You Knew Me When by YourEnchantedGardener .....

First writing--Post Feng Shui Conference...

Date:   8/8/2005 5:19:15 AM ( 19 y ago)

2:43 AM
Monday Morning
August 8 2005

Went to bed around 1106 last night
a number of hours after the Closing Ceremony
at the 6th International Feng Shui Conference.

The Closing Ceremony finished about 8 PM or so
and began about 7:00. PM
It started an hour late.

There was no fuss or pressure about the delayed
start. It just took time for everyone to gather after
their last classes.

Originally, Roger, the conference organizer
imagined it would begin about 6PM and run until about 6:30 PM.

I moved into the room to set up the space around 6:08 PM.
It took at least 20 minutes for the set up.

I was directing the movement of "Props" to the Closing Ceremony
room from my beautiful desk in the Enchanted Garden Installation
while I was uploading various photos from the Conference
that i wanted to insert into the Gallery Art that I had already organized
in a nice size file on my computer.

So here I was uploading photos from the conference, and directing
about four people to carry things to the room that I had not seen.

Steven Spankler of Exotica Rare Fruit Nursery was massaging
a woman on the carpet as i was giving the directions and Gene,
his friend, who came at the last 12 hours to play flute, was in
conversation with Pam, a sacred dancer, who was sitting on the
bed in the Enchanted Garden. Marcie, who had been at the Essene
Seminar with Gabriel Counsens, was also in the space.

Steven, although a primary, sponsor--he brought about 20 Rare Fruit
Trees, had not done the Seed Dream planting, and Gene had not
known it, and then Pam came in and was chit chatting while
I was moving with the flow to make each moment count before
I would stop uploading. Marcie was the only one who had understood
how to plant a Seed Dream.

So I was feeling a bit irritated as Pam, a powerful Sacred Dancer,
was off in some other world, not realizing she was in the Enchanted
Garden Sacred Space.

Ariella Shira had already gone home a few hours before after two days of service. She needed to get back to spend some time with her husband.

So if you get the picture: Gene, playing the Pan Archetype, had been
called in to play the flute to help direct the energy toward the Closing
Ceremony room, but he was in ga-ga land enjoying Pam, and Steven,
was in ga-ga land massaging another woman on the carpet, and here
I am watching the clock ticking before i have to need to say that's it--
Show TIME, let's go.

I wish i had been able to alert Pam better, but I was feeling the pressure.
IT would have been wonderful to have had her in the closing Ceremony,
but the problem went back to Steven and Gene not having been initiated
fully to how a person plants their Seed Dream first when they enter the
Sacred Space.

Other than this minor energy disruption...the entire rest of the Closing

I basically, raised my energy level to break the TRANCE that Gene
and Steven were in. I mean, I was asking them to stop touching
and engaging with two beautiful women because i needed them to
help start carrying props toward the Closing Ceremony room.

i wanted to be in sync with Roger earlier request that the Closing
would only be 30 minutes.

I alrerted Gene. He started to play Pan flute.
Steven got disengaged and started to take direction.

I asked him to move two of the big trees from Thailand he had brought
into the Closing Ceremony room. Then I asked for one of the beautiful
Costa Rican bouquets that Whole Foods Market had donated to be moved,
and then the Seed Basket of 500 Heirloom Seeds, and also the completed
Seed Dreams. The Seed Dreams were all tied with Golden Threat and
were sprinkled and Blessed by each person who did the Ritual.

There were about 50 completed Seed Dreams at this point in the Conference
in the basket.

I directed Marcie to carry a big tub of herbs for Rancho La Puerta--brought by
Sarah Livia to the CC Room. She did that, and then the basket with wheat
to be harvested that had been grown in my garden.

When I entered the room where we would set up the Sacred Space for
the Closing, all the chairs were still in rows. I marked the spot where
I would place the Sacred Seed basket, and then Divine Collaboration
happened that was extremely exquisite. i imagined i was like
Anothony Robbins with a head mike, as i had seen him a year earlier
at the NPEW. He was doing a special event and had a massive set up

Well, in this moment, I had a massive set up staff. iT was exquisite
and awe inspiring. I was in complete perfect alignment with about
one dozen beautiful and helpful people where sprang into action
stacking chairs, setting the sacred circle with herbs, alerting
Steven and others, that they had taken the trees to the wrong room,

By the time, Steven came in with the two trees, the Circle was now
taking shape.

