List of Recovered Blogs: by YourEnchantedGardener .....

Done Blogs and to Do Blogs... Volunteers Needed to help me Recover 268 Lost Blogs!

Date:   4/7/2007 1:11:13 PM ( 17 y ago)

12:12 AM
April 10, 2007

I have been working a numbr of hours
uploading pages 48 and before than
45 onto a different Blog.

All these are old blogs.
They do not show up on the home page.
Maybe this is good.

A lot of the old blogs are crippled.
They have dead links.

The photos are gone.

At least I have saved this much.

I could put in time to save page 48.
Torrie Crocker has generated messages on those.

I am loosing a lot of money taking this time,
including putting out a housemate ad.

Somehow this seems important to me.
Maybe it is just neurosis.

Torrie will work on generating 46 and 49 tomorrow
and put the messages on a text file.

I am not sure if I can afford to take the time
to upload them now, but at least they will be recovered.

The mortgage needs to go in tomorrow.

The EG Mobile may likely be ready for pickup.

Just accept things as they are.

10:23 PM
April 7, 2007

I still need titles on page 49 generated
into messages.

here is a clear list of page 49:

Some of these were done by Ana,
and one or two by Torrie.
They are on the Blog already.

I am determining now the best way to
approach cutting and pasteing.

My goal is to get them restored in the original
order by number starting with 2168 up to #2436.

Blogs 2169 to #2436 will be placed
by Volunteers on this Blog
called "Lost Blogs"

Want to help
Your Enchanted Gardener
Recover Lost Blogs????

Thank You go here
for what to do:


# was 2436--Quanto Tiempo Mas--last that went down.

Plant Your Dream! by YourEnchantedGardener , Page 49
RSVP with Your Enchanted Gardener, Leslie Goldman at Plantyourdream, or ... Page Fetched in 0.17 sec. Copyright 1996 - 2007 ... - 40k - Cached -

268 went down in between....#2436 and #2168.

Bernard Jensen Teachings
January 6, 07
Bernard Jensen Teachings
and books...


10:37 PM-10:22 PM
April 7

Zoebess, took some of the titles Ana generated and
turned them into messages. These were page 47.

Thank you all.

This is my list of what is now message,
and what needs tobe done.

Torrie did first three on Page 47

I need these titles generated into messages:

Pages 48 messages are now done by Torrie.

It seems that some that Zoebess did, page 47,
may not all be complete, but I will know that better
when I start doing cut and paste.

I will start doing cut and paste, in about an hour
after I blog some new inspirations that I have to get down.

My goal is to have the original numbers in place as they were

this is important to me. I will blog on why when I get a chance.

I am asking Torrie to do Page 48 now.
10:59 AM, Saturday, April 7, 07

Zoebess, Torrie seems to have the fastest approach
as far as I can see. I will ask Torrie to generate

My goal is to restore the Blogs in the order
that they were done originally.

I know this is a lot of work.

I am taking the time to do this
in the original order for a reason.
I will Blog on that NOW, and then start copying.

I am considering making a temporary user name and password
so helpers can go right in and cut and paste.

I am two weeks away from a major Earth Day Fair with the opportunity
to help launch a campaign to save a 100 acre organic farm.

I have been processing Twin Soul/Best Friend growth, and working on this
recovery. I am in a major life healing and you are all part of my healing.

I am deeply in appreciative to all of you who are helping, Ana, Torrie,

We are in between Good Friday and Easter Sunday, a time of resurrection
for me personally and our hurting world.

I wish you all great, great blessing, gratitude, and thanks.

Your Enchanted Gardener


page 44 NOt the first place...

Page 44 was not destroyed!!!

