cow dung cakes around it neatly. A matchstick or preferably camphor is used to light the fire (originally "pure" fire was produced by rubbing dried pieces of stick together, or transferred from such pure hearths.) If necessary, a hand-held fan can be used so that all the pieces are fully ablaze.

Two pinchfuls of clean, unbroken rice grains (raw) are grasped on one's left palm or in a small dish. These rice grains are smeared with a few drops of cow's pure ghee, and then divided in two parts. Keep an eye on your watch and sooner its needle touches the exact sunrise time, start uttering the first mantra 'Sooryaya Svaha' ("oblation unto the Sun"). While you start saying 'Svaha' offer one part of the rice grains to the fire. Continue and complete the mantra's first line 'Sooryaya Idam Na Mama' (this belongs to the Sun not to me).

Start uttering the other line of the mantra, 'Prajapataye Svaha' (oblation unto Prajapati. Lord of all Created beings), while offering the other part of the rice grains to the fire after saying and go on to complete the mantra, 'Prajapataye Idam Na Mama' ('this belongs to Prajapati, not me'). Concentrate on the fire till the offerings are fully burnt.

The morning Agnihotra concludes here.

In the evening before the Agnihotra time, remove very carefully the morning Agnihotra ash from the pot and put it in a bag or box specially kept aside for it. Repeating the morning process, prepare a fresh fire from the cowdung cakes in the pot. Also prepare two equal parts of the cow ghee smeared rice grains for the two offerings.

Exactly at sunset time, accompanied by the chanting of sunset Agnihotra mantras - 'Agnaye Svaha' (Oblation to Agni, Fire) offer the first part after saying 'Svaha' and complete the mantra by saying 'Agnaye Idam Na Mama' ('this unto Agni, not me').

Similarly, uttering the second line of the mantra offer other part of the rice grains to the fire after saying 'Prajapataye Svaha' and complete the mantra uttering 'Prajapataye Idam Na Mama'. Concentrate on the fire till the offerings are fully burnt.

This concludes the evening Agnihotra.

MATERIALS REQUIRED: 1. Agnihotra ( Pyramid-shaped ) Copper pot 2. Copper Dish 3. Copper Spoon ( Long ) 4. Copper fork 5. Cow's pure ghee 6. Gugul- Loban ( For igniting Agnihotra fire ) 7. Local sunrise - set timings yearly chart of your place

Sunrise Mantra
for Agnihotra:

Sunrise and Sunset Times:



Been up for a while.
Getting ready in my office
to light the cow dung for the first time by myself.

This is Agnihotra...the Ayurvedic Healing Fire...

The birds get up before sunset,
so iti s not that hard to know when Sunrise
is about to happen.

The chart they gave last night is one hour off.
I guess because of Daylight Savings Time.

It is 5:43 now and if the people who make
this chart are correct sunrise is in 14 minutes.

How long before sunrise do I light the cow dung,
and when do I throw the raw brown rice in????

Lots of papers here.
Let's see if they answer these questions.

Does smoke effect this laptop?

I am set up at the left edge of my Kidney shaped desk.

6:37 AM

Still a bit of ashes burning...very white ash.
The birds quiet down.

Tired...going back to bed.

Lots of thoughts...


reminds me of the Jewish people...
getting up to pray at dawn and dusk..
They have a calender as well....

Ideas during the night....
What do these words mean in Sanskrit?

Ask Reb Zalman to translate them into Hebrew...

6:41 AM

The presentation by Abel Hernandez
and guests Aleta Macan was very good.

They began showing the power of Vibration.
Abel showed various Emoto slides.
The words on the screen were in Spanish.

The slides showed the way the word effects
the vibration of the water.

The Fire purifies and heals.

What are some of the main things it heals?

Addictions at the source.
Sleep disfunctions.

There was a News Broadcost
from South America that interviewed
a doctor and showed a room ful of people doing
this together.

Many are being healed.

Some HIV have gone from Positive to Negative.

This has to do with the Prana, the Life Force.

Fire was given at the beginning of creation for purification.

Abel said this in not about believing in something.

The ashes taken internally are healing.

When put in water for three days and then sprayed,

plants show improvements.

The energy of saying these mantras at dawn and sunset
are said to enfuse the ashes with a powerful healing vibration.

Then, you are asked to meditate.

Abel did the Saint Frances Prayer.

I was working with that the day before without
his knowing.

He was in the vibration of the Saint Frances Prayer
with this work.

He spoke of it showing up when people are ready for this.

I sent out a lot of emails, calling in the Soul of
close ones at a distance.

It felt real good to do the Agnihotra this morning.

Barry, another doctor, spoke to his own recover


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