Esoteric Passover Themes by YourEnchantedGardener .....

From Bondage to Freedom....Teachings of Edmond Bordeaux Szekely, the Essene Renaissance pioneer of the 20th Century who published the Essene Gospel of Peace

Date:   4/22/2005 3:47:12 PM ( 19 y ago)

I add some more to this..and changed the title

The following teachings were written
by Edmond Bordeaux Szekely.
I was one of the last Essene ministers that he ordained.
I am sure he would not personally mind me rewriting
and quoting from this amazing teacher.

Szekely was a personal friend of Bernard Jensen.
I will share some stories Dr. Jensen told about Szekely some other time.
Szekely realized that I felt bad that I imaged I had fallen short in my 20th
Century formal education. He had gone the distance and attended and gotten
Phd's from some of the greatest school on the planet.

He once told me, If you want my credentials, here take them.
They are yours. He was a wonderful, inspired genius
and this year would be his 100 anniversary.

Through his book The Essene Gospel of Peace,
Volume Onemany people were inspired to become vegetarians
and enter a raw food regimen.

They were inspired to do cleansing regimens
and follow many topics of health that you will find here on CureZone.

Around this time of year, I am inspired to do a life review.
I like to use some of the esoteric metaphors that are associated
exoterically with the Holiday of Passover. Passover begins this Saturday
and runs for eight days.

This lesson is from Moses, Prophet of the Law,
issued by Szekely's Essene School of LIfe
around World War 2.

This symbolic metaphors as described here can help you
adapt to a healthy lifestyle that goes with raw foods.

IF you are living as a Lion, and eating as a Lamb,
expect trauma. In these teachings here, are keys to leading
a successful life as a vegetarian and raw food devotee.

I have gotten a lot of mileage and inspiration from these Essene teachings.


The Passover story is about the Exodus of people from a mindset
and life in slavery to freedom.

It ends with the vision of entering the Promised Land.

The Enchanted Garden is a name for the Promised Land.
Today we realize that the Promised Land begins in your own back yard,
although conventionally Jewish people believe it is about being in Jerusalem
literally next year.

Jerusalem esoterially means a return to New Life, understanding, regeneration,
desires, and purpose.

The New Jerusalem refers to the evolved Soul in One-ness with Divinity.
If you are drawn to the esoteric meanings of the Bible, and The Book of Revelation,
I would suggest study of this site about the work of Edgar Cayce.


Much of these materials is basically Essene School of Thought,
and comes from the Source of John, who was my Essene teacher
through during the late '70's and early 80's.

This was where my inspirations about the Enchanted Garden were solidified.

If you attempt to build a foundation of health and peace
seeking solutions outside yourself-- I do this as well--
you may not get the results you are seeking.

So let's work with some of these teachings and see how we can
remove some of the blocks that are standing between us and entering
the Promised Land where health, natural wealth, and happiness are possible.

Szekely writes:

Egypt, in the philosophy of a dynamic universe, is the aspect ...
where the free flow of ...vital energy is obstructed.

From the moment of birth until dealth there is always some obstruction.

But there is also an exodus, a way out of this chain of egypts.

Here is a paraphrase:

1. Our Egypts begin in early childhood.
Our receptive aparatus, our nervous system, feels
the impact of all the inharmonious influences around us.

These create our limitations that will in all probabilty
stay with us all our life...

See this Blog for my personal Reference to this Egypt:

2. Then we enter a second Egypt....
the pseudo guidance that we call an education.
We are stuffed with all kinds of static, petrified traditions and principles.

Later in life, these come into perpetual conflict with the realities of existence outside school
and with the inner natural tendencies that you find inside yourself.

Can you relate to the damage you got in school???????

3. In adolescence and sexua| awakening, further limits are imposed.

These cause repressions and become sources of neuroses...

Can you relate???????

These and other forms of inferior guidance during our teen years are the third aspect of our individual Egypt.

4. Then comes later in life, economic pressures. Many spend years
in a monotonous routine or work competitively, rather than in harmony with the laws of nature.

Can you relate?????

This puts you into another kind of bondage in Egypt. This further hinders the free flow of the vital force,
also called the elan vital. This free flow was sacred to the teachings of Moses,
who brought freedom to the slaves.

5. Then comes ill health...another kind of Egypt. Vital organs slow down. Our vitality enters a new bondage.
If we find CureZone at this point, we can turn it around. We can use our conditions for Soul Growth,
and realize we are wounded healers who are intended to outgrow our conditions so we can uplife ourselves
and help others.

Can you relate?????

This is the Essene Creation Myth...
I wrote about that before...check out my Essene writings in my Blogs.
(I will look another time.)