DONE: Page 45, 45 messages generated by Torrie

DONE: Message generated by Zoebess

page 47

+ Love Letter to Joe The Farmer Artwork by Zoebess 27 h
+ Dr. Bernard Jensen 99th Birthday Event Schedule by Zoebess 27 h
+ Keeping the Dream Alive! Bernard Jensen by Zoebess 27 h
+ Dr. Jensen Birthday was Beautiful! by Zoebess 27 h
+ Raking for Health Begins March 25! by Zoebess 26 h
+ Hulda Clark Speaks by Zoebess 26 h
+ Enchanted Gardener Month by Zoebess 26 h
+ Bernard Jensen Birthday March 25--Celebrate 100 Rakes by Zoebess 26 h
+ Sammy...a life in photos by Zoebess 26 h
+ Strawberry Love by Zoebess 26 h
+ Conscious Cards by Zoebess 26 h
+ Enchanted Gardener Month by Zoebess 26 h
+ Perfect Thank You by Zoebess 25 h
+ Harmony Between Farmers by Zoebess 25 h
+ Twilight Left Me by Zoebess 25 h
+ OTA Communications and Feedback (the url looked different~I pasted text. by Zoebess 25 h
+ Support from Olympus by Zoebess 25 h
+ Cultivating Food Justice by Zoebess 25 h
+ Chilling Out Global Warming by Zoebess 25 h
+ Digital Recovery by Zoebess 25 h
+ Rodriguez Ranch Buy Back by Zoebess 25 h
+ Piggie Year by Zoebess 25 h
+ Screws and Hoses Renewed by Zoebess 25 h
+ Angel Love by Zoebess 25 h
+ World's Greatest Photographer by Zoebess 24 h
+ Tons of Food by Zoebess 24 h
+ Gore Calling me? by Zoebess 24 h
+ What is a Rake? by Zoebess 24 h
+ Clearing and Cleaning by Zoebess 24 h
+ Locally Grown Spinach by Zoebess 24 h
+ Troubles end here! by Zoebess 24 h
+ Angels Stuck in Warehouse by Zoebess 24 h
+ Strawberry Art by Zoebess 24 h
+ Sacred Food News by Zoebess 24 h
+ Earth Day Exhibit by Zoebess 24 h
+ Pitch, Inc. stunning by Zoebess 23 h

Done by Ana:

Re: Ana Teach me how to do it, please Here are 3 I would like next, Tx & Love
From: Ana | All Ana's Messages |
Date: 4/4/2007 8:41:46 AM ( 64 h ago ) ...


from Ana's generated List, DONE

* Jan Hinkston's 80th Birthday 62 h
Jan Hinkston. Santa Susana Mountain Park Association, Got an invite for her 80th,

# Earth Day Exhibit+Ad Copy 9 h
#2365 4:53 PM March 24, 07 Sign A Love Letter to Joe the Farmer and Plant Your Dream at the San Diego Earth Fair April 22. Campaign for the Rodriguez Ranch Buy Back draws great support.
# Pitch, Inc stunning at Organic Center 9 h
#2435 3:58 PM March 10, 2007 Pitch Inc, Amy Summers Shines

# Mirrors 42 h
In Process...Done
# Dr. Jensen Birthday Schedule 48 h
Dr. Jensen Birthday Schedule

Bernard Jensen Birthday Celebration 48 h
Dr. Bernard Jensen Birthday Celebration March 25th. Former Hidden Valley Health Ranch has a bright future.

# "Cultivating Food Justice" Update 49 h
"Cultivating Food Justice" update

]# Riding the Ox Home--Willard Johnson 49 h
Riding the Ox Home--Willard Johnson
# "Request a School Garden Now!" EG Mobile sez 49 h
Request a School garden Now! EG Mobile sez

# "Sweating Polar Bears" 54 h
"Sweating Polar Bears," Your Enchanted Gardener, Leslie Goldman, Al Gore, "An Inconvenient Truth,

