Women's issues Heal Saturday by YourEnchantedGardener .....

Flower Essence Workshop this Saturday 10-5 in Huntington Beach. Check out Dr. Brent Davis' website, please. He is on to something.

Date:   11/17/2005 9:16:59 PM ( 19 y ago)

7:03 PM
November 17

It is two days before my 58th birthday.
This morning I got up with some fresh inspiration
after have a Loneliness Bout a couple nights ago.
This is something that is stored in my body and goes
way back to childhood. This generally comes up
after I come down from Conference Mode.

At that time, i made the mistake
of turning to the NEWs for company.
The NEWs was so Old and so Toxic
that i went into Shock. I mean, you mean
I can't even escape into the NEWs anymore,
I was saying to myself?

Gosh--so this morning I was blogging under guidance
about calling my Photos Flower Essence Photography.
I know this is true. My spirit was SO very uplifted last night
as i started to work with images of Rock Rose, that is
specially one of the Dr. Edward Bach Flower Essences for

You can read all that here on the morning blog.

SO, here it is, I am about to simplify my Feng Shui SIte--
the Feng Shui Quarterly is about to come out with a link
and with one of my flowers in it. I procrastinate a bit
and open my email's.

There is an email from new Marketing Maven,
Deborah, who I meet a couple weekends ago
at the Pac Symposium.

check out her website here:

BEACH this Saturday with Dr. Brent Davis.

Register with Deborah Pietsch 310.792.9029.

He has a new technology for extracting the LIVING ESSENCE
from flowers without cutting the flower.

One of his essences is specially for Lonliness in the Subconscious.
All his Remedies seem geared for Women to help them
be more Open to Love.

Here is the email from my friend Deborah. Maybe you know
someone in the Huntington Beach area that would benefit
from this workshop that will occur on my birthday of all days.

There is an outside chance I might attend, if things fall into place
although I am in quiet mode right now.
I have been studying his website and definitely believe in the
Flower Essences for emotional healing of the deepest kind.

PS. the flower for loneliness, Wild Iris, appears to be the flower
that has been growing right in the front of my house this last
season...and bloomed in Spring
i have no idea how it was planted there!!!!


I just got back from spending several hours with Dr. Brent Davis...who I
was introduced to about 2 years ago and have been waiting for his
guidance to give him "the go ahead" sign to bring his life's work of the
past 25 years to the mainstream. Aside from being brilliant and
extremely spiritual and in tune with conscious evolution, Brent has
developed and patented a profound process for extracting the life force
energy from plants without killing the plants...hence direct life force
energy in the form of flower essenses...Before I told anyone abou this,
I wanted to spend some time with Brent, who just came in from his farm
in Tennessee last night. It is my belief that the gifts he's bringing
forth through these remedies are a profound piece of the puzzle for
human's conscious evolution by changing our quantum field... He
currently has 34 remedies and does muscle testing to find out things
such as:

* Do I believe that I must work hard to make/attract money?
* Do I believe that I will always attract a problematic partner
* Do I ultimately feel disconnected from my divinity?

Please review the material I've attached and especially the before and
after photos...they are undisputable evidence of shift. He's got about
8 seats left for this intimate 1st time seminar in Los Angeles (actually
Huntington Beach) this Saturday from 10am to 5pm $195.00

Ultimately his goal is to assist women opening up their "receiving
channels" so we can love ourselves and receive the love of our partners,
as well as empower ourselves to step into our true power... Men are
getting in touch with their feminine side. And everyone is reporting
attracting money with grace and ease--because the receiving channels are
for everything--love, money, etc.

I feel that this is one of those rare gifts that shows up at the perfect
time for people and if you can feel the energy in this email as you tune
in and it resonates, then do what you can to get yourself to Saturday's
workshop. He's doing screenings on every person for your specific
remedies. I have cancelled a trip to go up north because I only just
got his call 2 days ago....

Much Love, Appreciation and Light,

P.S. make sure you look at the before and after photos in the
attachments...we are upon a great shift and the tools are being
provided...listen to your own guidance of course...

from Dr. Brent Davis' website:

by Dr. Brent Davis

The development of the FlorAlive™ essences has occurred in a remarkable way which suggests that a Higher Source is directing the manner and the order in which the flowers are discovered and are brought forth as remedies.

One morning I was guided to a pristine, moist hollow on my herb farm to prepare the first FlorAlive™ essence, made from Giant Chickweed. The flower looks like a small star, and has a great energy and spirit, so I named the remedy “Star Spirit Flower.” When this first essence was ready to decant from the extraction vessel, the bulb broke on the pipette used for gathering the essence. I had to use my mouth to suction up the flower essence. I mistakenly drew up quite a bit of the essence into my mouth, and had to discard it. Later that evening I began what I can only describe as a 3 day frenzy of cleaning, organizing, and paperwork that had been overlooked for months. When all the work was done I sat back in sort of a daze to ponder what could have caused me to have so much energy and to have overcome my tendency toward procrastination. I remembered the mouthful of Star Spirit Flower and wondered if it could have been the source of my fury for organizing. I began checking the remedy on patients in my practice the next week and soon found that it had a major indication for overcoming procrastination.

When we want to recover our health we have to make changes that might be uncomfortable or that we might tend to put off. Perhaps a very good place to start the process of healing is with Star Spirit Flower if we have any tendencies toward procrastination or disorganization.

The next remedy that was discovered was Blue Eyed Grass. I had worked with this herb for many years, using it according to the indications of the Indian tribes of the Great Lakes region. They applied it as a general tonic and blood cleanser. I always loved the small plant with an Iris-like flower. Once I prepared it, I began checking it routinely on my patients and found that those who suffered emotional or physical abuse were very much aided by this flower. Abuse syndrome is enormously prevalent, and a high percentage of the general population would benefit from clearing it from their lives, and by using this remedy, removing stored memories of it from the subconscious mind.

One day, I was walking on my farm (now the FlorAlive Sanctuary and Practitioner Certification Center) – I felt something calling out to me asking for my attention. I stopped in my tracks to sense where the pull was coming from, and to my left I noticed beautiful fuschia-colored flowers. I drew close and began to admire a particular flower and suddenly, in the center of the flower, appeared the face of a woman who was a close friend. She had been quite disabled by the loss of her true love. It seemed that the flower had sensed her need, and was letting me know it could help her. I prepared the remedy and gave it to my friend. Whenever a strong sense of grief and loss would arise, she found that taking the flower essence which I now call “Heartmend” quickly relieved the pain. She attributes a great deal of the mending of her heart to this beautiful flower that Divine Intelligence touched with such a special ability. The flower has now helped many of my patients suffering from diverse conditions arising from loss of love.

The stories around each new flower essence that I am being guided to discover become more intriguing day by day. They involve many unplanned events including dreams and visions directing me to remote areas that I would otherwise never encounter and they will be the topic of a forthcoming book.

Maquilina, one of the most powerful and benevolent of all flowers, lives at 15,000 feet beside a glacier in a remote Andean mountain valley. It is beneficial for virtually everyone because a link to Divine Intelligence dwells powerfully in this flower. I often tell the story of how I found it in my seminars.

On the main menu, under the heading of Products, there is a concise description of the properties of each of the FlorAlive™ flower essences. The combination essence, Revive All™, has enormously broad applications and benefits most people.

For a more precise determination of specific flower essence need, it is helpful to consult one of the health professionals listed on the main menu under FlorAlive™ practitioners.

I am also available for phone consultation by advance appointment by calling (615)780-5927. Check the main menu under Life Enhancement Consultation With Dr. Brent Davis.


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