I am a Sexual Being by YourEnchantedGardener .....

I am a Sexual Being. This is some of my understanding of why I am this, and the Gift of this for bringing Heaven, Earth, and Humanity together.

Date:   7/8/2005 12:40:02 AM ( 19 y ago)


There is a healing that asks to be taken place now
in the world that we might each me The World's Greatest
Lover for our Mother Earth.

If you would like to read some of the writings
that I have drawn from Spirit and have melded
through my own filters of Earth experience,
please go see The Seven Love Cures Site.


On this site, I gift to you many free poems.
There are teachings on this site that have been powerful
for me.

Thank you for drawing these teachings out of me
for the sake of our Beloved world.

I am in my channeling mode right now.
It is 3 AM on July 6, 2005.

This is the Summer when Earth, Heaven, and Humanity
came together through the power of a small group of
courageous travelers on the Earth, and others who
will bear witness to this event who live far and wide.

The travelers will arrive in San Diego
to partake of the Bounty of Soul Love
that the Universe conspires to converge
at the International Feng Shui Conference,.
scheduled for August 4-8 at the Hilton
San Diego Resort.

Please---stop--throw out everything you have heard about
Feng Shui.

There is a beautiful article about Feng Shui in The Vision Magazine
produced by Sidney, the main Visionary behind this Magazine.
she guotes Roger Green, the developer of the conference.

You can order a copy of the magazine by looking it up on line.

Basically, Feng Shui is a Word that means Wind and Water...more
accurately, it is the Flow of Wind and Water. Wind and Water, Sun
and Earth, Fire, and Air are intended to flow freely through each of us.

But they become blocked. We have this Gift from God called Cracks.
Cracks are narrow places that give us the opportunity to grow.
Cracks are the places inside of us where the Soul, as a Seed
is in the dark, and asks through earth experience to come to Light:.
This is the process of Soul Growth on Earth.
It is the Story of the Return to the Garden.

I dwell a lot in these narrrow places.
I am here on earth to free myself of the judgements
that the Cracks are any less important for Growth that
the places were we already have it together.

"Being stuck in the Dark hurts the Earth as much
as being stuck in the Light. "
--from Moment of Awakening

There are Power Places on Earth.
I have a friend/former friend Ally/Unally who
takes pleople to these Places on Earth where the Soul
of Man/Woman and the Soul of Heaven, Earth, and Humanity
have Coalesed to create Sacred Spots where You and I
can Travel. When we go there to these Sacred Spots--
our Energy is forever Altered untl we conspire to once
again forget what we have Re-membered.

The Bodies of two humans--when they come together,
can as well create a Sacred Site--the Bodies themselves.

Here is a bit of my story:

I was born in this life in a body with the capacity to become crippled
by the 20th Century.

This was part of my Soul Purpose.
This was part of my intended function
as Your Enchanted Gardener.

I wanted to show Humanity, that one person
even with limited and broken movement could
dip into that inner world where ideas are born
and bring down to earth once again Paradise.

Paradise on Earth is the Enchanted Garden.
The Enchanted Garden is the same place as Eden.

This is where Sex comes in.
God did an amazing thing.
He created a flower that in the presence of
Wind, and Water, Earth, and Fire intended to become
a Ripened Fruit. He placed that flower on a Tree of LIfe
in the Enchanted Garden.

The Flower by nature draws Birds and Bees.
The Birds and Bees take of the Flower to help produce
the Fruit. Then they eat the fruit, often ingesting
the seeds. The Birds spread the Enchanted Garden everywhere.

For another energetic expression of this
see the quote by Romain Rolland here:


The Chakras are all based on Flower Designs.

One of the most powerful Chakras for Men and Women
is of course the sexua| chakra of the Body.

Men and Women are natural drawn to Comingle here.
There are whole systems of Wisdom in various traditions
including the Tantric that fully understand this function.
In the Chinese Medicine Tradition the teacher Felis
Dunas in her book "Passion Play" describes the
actual areas within the Vagina and and on the Penis
where various organs can be stimulated and how
through various sexua| positions the Chinese and You
and I can use sex for healing.

It is the emotional healing that is especially
facinating, as well as other kinds of healing:

When Men and Women come together
it generates extreme and intense pleasure that is healing
to the Mother Earth.