NOT DONE/ or Done????
10:27 AM

* Page 44/49
* Al Gore Speaks @ All Things Organic 9 h
Al Gore to Speak at All Things Organic, Organic Trade Association Show
* Earth Day Events from OTA 10 h
Earth Day Events listed by Organic Trade Association
* Noni + Superfoods 10 h
Making a list of some Superfoods from a brochure I received Anderon Martell who gave me some Raw Noni. I feel it is improved my health.
* EG Mobile Renovation 11 h
Enchanted Garden Mobile in Renovation. She is getting a makeover for her coming out party at the San Diego Earth Fair. She is getting all "prettied" up.
* Rodriguez Ranch Buy Back @ Earth Fair 11 h
These are the sponsors and companies who will contribute gifts for the Rodriguez Ranch Buy Back. We launch the local Sign a Love Letter to Joe campaign then. Those who sign and contribute get to Plant Your Dream with Job's Tea…
* Joe the Farmer Poster 12 h
Huge Joe the Farmer Poster and 300 DPI for Whole Foods Ad Raw Notes with Joe March 28th are here.
* Get "Angel Love" out of Warehouse Today 16 h
"Kimberly wants to get her 'Angel Love' Cards out of the warehouse today. Today is the day to get one of these sets of cards."--Friends of Kimberly.
* Details 17 h
handling details... cleaning up...
* Environmental Jewish Group 33 h
Good Jewish Environmental Group to connect with-- COEJL
* working on revised Signature 39 h
Revising my Main Signature Spring '07. Here it is.
* "Request a School Garden Now!" EG Mobile sez. 40 h
EG Mobile sez, "Call a Principal Today! Request a School Garden."
* Feng Shui Help 40 h
Marina Lighthouse always inspires me with her tremendous Charms.
* Mirrors 43 h
Getting some extra ordinary mirrors expressly made for the EG Mobile by Keith Arment, the new owner for Vision Manufacturing.
* Heart Writing Competition 45 h
Heart Writing Competition Winners, Schools "quell" over their Top Journalists.
* Riding the Ox Home--Willard Johnson 50 h
Livia berg-Johnson guest at 100 Rakes for Health, a Celebration of the 99th Birthday of Bernard Jensen
* Dr. Jensen Birthday was Beautiful! 50 h
Jensen Birthday Party Lots of photos to come... All in ALL, the day was grand.
* Coming Full Circle 51 h
Being Truthfully honest. Full Circle NOW. Feels good. I am humbled.

* Home from Jensen's 63 h
in process...
* Before and After 4 d
Stephen Markowitz, fooling around at Dance Jam. Preraking begins.
* Important Day--Return to Hidden Valley 4 d
Gifts to give. One of the most important days of my life begins. I want to be awake to it, and will go to sleep soon.
* Preparations for 100 Rakes Tomorrow 4 d
Preparations for 100 Rakes Tomorrow...Angels will be present.
* Dr. Bernard Jensen 99th Birthday Event Schedule 5 d
Event Schedule for March 25th. Dr. Bernard Jensen's 99th Birthday Party and 100 Rakes for Health Gathering.
* Earth Day Exhibit+Ad Copy 5 d
Sign A Love Letter to Joe the Farmer and Plant Your Dream at the San Diego Earth Fair April 22. Campaign for the Rodriguez Ranch Buy Back draws great support.
* What are you meant to do? 5 d
Professional Chart... What are your natural talents. I am ordering today as a gift... good day to order. $10.00 off.
* EG Mobile @ Whole Foods 5 d
in process...
* Really Huge!!!! Organic Center Logo 6 d
The massively large poster size image of the Mission Organic Logo is here for pickup by Joelle from who works for Whole Foods. She made a wonderful ad for my project, butt he logo is pixilated. This will improve the ad. Hopefully Ray…
* Flower Essence Teachers supports Health Retreat 6 d
Flower Essence Teacher showers support on Hidden Valley Health Retreat & Spa "I hope we can save Bernard Jensen's land. Let the healing he gave continue to live through his land and nurture new generations." --Patricia Kamins…
* Community Rallies for Joe 6 d
Crazy ideas rolling off my fingers out of my mind.
* Love Letter to Joe The Farmer Artwork 6 d
New Graphic Design for "A Love Letter to Joe the Farmer" is born on Valentine's Day 2007.
* Random Acts of Kindness 6 d
bottomline: Love Myself
* Kimberly's First Show 7 d
On the phone with Judith Larkin Reno
* EG Fun Earth Day Activities 8 d
fun things at earth day--
* Angel Blessings! 8 d
In Process... working on this now...
* Raking for Health Begins March 25! 8 d
Stephen Markowitz introduces The Rake Dance @ Dr. Jensen's fabulous Birthday Party this Sunday. RSVP with Your Enchanted Gardener, Leslie Goldman at Plantyourdream, or call him now at 619.582.9669 to let us knowing you an…
* March 20, 2007: 5:07 PM? 9 d
Plant Parenthood Activity over the weekend and on this day, the Spring Equinox that began on the West Coast at 5:07 PM.
* Is this Possible? 9 d
Day of decision... I feel good about what I have to do, one way or another.
* Al Gore needs help NOW 9 d
Gore needs help. Petition to sign. He goes before Congress Wednesday.
* Jack Canfield-Keys to Success 9 d
Jack Canfield. Some teaching remind me how essential it is for me to declutter and ground in nature. That is how "The Secret" grounds for me--Enchanted Garden to walk in literally.
* Previous Page, Page 48