6. Then comes the Egypt of old age.
Solitude can lead us into another kind of bondage.

7. Then comes the fear of death that can enslave us.
The individual, says Szekely, who cannot live a free life, cannot face death harmoniously..

These seven Egypts, these seven bondages,
he says, can chain you and me, but at the same
time, their is always the light--the Eternal Light--
showing the way to the Exodus.

There is always, a way to free the vital energy.
There is always a way to keep it from petrifying.

You can free yourself from static pseudo education
by observing nature and by penetrating your own consciousness.

Read the beautiful teachings Lapis writes on CureZone.
These will help.

We get two kinds of education, the one given to us by others,
and the one we give ourselves through experience.

This latter education is the exodus from the pseudo education of our youth.

Can you relate????

The Exodus from emotional chaos of our teen years and early adult years
is found in "harmonious deployment of our natural tendencies.
We normally sublimate these because our unnatural environment forbids
us from expressing these natural tendencies.

Love comes to mind. Can you relate???
Do you feel free to be a loving person??
It is natural to want to love others...
Go to the Market... people are afraid to even say hello these days...
We feel safer Blogging.

We are instilling a fear and terror mentality. We are adapting this more and more.
We do not feel safe. We are being trained to feel more unsafe.

From the Exodus of economic limits, there is an exodus to the simple life.
This comes with learning to recognize true values in place of false values...

This is where decluttering comes in, and Feng Shui.

True wealth comes from freedom from the bondage of possessions and material things
that we do not need.

(Boy, do I have to work on this one...AND I have been making great progress!!!!0

How about you???? Start today to declutter...
Join the ranks of millions of folks who are decluttering and doing Spring Cleaning this very moment!!!!

Get in the flow...

Then, comes the Exodus from disease.

How can we do this?

The Exodus lies in living a natural life in harmony
with all the laws of nature.

Moderation in living...
avoiding harmful habits...
enjoying fresh air and sunshine..
relaxation and
a balance of work...
help us excape from the Egypt of disease.

And how can we escape the Bondage of Old Age?

The solutions comes with conservation of vitality.

Old age, says Szekely, loses its handicap, weakness, and disease
when we keep our health and strength.

LIving a creative life, we increase long life.
This also frees us from the fear of death.

Szekely writes that

"Mankind in his bondage in Egypt has not yet perceived the law of life
that is manifested in his own organism.

Every organ co-operates harmoniously with its fellows
and works ceaslessly to preserve and perpetuate the life of the whole body.

The world where we live now is no better than the temporal Egypt of three thousand
years ago," says Szekely.

Perhaps, he says, it is even worse.

Our bondage is not eternal, he says.

Canaan, the Promised Land, where the freed slaves were headed, is not some
mythical utopia, says Szekely. It is a reality.

The Exodus is the pathway that leads toward Canaan.

The triumphant march of life on this earth from the microcosmic amoeba
to a Socrates, a Leonardo da inexhaustable and eternal..

There is no limit to the eternal source of vital energy.

So please, continue on your triumphant march.

You will reach the land of Canaan.

Szekely saw Moses is the greatest of the Prophets.
"Only through the cumulative influence of many people over many generations
can a real exodus for humanity be accomplshed."

But, as he says, "it can be accomplished, and it will be accomplished."

It is for each of us to play our part through freeing ourselves from Bondage and
taking steps to enter Canaan.

Canaan is the Enchanted Garden.

The Enchanted Garden welcomes you!

Your Enchanted Gardener,

Interested in learning more about the Essenes whose
diet was raw, and vegan?
What to know more about their spiritual practices?

Start here:

Diet and Lifestyle go hand in hand.
To adapt a Raw food regimen without seeking to put in place
a Spiritual Lifestyle that goes with this Regimen is an imbalance.
You will also find here an intro to the metaphors of Passover,
the Jewish Holiday, that is also rich in Kabbalistic meaning:

The Tree of Life and the Law:

Removing Blockages:

Vital Energy Obstructions:

From the Exodus to the Essenes:

Sciences of the Angels:

Can we still be ONE with Rodents?

My Essene Rat

A.D.D. Cure

Getting Unstuck Now! Essene Quotes:

Essene Gospel of Peace Quote:

IF you want to learn more about the Essene Communions
that they used to create a healthy lifestyle that allowed them
to live successfully on a raw Vegan diet,
there is a wonderful favorite book written by
Edmond Bordeaux Szekely:

Essene School of Thought:

Lots of Love,
Your Enchanted Gardener,

The Image Below
expresses the Essene Ideal.
It is used with permission from
Bernard Jensen International:

#39 8:22 PM 4/21/05
#50 3:19 PM 4/22/05


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