When Men and Women come together,
they are capable of ending droughts and altering
weather patterns if the Love Making
is dedicated to the Purpose of bringing Heaven, Earth,
and Humanity together through the Bodies of two human beings.

But here is the emotional part:

It takes courage for a Man and Women to Make Love.
Take a look at the Divorce rates.
It is one thing to Physically Co-mingle.
But within the Human Birth Canal of the Female
is the Capacity to have her heart touched if she
allows the Male to enter her deeply enough--Body,
Mind, Spirit, Soul.

When a man enters a Woman--she is going to be triggered
in all the narrow places that she has. All her growth issues
will come up into consciousness.

A woman's heart area is deep within
her body. She is called to summon levels of Trust to
allow this area to be touched fully. If a woman has Trust
issues--or harbors various fears--these will of course
come up to be healed when she makes love.

A senstive woman will feel the pleasure.
She will want to be an instrument
of Love on Earth, but as she allows herself to be penetrated,
she will be moved in all her various organs throughout her
whole body to come into contact with her deepest and darkest
unseen issues that are within the Pandora's Box of her
narrow places.

These issues are not to be avoided.
Through the power of Relationship support,
a Man and Woman have within them the capacity to
stay present for each other.
This asks personal growth on the part of each.

This is where co-dependency issues
come up. No one is intended to carry another on their back.

The ideal scenerio is that the Male brings his capacity
to create--his Ideas---into the body of the female.

He enters her Flower. Loving feelings and attraction
are a pre-requisite. She received not only his Body
but the Male Energy as well. Through her own pleasure she takes
in this energy, and draws the energy down into the earth.

Through this she can transforms her own life,
her healing issues, as well as the World but literally and symbolically.

To Make Love is this Way it to be a Goddess.

She can receive the Male Energy.
She can take it in.
She can accept she is one with the Mother Earth
and Mother Earth's Enchanted Garden.

She feels the pleasure. She allows it.
The energy of the two together, brings the World
closer again into the flow of Unbroken Wholeness.
Heaven, Earth, and Humanity through the Body of two
people come together--the archetypal Male and Female
energies conjoined.

During Making Love, it is possible to really Make Love--
or more acurately bring the Love that is already...
I am not speaking merely of romantic love,
I am speaking as Love as an expression of the
Flow of energy that holds the Universe together.
THis is the essence of the meaning: God is Love.

The Earth deeply asks that Men and Women come together
not only for their good but her good and his good.

To be a Goddess does not mean being in a relationship
in the normal sense of the world.

A Goddess in her DIvine Presence, will at times welcome
the Male. Other times she will not.
This may be problematic for a woman
who has been indoctrinated with 20th Century values.
Women can create heart disease if they make move
when it is not natural for them to make love.
At times it is natural. Other times, it is not in the flow.

As a man matures, he accepts this.

See The Love Cure, "Because she is a Woman."
It is all about this.

Each Woman has the Goddess within her.
To revel the Goddess, she is asked by her Mother Earth
to come to terms with her own growth issues.

She is not using a Man just because there are times
when she feels she wants him and other times does not.

This is biological and it is also spiritual.

There is Divine Purpose behind Love Making if we are open to it.

In the very process of the physical act,
the Woman can receive healing through her whole being
because each brings a very special and unique energy
to Making Love.

I Bless you that you come to understand the deeper
meaning behind Making Love.

I Bless you that you find courage to read the words of The Seven
Love Cures that I will be sharing in my at the
International Feng Shui Conference.

My class is 9-1030 AM, August 7 in Room 4.
We will be here at Room 4 and then go outside
to the Gazebo area overlooking Mission Bay.

For more about this conference go here:

For more about Eden

For more about changing the
world one orgasm as at time


There are some good articles here to read.

It is my intention that one Man and one Women
will meet during The Seven Loves Cures class...

Marriage between them
is a possibility if that is their desire...
They will definitely connect.
as a result of hearing the Words
that men need to know and women want to hear...

your eg

Follow up on these
Mega opportunities:

The image above is from the site
of The Love Boutique. There is an image
of a Male and Female State of the Lord
Shiva and his consort embracing that I want,
but cannot find right now.


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