Page 45, Torrie worked on this page:

· Rooting Out Crippledness 77 min
I am working on rooting on crippledness now. Massive opportunity is here. I am creating more living room inside me through rooting out old patterns that take away from my professional decorum.

· Love Letter to Joe The Farmer Artwork 94 min
New Graphic Design for "A Love Letter to Joe the Farmer" is born on Valentine's Day 2007.

· Bernard Jensen Birthday Celebration 95 min
Dr. Bernard Jensen Birthday Celebration March 25th. Former Hidden Valley Health Ranch has a bright future.

· Jensen writes to Joe 9 h
Dr. Jensen writes a note to Joe the Farmer

· Doors Open, Doors Close 12 h
This is a day of processing challenge.

· Dr.Jensen and the Essenes 22 h
Improvements happening. Coming into my stride. Working through Challenges.

· Nature Center for Kids 45 h
Bushy Hill Nature Center has a wonderful program of nature for kids.

· Sending large files? 45 h
Sending Large Photos through the male? This service does it!

· Bingo! Events Unfolding! 45 h
Coordinating with Amy Bovaird of the Organic Center. Breakthroughs and zeroing in!

· Important Day! 48 h
Starting the day groggy and depleted from overeating late night. This is an important day. Feeling some emotional needs. A day to regroup, and soar next week through Clearing, Cleaning, and Completing, House things + Calls.

· Parallels, is this a solution? 61 h
Parallels, I am hearing will run Windows on a Mac. Performance? Looks Good, say reports. Down at the Apple Store, I am impressed with the Macbook.

· Can I do This? 61 h
butterflies and nervousness on this a day for completion, I am self doubting at a time when I need confidence or at least to move ahead. Now it is evening. i did good! Time to celebrate and I am! Eating better. Bowel improvements …

· Checking out Lulu 61 h
Talking to Lulu Publishing from the Mac Store. Went to Fashion Valley after Accupuncture.

· CD Completion--Beet Photos 4 d
CD Completion... in process

· Whole Foods Buys Wild Oats 4 d
Whole Foods Buys Wild Oats. You heard it here....

· Signs of Organic Life 4 d
Signs of Organic Life. Joe the Farmer gasped. It was a lady bug and he knew he was doing the right thing.

· Hands of the Farmer 4 d
moved by the Hands of Joe.

· Iridology in Pennsylvania Project 4 d
Brian MacNamara is carrying forward the Bernard Jensen legacy in Pennsylvania. The Holistic Clinic he has in mind will do great work for that community.

· Supporting Local Farmer 4 d
Support Your Local Farmer, Found an article for 1998.

· Liver+Gall Bladder Food 5 d
Dr. Bernard Jensen liked beets for the liver and gall bladder.

· Plants in Ground 5 d
Victory Planting this late evening! Some major breakthroughs today.

· My Friend Oprah! 5 d
What's Happening on Oprah? Joy speaks of Joy!

· New Curezone Masthead 5 d
New Curezone Masthead. Joe the Farmer Beets

· NPEW Show Plant 5 d
Bring the show plant...

· Positive Response 5 d
Positive Response from Brian MacNamara. Nightmares give me insights into myself. Everything works for the Good.

