Unnatural Chemicals Gone!!! by YourEnchantedGardener .....

How to Remove Unnatural Chemicals from the Body. Master Permaculturist Patricia Michael discussed this in her class at the Recent Feng Shui Conference. The class was recorded, Order from Backcounter productions, Mark Waters, Liz Springer, watersink@aol.com or call 1- 303-772-8358; source for audio and video tapes from the 6th International Feng Shui Conference and many other outstanding conferences. This information appears on her website.

Date:   8/30/2005 5:18:25 PM ( 19 y ago)

Photo: Master Permaculturist Patricia Michael,
an Enchanted Garden Member

My How Spirit Works!
In all the six days I spend at the recent
International Feng Shui Conference,
I found time to step into only one class
for ten minutes...and even then, I dozed off
into a nap, I was so tired.

The woman teaching the class greated me
with a friendly hello when I entered even
though the class was in session.
That was SO very sweet I thought.

The teacher was the Permacultural Master
Patricia Michael, an Enchanted Garden Member
and sponsor. She is on the list of Sustainable Living
Resources i will be recommending to the State of Calfornia.

She was also listed on the original PR put out by the Hilton
San Diego Resort that you can find on this Blog elsewhere.

So, as I was leaving the class, I picked up one handout.

Guest what?

that goes with the DISHEARTENING REPORT that
Liora Leah gave us yesterday. about American Babies
born Polluted:

End of the Human Race?

I agree with Liora Leah,


I live with seven other people in the Enchanted Garden
Intentional Community.

By the way, I need one more housemate to move in
October 1.

Go here to see the Profile:


So, the other day, I was Human "Racing"
like most of us do. There was too much to DO.
I was beating myself up. I took in the energy
of one of my housemates who was POINTING OUT
the stagnation that he SAW here.

I agreed, but it took me a day to realize that I had to
approach this stagnation in organically,
step by step.

I could not drop everythng and start working 24/7 to
get rid of the junk that it has taking the Human Race
about 200 years to accummulate in our Psyche.

I mean, there are eight people living here.
We all brought our STUFF here and it is showing up
as we attempt the valiant experiment of living together.

Can you imagine you living with seven other people
who rent and join in quasi-community relations
some undefined?

It is the equivalent of 8 Billion of us living on the planet.
Most of us do not have a clue why we choose to be born here

We are starting to WAKE UP.
That is why i am grateful to the ignorance of folks
who imagine we can beat the natural order by creating
chemicalized foods, people, babies, GMO's and what not.
It just does not work. Eventually, enough of us
speak up because we--as Dr. Jensen says--

I mean, we can decide to live in the Enchanted Garden!
We do not have to go nuts dying on the vine.

So here I was the other day.

I consciously decided to STOP the Human "Race"
and went out with a nice basket and started to harvest the delicious
Rose Apples that were all over the front walkway.

These fruits taste like Roses!!!!
They are delightful!!!
They would sell for about $5.00 a lb they are so rare.
Everyone that I offer them too, can't believe it the delightful
taste. They are crunchy like apples
and have a big seed.

LATELY, I NOTICED that there are some baby trees
that are growing near the Momma Tree
so I got down on my knees and started to stick
some others in the ground.

Who knows! Maybe you will stop the Human "Race"
too and want to have your own Rose Apple Tree?

Whenever someone eats a Rose Apple
they say, "You mean nature invented this????"

Being Your Enchanted Gardener,
I say, "No! It was me. I did it! I invented it,
and I am going to name it the Roger Green
Tree, or the Liora Leah Tree

As Your Enchanted Gardener, I take license to
name anything whatever I see.
I mean it is not like anyone has go into AGREEMENT
with my SANITY.

So here I was, harvesting this enormous BOUNTY
of ROSE APPLES, many of them smashed by hitting the ground
or stepped on MY THE HUMAN "RACE!" coming and going

DO you GET IT???


SO what are ALL these REPORTS about?

We have The Future of Food coming into Theatrical Release
and up for Academy Award potential Nomination.


We have Liora Leah giving us the lasest Scoop on eco alerts
that we need to do.

We have Your Enchanted Gardener, asking you to write to
Sacramento so California does become the 15 state to outlaw
local communities from banning GMO's...

(Did you read that blog and take action???)

AND here is what Enchanted Garden Member Patricia Michael
says we each can do to Start Removing Chemicals
form the Human Body.

What is the point?

Stop the Human "Race!"
Please stop.
Stop racing.

You were want to collaborate,
come on over or go out in your own backyard
and plant a tree. Call up the neighbors.
Tell them the dire straights we are in.
Send Liora's Blog ULR to some friends,
so they get the message.
and then, let them know it is time to
stop and Eat the Rose Apples.



love from your eg,


American Babies Born Polluted, Study Says

July 27, 2005
Reported by Roddy Scheer

According to a report released last week by the nonprofit Environmental Working Group (EWG), American babies are born with an average of 287 chemical contaminants in their bloodstreams. The findings are based on tests of 10 samples of umbilical-cord blood taken by the American Red Cross across the country. The most prevalent chemicals found in the 10 newborns were mercury, fire retardants, pesticides and the Teflon chemical PFOA.

"Of the 287 chemicals we detected in umbilical-cord blood, we know that 180 cause cancer in humans or animals, 217 are toxic to the brain and nervous system, and 208 cause birth defects or abnormal development in animal tests," the report said.