I told Christian from England something like, "I am glad i have done this
no less than 50 times before in the last 30 years." I am a master
at settting up Sacred Closing Ceremony Space.

I started the Closing Ceremonies in the 80's for the Whole Life Expos
that were extradinary. Rabbi Shlomo Carlebach, Steven Longfellow Fiske,
so many others were in those Closings.

A highlight for me--was that HM--one of my housemates from home--came
in right as the space was to be set up. This was a major, major win.
She is the pivot person at home who anchors Sacred Space at home.
We have an interesting push pull relationship at home--some projection--
but basically quite delightful. She brings in so much at home of the element
of order. She is the Mother Goddess at home., the Elder Woman of the house, aside from Anna, who has been living at the EGIC (Enchanted Garden
Intentional Community) but plays a different karmatic role.

So Heather was witness to my directing. How very, very profound!
I am not a good director at home. (I will write about that soon!)

God that felt good to know that i was being observed by Heather.
Very, Very healing. I realize now it took me back to College when I was
being observed by the Master Supervision and failed, and got kicked out
of the teaching credential program at Cal State Northridge....but that
is another story.

So here I am in the Tony Robbins role giving orders...and about ten
delightful women are following up.

Behind me, is Riki Newell who is setting up the music, and now Gene
is on the program. He is playing the flute. I also have a bell and chimes
that i borrowed from Joseph, who brought in a few Tibetan Tongas
that are in the center circle.

Very, Very Powerful...also one of the Tropical bouquets in there
with a sign from Whole Foods saying they contributed these.

I have Christian from England getting my Mac connected to his
slide projector. He is a major crop circle expert and a leading
International presenter...and also now an Enchanted Garden Sponsor.

All day I am picking ups stem, fulfilling Liora leah's blessings.
My wallet and camera case front pocket is starting to bulge with
checks and cash. It is a rare Pay Day. I experienced this kind
of Pay Day back in Orlando in 2001 in that August. That was the last
time I was in this space. Morea Garcia was with be there and the
Enchanted Garden Installation was about 50 feet long.

Trees were loaned and set up by the Disney staff from Epcot Center.

This time it was Steven Spankler who brought in about 20 or more
of the Rarest of Tropicals...way beyond the vibe of those commercial--and
yet very lovely and appreciated Disney plants.

So if you can picture it--photos up soon--
We are in an incredible Sacred Enchanted Garden installation
that has a female womb-like seed backet in the center. To the right
from where I am at my kidney shaped yellow desk from EG Sponsor
Peter Jordon of Germany.

Add URL here, FU!! (FU!! =Follow UP!!!)

Peter was so moved by the love between us back in Orlando
Feng Shui #4, that he gave me one $1600.00 yellow desk,
One $700.00 round light blue desk, and one Saddleback chair
$900.00 that Doug upstairs uses. (It is not my size.)

These pieces are rare in America...They have hydralic liftsa
and can go up a foot. I use the round one at Pac Sym in recent
years to honor Peter, but NEVER has the Kidney shaped yellow
been in an Enchanted Garden since Orlando.

I experiences EXTREME PROSPERITY at that show.
I was coaching Feng Shui women mainly and totally in sync.
i was earning $100.00 at least a pop for many Enchanted Garden

On Sunday August 7, I started to get in my proserity rhythm
with Ariella and Dalya Mira (and her family) all present. Ariella
Shira is a Essene Priestess, and my leading Sacred Space-
assistant who is fully functional planting Seed Dreams and being
of service. She is pure heaven when she is in the space,
and wears a holy Yamulka, and lovely Sacred Garment.

So, back to the set up...

Now Ariella is gone and so is Dalya.

At about 5:10 I started to organize my pages in the notebook
for the order I would do in the CC.

And by 5:30 PM, I had my computer on the yellow desk
and started to upload this event Super Ripe images.

At this point in the Show I am not wearing a very magical
gift on my belt ring from Marina Lighthouse. IT is a Dragon
that attracks Powerful people to a person, and it is WORKING!!!