· Turnip photo 6 d
Dr. Jensen spoke highly of Turnipsrr

· Updating Bio 6 d
Updating my Bio Note for Leslie Goldman Your Enchanted Gardener

· Natural Product Expo top 50 Trade Shows 6 d
Natural Product Expo West is one of the top 50 Trade Show in the Country,

· Heart and Soul In the Natural Product Industry 6 d
Heart and Soul Images from Natural Products Expo West '06

· Dill for relaxation 6 d
Dill herb is good for relaxation and much more says Dr. Bernard Jensen in "Nature Has A Remedy" Book Three of the Magic Survival Kit Series. Here is the lastest page from "The Comeback of Joe the Farmer."

· Ayurvedic Medicines 6 d
Ayurvedic herb regimen. Saw Nuva Yeetah yesterday

· Cancer 6 d
N is in the kitchen caring for herself. Her recent diagosis of the Big C is inspires good energy and use of the Our shared kitchen.

· Strange Dream 6 d
The Enchanted Garden is one way that "The Secret" and "An Inconvenient Truth" can be bedfellows. I had a weird dream, and I am processing out the energy from yesterday.

· Shopping List FM 7 d
Shopping list for the FM. I would like to take more photos. Need to watch my time.

· Leslie's Fulfillment 7 d
Leslie's Fulfillment. A Page from "The Comeback of Joe the Farmer."

· Farm is Saved 7 d
The Farm will be Saved. A Seed Dream is planted on New Year of the Year of the Pig

· Strawberry Art 7 d
Strawberry Art from "The Comeback of Joe the Farmer."

· Whole Foods Support 7 d
Whole Foods Support for 2007 for Joe the Farmer feels good.

· Anthony Zolezzi's Page 7 d
New Pages, "The Comeback of Joe the Farmer"

· Gallery Glitch for the last 12 hours 8 d
in process. Having difficulty uploading to the Curezone Gallery for the last 12 hours. Anyone else having this problem.

· Enchanted Garden Currency 8 d
Lunch time for The World's Greatest Lover

· Embedded in Bed 8 d
The Peace on Earth Noon Garden Report: Earth worms are pregnant. Four Fava Plants, high in nitrogen, are now grounded.

· Letter to Anthony 8 d
An Open Letter to Anthony Zolezzi, global Visionary, ordinary guy on an Organic Mission.

· Health Recovery Journal 8 d
The Amazing and Mystical Adventures of Leslie Goldman & His Enchanted Gardener Soul coming together in Peace and in doing so, bringing in more health and a History of Peace on Earth in this Moment.

· Back to Senses 8 d
The Five Senses are calling out to be felt this morning. Looked up Alan Watts. What he said Then, has impact on what Al Gore is pointing out in "An Inconvenient Truth."

· Ask the Herbalist! 8 d
Andrew Gaeddart of Health Concerns is a real heart and soul man who created a company Health Concerns, that has high Values. He sponsors the Enchanted Garden installation at the Pacific Symposium each year.

· Leslie is Happy! 8 d
"Lsslie is Happy! Enchanted Garden Project Began today. This Blog contains the List of what I need to be happy.

· Garden Influences 8 d
Early morning insights.

· Bob Baker Article 9 d
Looking through the LA Times, I wanted to find the story Bob Baker wrote about the LA Riots, and used some reflections of something he remembered about me,

Use of CureZone is subject to the following

I am not sure if I can see what is was on pages 47 and 48 in this list?
Torrie can you generate please the pages the way you did it so we can see?

DONE!!!! Torrie asked to generate message pages from the titles
for this one....11:20 PM April 6, 07....

page 45

Page 46:
DONE: Messages need to be generated from titles:

