Lessons Learned=Blog Recovery by YourEnchantedGardener .....

Between Good Friday and Easter Message from Your EG....much love to all of you, Leslie

Date:   4/7/2007 7:09:12 PM ( 17 y ago)

5:07 PM


" I am Not Enuf"
healed just now.


"Heart's Desire" Blog


Through the Inspired Efforts of
Ana Baxter, Curezone Masterful Moderator

Through the Dedicated Workswomanship of Torrie Crocker,

Through the Spontaneous Remissions of Cleansing
expert, Zoebess,

Numbers of hours of Service in the Cause
of the History of Peace on Earth
are bringing back the Missing Pieces Lost
in the Cache
Caught in Cyberspace...

These Noble Women are forever endeared
in the Heart of Your Enchanted Gardener
for Mother Earth...

Let it be Officialluy Noted
And So it is Written, and So it is Done,
as Cecil B Demille would say
in The Ten Commandments...

[say isn't that on T.V. Tonight???????????? ]

Moses! Moses!!!
Jesus! Jesus!
Ana! Ana!
Torrie! Torrie!
Zoebess! Zoebess!!!

ALL the Prophets/Priestesses Gather...
for the History of Peace on Earth...

"Say, who is this Guy????
Must be Nuts!!! RIght...

No it is just the driver of the talking
EG Mobile...

Mr. Don Quixote to the Stars and Planets....

When all things go South...have fun, Your EG says.

Right Rudenski?????
Love you...my Beloved Rising Sun....
Your EG says hello!!!!

Sounds like I am channeling Dr. Bronner, right Ren???

Read on...

11:39 AM
April 7, 07

You know you are really hooked on blogging
when you're suppose to be sleeping but you
are lucid dreaming writing blogs!

Oh my God! We are so lucky to have Curezone!!!!
We are so lucky to have each other,
with all our growth patterns, imperfections,
upsets we cause each other, stresses,
boo boos, mistakes, errors in judgement,
misperceptions, truths that are very dear to us,
hurt feelings, angers, personal upsets...

We keep growing...

This is the day between Good Friday and Easter Sunday.

Jesus was on the Cross yesterday, right Baysides,
I got that right, yes?

Good Friday...don't you just love that scene
in Ben Hur...when the Lepers...the mother and sister
of Ben Hur are standing in the pouring rain and thunder
and Sweet Dear Jesus is on the Cross.

His blood is running through the street and the rain is
carrying it...and the music is so profound.

I could watch and cry over that a million times.

I have been filled with many inspirations
from my lucid dream state.

I want to share some of them with you, dear ones.

We are kind of in a group marriage, aren't we????

1:15 PM

Got to take a nap....
will finish this later....
I was just getting started....

See you later...

4:03 PM

Up from nap...
Boy was I tired...
back at 'em
head, brain dead...
lost my inspiration about what I
want to write here...

going to upload some Blog pages...
thanks to messages retrieved by
Ana, Torrie, and Zoebess.

I am sure my inspiriation will return later...

What I will do next:

I want to restore my Plant Your Dream Blog
as it was # by #.

So I am going to move the new stuff temporarily to
a New Blog...After the Crash...

Things to report to Webmaster...
I hope we do not go into maintenance mode for the rest of the day.

I need to work.

Maintenance mode eliminates Blog Edits.


Webmaster...please FIX gallery Upload...
that is not working at all.

Ask Torrie for help with Comments Recovery...
Go to work, Leslie

it is 4:17

David Cohen will help me get to FM in the mornig
with bundles of Earth Times, Hey...
call Mariah for ride home...


thank you
by vibr8

Subject: thank you
From: vibr8 < Send email to vibr8 > | All vibr8's Messages |
Date: 4/7/2007 10:01:08 AM ( 5 h ago ) ...

I just wanted to write to express my gratitude.
Because you are working on recovering your lost blogs,
and narrate the experience here so very thoroughly,
I have been able to find the links
and instructions provided by Ana
and the great instruction provided by Torrie,
and have restored my lost blogs.

Not sure how popular my blogs are,
or if many real people read them at all;
however, thankfully, Curezone isn't a popularity contest,
but rather a wonderful place for sharing
and accessing useful information.

Well, really, it's more than that.

Glad you are getting help recovering all of your blogs, too.

Much love and light to you,

4:20 PM
April 7, 2007

I have a ton of work to do before I go to the FM tomorrow.

I want to transition to the Earth Fair Event tomorrow.

That will be easy with David S. Cohen coming to pick me
up at 9:15 AM. He works for the Earth Fair office.
He is an old friend and a jewel of a man.

NOTE on Backing UP:

1. Goal have all Blogs downloaded to my Apple Computer.
2. Use the Save As to that folder.

Remember, how old website, six months work went down...