The other teachers are now coming into the Space.
I am in a space of total and complete Your Enchanted Gardener
full force mode--that means access to many of my past llive--
the Camelot Jester, the ally of Homer, The Scribe with Metchezidek,
the master PR networker, the 20 Century smaltz giant trained in the
skills gifted me by Mark Victor Hansen, the World Greatest Lover
instructor, the Elf archetype, the magical man intensely attractive
and knowiing the Poetry words to draws many of the most beautiful
women of the conference.

The beautiful women have now been lavishing me for full on
affection for more than 24 hours. I have at least five or more
called me "Sweetheart," or other words of affection, plus i have
Dalya Mira who is a hug giant, and Ariella Shira sleeping on the Woman's
side of my bed in a sleeping bag.

I mean these are very together women, one in particular who does
yoga. She is in the space right in back and to the left on the kidney desk.
She has the most luscious energy that pours from here hips, and her
partner is also very, very womanly together.

There are already EG sponsors. We have done a photos shoot already,
that you will see.

The #1 of the team of two is calling me sweetheart, and totally getting it
that she has never met a man like be before. So She is waiting for her
lover to arrive from Brazil, and she has switched into enlighted mode
where I am sending her total business and network connects.

She has already given me four delightful pieces of fabric including
an lovely white Essene shawl, two new Altar clothes from Laos
coops, and a bright orange belly dance shawl that i will keep until
that woman shows up.

And I am in total play mode with her and her partner.

I am speaking to her about the energy i feel from her hips.
She is lavishing me with these words that i thrive on. "Sweethear!"
etc, said with total sincerity, admiration, and appreciation.

She has given me full trust and access, and i am in a space where
I can come up from behind and put my body against her very
cared for Yoga body and feel the juice of her life.

She is telling me things like Andrea is about to show up, and so
I am asking her to please do the Love Cures, etc when she makes love
tonight, or something like that and she is eating it up as i am getting
juiced by a woman who has never been watered like this by Your Enchanted
Gardener. I do not have any desire for her in a sexua| way. i am just
totally enjoying the woman juice that is pouring out toward me every time
I come into her space.

There are at least two other main woman who are treating me like
her and are blown away.

One is going to be a lasting new friend named Shelly.
She is going through a divorce with an old friend who i had
20 years ago and is a main line Jewish philantropist who
inherited family fortune. Her specially is emotional intelligence.

I will blog on her more when I write about my Seven Love Cures class.

The other i am cavorting with is a delightful Goddess named Libby
who has also been in front of my lens and the receipient of a full on
herb senual immersion.

When she was getting the herb emersion, I was feeling my eunice
present. i would never take advantage of a woman who is that open.
Her legs were spread apart on the female energy was flowing out
of her yoni. i was not in a sexua| state because that would have been
an abuse.

So I was feeling my Eunick (Sp?) that she appreciated.
Her eyes were covered. She is wearing black plants,
and as i say, her legs are wide open and she is in total trust
mode. I am taking images of this energy as she is lying on the bed
on the floor in the EG installation.

After her eyes are not covered...i am sensitity having my body
hips touching her hips as i am leaned up against her reaching
to give her more and more fresh herbs to enhale.

her skin is very soft and her belly showing.

i am being very intentioned to be fully respectful because
she is being so trusting.

There are times that with permission of a woman
that i was physically and sexually intimate with
that i would be touching her petals and flower--
that is the kind of space this Goddess is near--
but we are NOT in that kind of energetic. I have just
met this woman.

That scene of the Herbal Sensual immersion took place
on Saturday. Now by Sunday eve, i have gained her full
trust and she is seeing what kind of highest option is wants
to do this Sunday eve.

One of the options is spending time with me reading poetry
in her room at the hotel. She says, "I might cry!" I tell her
crying is good.

She makes a connection with some other Goddesses.
They go out to dinner. There is an option she will visit the EGIC
tomorrow, and i will take her to the airport, but realistically that
would be an abuse of my own ministry.

Monday will be a massive Pay Day, and such a disdirection
could cost me enough to earn a new computer.

I am in full on High Self-Esteem mode.

The Closing Ceremony is not history,
and more than 100--mainly women had are in massive
appreciation of me--after lying on the floor in a major
puppy pile six rooms thick, as part of the Closing Ceremony.