* Turnip photo 4 h
Dr. Jensen spoke highly of Turnipsrr
* Updating Bio 6 h
Updating my Bio Note for Leslie Goldman Your Enchanted Gardener
* Natural Product Expo top 50 Trade Shows 7 h
Natural Product Expo West is one of the top 50 Trade Show in the Country,
* Heart and Soul In the Natural Product Industry 8 h
Heart and Soul Images from Natural Products Expo West '06
* Dill for relaxation 10 h
Dill herb is good for relaxation and much more says Dr. Bernard Jensen in "Nature Has A Remedy" Book Three of the Magic Survival Kit Series. Here is the lastest page from "The Comeback of Joe the Farmer."
* CD Completion--Beet Photos 12 h
CD Completion... in process
* Ayurvedic Medicines 13 h
Ayurvedic herb regimen. Saw Nuva Yeetah yesterday
* Cancer 14 h
N is in the kitchen caring for herself. Her recent diagosis of the Big C is inspires good energy and use of the Our shared kitchen.
* Strange Dream 17 h
The Enchanted Garden is one way that "The Secret" and "An Inconvenient Truth" can be bedfellows. I had a weird dream, and I am processing out the energy from yesterday.
* Shopping List FM 38 h
Shopping list for the FM. I would like to take more photos. Need to watch my time.
* Leslie's Fulfillment 38 h
Leslie's Fulfillment. A Page from "The Comeback of Joe the Farmer."
* Farm is Saved 38 h
The Farm will be Saved. A Seed Dream is planted on New Year of the Year of the Pig
* Strawberry Art 38 h
Strawberry Art from "The Comeback of Joe the Farmer."
* Whole Foods Support 39 h
Whole Foods Support for 2007 for Joe the Farmer feels good.
* Anthony Zolezzi's Page 49 h
New Pages, "The Comeback of Joe the Farmer"
* Gallery Glitch for the last 12 hours 52 h
in process. Having difficulty uploading to the Curezone Gallery for the last 12 hours. Anyone else having this problem.
* Enchanted Garden Currency 59 h
Lunch time for The World's Greatest Lover
* Embedded in Bed 60 h
The Peace on Earth Noon Garden Report: Earth worms are pregnant. Four Fava Plants, high in nitrogen, are now grounded.
* Letter to Anthony 62 h
An Open Letter to Anthony Zolezzi, global Visionary, ordinary guy on an Organic Mission.
* Health Recovery Journal 62 h
The Amazing and Mystical Adventures of Leslie Goldman & His Enchanted Gardener Soul coming together in Peace and in doing so, bringing in more health and a History of Peace on Earth in this Moment.
* Back to Senses 64 h
The Five Senses are calling out to be felt this morning. Looked up Alan Watts. What he said Then, has impact on what Al Gore is pointing out in "An Inconvenient Truth."
* Ask the Herbalist! 67 h
Andrew Gaeddart of Health Concerns is a real heart and soul man who created a company Health Concerns, that has high Values. He sponsors the Enchanted Garden installation at the Pacific Symposium each year.
* Leslie is Happy! 67 h
"Lsslie is Happy! Enchanted Garden Project Began today. This Blog contains the List of what I need to be happy.
* Garden Influences 67 h
Early morning insights.
* Bob Baker Article 75 h
Looking through the LA Times, I wanted to find the story Bob Baker wrote about the LA Riots, and used some reflections of something he remembered about me,
* Sweating Polar Bears 77 h
Sweating Polar Bears? There are fewer places to sit in the North Pole now and days. We are each being asked to connect the dots asks Al Gore. The dots are am helping connect have to do with supporting your local Joe the Farmer, an…
* Earth Intimacy 4 d
Earth Intimacy.
* Less Leakage 4 d
Less Leakage, some major plumbing and emotional repair this week.
* Sacred Food News 4 d
Sacred Food News. A place to send "A Love Letter to Joe the Farmer."
* Quiet Digestion 4 d
I am benefiting from using this product for my IBS. Andrew Gaeddart, the Herbalist, says, "Constantly remind yourself of what is working well in your life." This is one key to Guiet Digestion. He also has some good formulas I l…
* Keep Going! 4 d
Need to focus... and get back on track with Creation...
* Joe Meets Your Enchanted Gardener 5 d
Joe meets Your Enchanted Gardener. This is the first draft of one page from the Book that goes with the CD of digital Images. Finished this on day one of the new "Leslie is Happy!" Enchanted Garden Project 2007
* Labor Saving Devices 5 d
On the way to hang the laundry, I stopped to thank Al Gore and Whole Foods Market Hillcrest for reminding me to use the clothes line this morning. Eating locally grown organic food is another thing we can all do to turn the tide on …
* Previous Page, Page 45

page 48
messages need to be generated from titles.

NOT Done:
Messages need to be generated from titles.
Some done...a handful...already restored to blog...
Those restored are... done list....
page 49


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