"These 10 newborn babies ... were born polluted," said House Democrat Louise Slaughter of New York, who is leading the charge in Congress to hold chemical producers more accountable to higher standards. "If ever we had proof that our nation's pollution laws aren't working, it's reading the list of industrial chemicals in the bodies of babies who have not yet lived outside the womb," Slaughter added.

Slaughter also had similar tests done on her own blood, which she found to contain polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) that were banned decades ago as well as chemicals like Teflon that are currently under federal investigation. "I have auto exhaust fumes, flame retardant chemicals, and in all, some 271 harmful substances pulsing through my veins," she said. "That's hardly the picture of health I had hoped for, but I've been living in an industrial society for more than 70 years."


* http://www.planetark.com/dailynewsstory.cfm?newsid=31656
* http://www.ewg.org/reports/bodyburden2/execsumm.php

If unborn babies are full of such chemicals, how much more so must adults be? This article prompted me to list the methods I have discovered for removing unnatural chemicals from my body and from the environment. Please note that these are what work for me, but I am not diagnosing any illness nor prescribing any thing as a remedy. These suggestions are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

Removing Unnatural Chemicals from the Human Body


* Clay: Food Grade Clay Drinks, and Baths
* Charcoal: That will bind and release poisons
* Oxygen: Aerobic Exercise, Hydrogen Peroxide, and Barometric Oxygen Chamber
* Chelation: EDTA Drips, Anal Suppository, and Enzymes
* Change: PH
* Enemas and Colonics
* Mustard Baths
* Acupuncture: along with a balanced protocol of Chinese herbs
* Chiropractic: To keep nerves functioning.
* Freeze Dried Aloe Vera
* Sweat
* Rest
* Sun
* Meditation
* Yoga
* Ti Chi
* Chi Gong
* Clean Body Products
* Sea Vegetables: They remove Mercury Strontium, Lead and Cadmium
* Cilantro: Helps the body release heavy metals

Ayurvedic Eight Tastes

* Sour: Vinegar
* Salty: Sea Foods and Vegetables
* Bitter (You don't need much, but everyday): Pomegranates, Limes, Bitter Almonds, Turmeric, all greens, Fenugreeks, Tonic Water, Bitter Gourds
* Hot: All Chilis
* Pungent: Ginger, Horseradish, Garlic, Mustard Leaves, Onions
* Putrid: Cheeses, Yogurt, Miso, Lassi, Sauerkraut, Tofu, Fermented
* Astringent: Raw Broccoli, Lentils, Beans, Peas, Avocado, and foods high in protein.
* Sweet: Maple Syrup, Cold Pressed Honey, Molasses, and Dried Cane Sugar

Gypsies' Wild Foods

* Lemons and Limes
* Peppers
* Romaine Lettuce
* Vinegar
* Garlic and Onions

Nutrient Supplements

* DIM (diindolylmethane): Helps remove fake estrogens, and unneeded estrogens from the environment. See http://www.annieappleseedproject.org/dimsafin.html
* Trace Minerals
* I use a product called Juvenon, which helps me sustain energy, improve brain function, and keep metabolic efficiency.

Removing Unnatural Chemicals from the Environment

Indoor Air Cleaners

Plants That Eat Xylene

Xylene is a solvent used in paints and varnishes. Check the labels.

* Areca palm (Chrysalidacarpus lutescens)
* Dwarf date palm (Phoenix roebelenii)
* Dumb cane (Dieffenbachia maculata)
* Dragon tree (Dracaena draco)

Plants That Eat Ammonia

Ammonia is found in many cleaning supplies. Check the labels.

* Lady palm (Rhapis excelsa)
* Lilyturf (Liriope spicata)
* Flamingo lily (Anthurium Andraeanum)
* Chrysanthemum (Chrysanthemum)

Plants That Eat Benzene

Benzene is a flammable liquid found in solvents and cleaning fluids. Check the labels.

* Gerbera (Gerbera Jamesonii)
* Chrysanthemum (Chrysanthemum)
* English ivy (Hedera Helix)
* Snake plant (Sansevieria trifasciata)
* Dracaena (Dracaena deremensis 'Warneckii')

General Poison Eaters

If you are unsure of which toxins are polluting your air,
a plant that eats more than one toxin may be just what the doctor ordered.

* Peace lily (Spathiphyllum): ammonia, benzene, formaldehyde, xylene
* Flamingo lily (Anthurium Andraeanum): ammonia, formalde-hyde, xylene
* Weeping fig (Ficus benjamina): ammonia, formaldehyde, xylene Tulip (Tulipa): ammonia, formaldehyde, xylene English ivy (Hedera Helix): ammonia, benzene, xylene

Outdoor Air Cleaners
Plant Trees!

Soil Cleaners

If you garden with the sole purpose being the health and welfare of the macro and micro soil organisms, your plants will not take up harmful substances.

Water Cleaning

Wetlands and swamps are most effective as biological water cleaners. They will remove, change, or bind Acids, Heavy Metals, Bionic Compounds, Hydro Carbons, Radiation, Phosphates, Salt, Nitrites and Nitrates.

Key Plant Foods and their Natural Sources

Go to Paticia Michael's web site to see a great chart
that I did not reproduce here.


Thanks for contributing to the History of Peace
on Earth through joining the Enchanted Garden Club
and signing the World Peace Celebration
Declaration of Interdependence (D.I.)

See the link in the left column to Join the Enchanted Garden Club
or use this link:


The D.I.
can be found here:


If you want to sign, let me know through email:

Want to learn more about Permaculture:


#43 12:27 AM August 30, 05


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