I mean, if you can get it...I will write details of the closing in another blog,
There are not more than 100 women and men who are now
coming up to me, each saying thanks and showering me with every
conceiving gratitude for what i orchestrated that was totally fun
and sensual.

in the Closing--i have never done this before!!!!!!!---
all the women repeated the words to "My Goddess Prayer for You!"
while spooning on the carpet men, and other women.

I was in total and complete access to all my modes...and quite
humorous, so there is a lot of giggling and permission and play
going on with permission to kiss nad nibble the person lying
next to them, and everyone is eating it up.

So you can imagine--no one has every been in a space like this
that has been orchestrated in a way that few can pull off with such total'
safety for all.

Back to this Cresendo of Ecstacy for me: I am saying the words to
My Goddess Prayer for you, one of the Seven Love Cures.

We are doing this to take steps back into the Enchanted Garden.
I have already down the DI, and the EG Membeship Prayer.
There are all acting out as if they are Seeds--Sacred Seeds in a POD,
and the music is Riki Newell backing me up from his CD's Translation--
where he does Hallejuyah, and the Cleasing (MUST! MUST GET CD!!!!!)

FU!! his URL goes here.

So here are more than 100 women repeating the words to
My Goddess Prayer for You all spooning and having permission
to nibble the surrogate next to them...It is sounding so lovely.
I have dreamed of this fulfillment since 1987, and it is happening now.

I am leading the choir of women and at the same time...
another observer part of me is delighting in the observation of
what is happening.

There are a number of video cameras and still photos snapping away,
so hopefully this will be available. IT is priceless footage.
There is not a person in the room who would not pay for the sight of this
I am sure. IT is something for the Guiinness Book of their Soul life
on earth--a first!!!!

It is now 4:10 AM on Monday morning.
I am going to close for now.

I was so enjoying my visions of this magnificent closing,
and one part of me was thoroughly enjoying what Your Enchanted
Gardener did. I mean, i hope you can get this: I was sleeping lightly
about an hour ago...receiving total healing as i was lightly sleeping...
and the I that is me in normalcy, was appreciating what YourEG,
another part of me, had done through me.

Like of like what LL does or others when they have spirit speak through them.

Your EG when fully in charge is like a walking talking 3D person
and at the same time I am me watching and being functional.
In this mode, i am saying things that are me, but it is masterly
stuff coming out--play, fun, wisdom, jester, prophet, sage...
all together...

IT is something to experience--to be in this rare mode.

So the checks are rolling in ...
Teachers come up and women to say thanks...
I ask them to join the EG CLUb.

I tell them the truth, that i have bene working to bring this to them for
three months...I ask them to be an Official Sponsor...these are all
honorable highly professional Spiritual competents...many teachers
and book writings, so when i ask for them to sponsor and tell them
what they will get back in PR, for their products and services,
they are writing me checks for $180.00 a pop.

I have not had time to count the money--but i sense i received
at least three of these $180.00 a pop checks, and at least
four $100.00 sponsorships. Then there is $500.00 from the Frey
Vineyards, and $200.00 from others. There is $200.00 outstanding from
local sponsors promised. There is also a lot of sales going on for
The Seven Love Cures at $8.50 each and some buying full sets for

There are lots of hungry people buying up all the macrobiotic
foods and healthy snacks, and then there are lots of red envelopes
coming in from the planting of Seed Dream, each with contributions
I have not counted yet. Some of these are likely in the range of $5.00
each, but $10.00 to $1.00 is also possible and common.

Tommorrow i will go down to Whole Foods bright and early
and get food for the day...some heavier protein. I will work down there
getting my slide show up to speed and copied on CD's to sell.

I am going to raise my price to a minimun $40.00 eac maybe more.
$20.00 last year was not a good idea...just work with little real gain,
and i feel yucky to hear that some of the photos i gave away are the
favorite of one president of a school, who has them all over the house.
That is at least worth $200.00 -$100.00 for what he got for $20.00
Then Roger had full access to all my photos that were used heavily
for his brochure. He would have had to pay $1000.00 minimum
for this. Granted, I have to count that my personal image was used
in many ads--where i am surrounded by three beautiful women.
And he did feature me in the top row of all the 60 sustainable
living teachers.

You Knew me when...

catch up soon
your eg

for more on this read old blogs
and visit links to Feng Shui Conference
right column


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