"Disabled No More..." by YourEnchantedGardener .....

Books back in Print main Seed Dream for 06-07 Enchanted Garden Campaign. Heading up to see old allies Mark Victor Hansen and Jack Canfield.

Date:   10/20/2006 2:26:22 PM ( 18 y ago)

12:01 Noon
October 20, 2006

"We can't afford
to have anyone think
they are disabled!"
--Mark Victor Hansen
in conversation
with Your Enchanted Gardener,
Leslie at MEGA Marketing
Magic March '06


Having an Exciting morning
organizing my notebook Overview
for the Enchanted Garden 06-07

#1 Seed Dream:

Books in Print

A revised and updated edition
of "Rekindling of Faith," 1994 and 1984.
This will be the first in the Getting Hip series
aimed to inspire those in the hospital with my
own experiences overcoming eating addictions
and mending childhood wounds.

I plan to have a self-published limited revised
first edition out November 2-5 for the Pacific
Symposium in San Diego, the annual meeting of the
Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) community.

"Rekindling of Faith" will make wonderful reading
in waiting rooms. It is a payback for
all the good care I received undergoing hip revisions
in 2001-2003

It crosses my mind that if it weren't for
the advances in Hip Replacements, or had lived
in another century, I would be in
a wheelchair today. My first hip replacements
were in 1975.

This revised edition of "Rekindling of Faith"
will then go to my friends at HCI, the publisher
of the the Chicken Soup Series and John Bradshaw's
great Recovery work.

It was a joy reconnecting with John in recent weeks.
He loves poetry and appreciates mine.

Next on the agenda for the 06-07 season will be
to reissue "Plant Your Dream!" Book One.

Diane Cohen, a lovely piano player,
will do a poetry reading with me
at the Enchanted Garden
Altar at the Pacific Symposium.
the reading will include
selections from both "Rekindling of Faith"
and "Plant Your Dream!"


"Joe the Farmer", based on the life
of the 4th generation Rodriquez Family. Their organic food
entered the Thornton Hospital years ago during my
hip revisions, and was grown especially for the 3day
Organic Celebration cosponsored by the Hilton San Diego
Resort, in summer 05. This book, already
written is anticipated for the Natural Product Expo West in
March '06.

In Spring 06, fresh picked locally grown stawberries
from the Rodriques family were carried for five weeks
into Whole Foods Market Hillcrest, San Diego by
Your Enchanted Gardener. Since,
there seems to be an explosion of interest in Locally
grown organic foods in our So Cal region.

The store now features the Rodriguez lettuce.
I say it is so fresh it will make you blush.

I am looking forward to having a reading of the
"Joe the Farmer" story at the store for the Kids.

The Seven Love Cures are now available on Poetry Plaques:


I will soon complete the World Peace Breakout Starter
Kit Series of Seven laminated Plaques.

This series includes "Job's Prayer," and
the World Peace Celebration "Declaration of Interdependence"
that you can preview on this Blog.

I am on my way up to see my Publishing
Mentor, Mark Victor Hansen, co-author
of the "Chicken Soup for the Soul" Series
and many other MEGA projects.


Our relationship goes back many years.
I took photos at the 1994 coming out party
for the first "Chicken Soup for the Soul" book.
I also was at the 10th Anniversary party
a few years back.


Mark's generousity is astounding
and the love he receives is deserving.

One of his visions is to reforest our Planet
and with Your Enchanted Gardener on his team,
this is an inevitability for Our Beloved Earth.

Jack Canfield will be at this weekend's
event as well. He is a dear soul, and
has a warm spot in my heart. He has always
been supportive of my work.


I have a photo of him taken somewhere back
in 1982 playing a guitar on stage at
a Holistic Health Education Conference.
That was long before he and Mark teamed
to produce the "Chicken Soup" series.

I have gotten a lot of out Jack's latest
book and CD on "The Success Principles."
I highly recommend this.


Jack was instrumental in bringing the idea of
Self Esteem into popular awareness.

Mark offers three MEGA events a year.
You can learn about the Book Business, Marketing
Strategies, and how to be a world class Speaker
in the three events he and his great staff put on
each year.



Mark also offers weekly motivation through his
weekly E-zine.

See a copy below.


on 10/13/06 12:18 PM, Mark Victor Hansen
at mark@markvictorhansen.com wrote:

Week 30, 2006

Welcome to Mark Victor Hansen's Weekly E-zine, developed specifically for people who want to create better lives for themselves. Please feel free to forward this issue to friends, family and associates! Dear Leslie:

Obstacles are inevitable. There is no way to avoid them. There will always be something to overcome in order to achieve what you want. "Problems" exist for a reason. They show up in life as teachers. When they surface do not lose sight of your goals. Don't say to yourself: "What did I do to deserve this?" Simply acknowledge their existence and ask: "What is this situation trying to teach me?"

Allow Difficulties to Teach You, Not Defeat You. Everything happens for a reason. I know we've all heard that before, but it's true. There is nothing random in the Universe. Nothing. So, when difficult, almost impossible situations arise, we need to look around and examine what we are doing in our lives.

Infinite Intelligence communicates with us in different ways. Each person is unique in the way they receive information from the Universe. Your lessons may show up in the form of plunging finances or failing health.

I know of a marvelous spiritual teacher who knows she needs to re-evaluate her life by the condition of her car. When she loses her spiritual way or stops concentrating on her goals her car breaks down. Strange, yes. But the Universe is a strange and perfect place.

No matter what forms your teachers take, recognize them as wake-up calls. Start paying attention, because the Universe is trying to tell you something.

You don't become enormously successful without encountering and overcoming a number of extremely challenging problems.


In closing this week, I'd like to offer an exercise to complete in the week ahead:

How many times have you faced difficulties in your life? When they presented themselves did you put the blame onto someone else, even God? Doing that didn't really solve anything, did it?

The next time you encounter obstacles I want you to try something new. I want you to be thankful for the situation. (Yes, that's what I said, I want you to be thankful for it.) Then, I want you to gratefully ask: "What is this temporary situation here to teach me?" I want you to say "thank you" and ask that question in your heart and out loud every day until the situation passes.

Keep a daily journal detailing what occurs during this time. When you take an attitude of gratitude and acknowledge your willingness to be a student of the Universe, difficulties leave your life quickly.

I'll see you next week!

Mark Victor Hansen

Share it with friends, family and associates by simply clicking on "Forward" in your e-mail program.

Have you missed past issues of Rich Results ? You can find them in my Rich Results Archive .

Although we want to hear from you, it's not a good idea to reply or send questions to this address. Simply direct your questions and correspondence to service@markvictorhansen.com or go to our website at http://www.markvictorhansen.com and contact us from there. Thanks and we look forward to hearing from you!

Rich Results is a free weekly column published by Mark Victor Hansen Associates, Inc. ©2006

Mark Victor Hansen Associates, Inc.
P.O. Box 7665
Newport Beach, CA 92658-7665
(800)433-2314 - http://www.markvictorhansen.com

Quote of the Week The only people with no problems are dead people.

- Mark Victor Hansen

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