4:21 PM

morning inspiration.

"Persona Non Grata"
I have been there done that a lot of times in my life.

i.e, My relationship wound to the Kallah...Police warning...
they would call the police if I did that again.

i.e, "Inappropriate Behavior" non invite from Michelle at MVH's
Follow Up!! When I have time.

Pattern of going to the top and then being kicked off the cliff...

Over...Over...and Out with that one....

Good Communication this morning with Doug explaining summer cleanup plane
with basement here at the EGI Community in San Diego.
Any helpers want to come and take on a Herculean task
equal to The Great Earth Cleansing?????

On hold...room rental...losing lots of money...
each day...."The Comeback of Joe the Farmer."
on Hold finishing that book while I do this
DATA Recovery. Job's Receiving all the Good...
on hold...$$$$

Get on with it...please Leslie...

Do the Curezone finish as far as I can go..
switch gears to Earth Day...

Valuable week of investment and yet costly to $$$ receiving for Earth Fair???

Illusion? In my Head...

want to eat some Soy Cream for pleasure...

In a good space in my head with
with Twin Soul/Best Friend...


What to do NEXT????

I want the original #'s back.

is that realistic...????
How much time would it take to do that...????

Start moving After the Crash Blogs to
holding Blog site...

April 8--Easter Morning...
No, Move the Missing Blogs...to
a New Blog....keep going here...

Assign #'s there to each...
See how long that takes...

4:29 PM

set up Blog...

Now ...After the Crash Blogs...

Why I want to #'s as they were to record the growth
of my most powerful winter...

Leslie, you are in the past....you could be moving forward now...
The future is more beautiful than the past...Leslie!

time is of the essence, Leslie...

This was the last blog before the Crash?
What # was it????
See if I can recover it myself.

what did Ana and Torrie teach me..???

page 49

Quanto Tiempo Mas? 5 h


Quanto Tiempo Mas? 5 h
Crisis=Opportunity. Spring cleanup can be done... and do wnat can be done here now. Thank you.

Cannot locate Blog...
had to do with When Will EG Mobile be done down at Sunset...

# was 2436

Plant Your Dream! by YourEnchantedGardener , Page 49
RSVP with Your Enchanted Gardener, Leslie Goldman at Plantyourdream @cox.net, or ... Page Fetched in 0.17 sec. Copyright 1996 - 2007 CureZone.com ...
curezone.com/blogs/m.asp?f=92&i=2436 - 40k - Cached -

In between, 268 Blogal Notations
in the History of Peace on Earth
were Temporary Lost in CyberSpace
Lost of the Spring Curezone Crash of
April 1, The Year of Our Lord, 2007

Bernard Jensen Teachings
January 6, 07
Bernard Jensen Teachings
and books...


5:07 PM

Through the Inspired Efforts of
Ana Baxter, Curezone Masterful Moderator

Through the Dedicated Workswomanship of Torrie Crocker,

Through the Spontaneous Remissions and of Cleansing
expert, Zoebess,

Numbers of hours of Service in the Cause
of the History of Peace on Earth
are bringing back the Missing Pieces Lost
Caught in Cyberspace...

These Noble Women are forever endeared
the the Heart of Your Enchanted Gardener
for Mother Earth...

Let it be Offical Noted
And So it is Written, and So it is Done,
as Cecil B Demille would say
in The Ten Commandments...

[say isn't that on T.V. Tonight???????????? ]

Moses! Moses!!!
Jesus! Jesus!
Ana! Ana!
Torrie! Torrie!
Zoebess! Zoebess!!!

ALL the Prophets/Priestesses Gather...
for the History of Peace on Earth...

"Say, who is this Guy????
Must be Nuts!!! RIght...

No it is just the driver of the talking
EG Mobile...

Mr. Don Quixote to the Stars and Planets....

When all things go South...have fun, Your EG says.

Right Rudenski?????
Love you...Your EG

Sounds like I am channeling Dr. Bronner, right Ren???

by Faran

Subject: Thanks!
From: Faran < Send email to Faran > | All Faran's Messages |
Date: 4/8/2007 3:20:34 AM ( 7 h ago ) ...

Thanks so much for helping me recover my blog entries-- I responded to your post to my blog but you asked me to post a link to personal stuff in my life, here, on yours. At the moment, my blogs are still scrambled. I just posted them all on one page, so basically, it's all there, if you still feel like reading them. :)

Your blog is pretty interesting, I must say! I hope you recovered all your missing posts.

Take care and be blessed,

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Next Blog...
Easter Morning...

Subject: Re: original address not working
Username: Aharleygirrl
Date: 4/7/2007 4:58:33 AM ( 10 h ago )
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