The Truth of Self and Other by Chef JeM .....

The truth about someone encompasses everything about them.

Date:   2/3/2021 12:21:22 PM ( 3 y ago)

May 18th of 2024 - Peace -

"The peace of God is ours, and only this will we accept and want. Peace be to us today."[10]

Therefore all "legal" paper-based fictions contrary to "The Laws of Nature and Nature's God" do not have true Lawful standing in the court of divine jurisdiction for mankind, the earth, and all life.[53/8][12]

“... The “Laws of Nature and Nature’s God” constitute the legal foundation of the civil governments established State by State and of the United States. The law was specifically adopted and referenced in the Declaration of Independence of 1776.[14]*

The Laws of Nature are enshrined into our civil laws. They animate the principals of equity, Unalienable Rights including freedom of the mind and conscience, speech and expression, and limited government by consent. See

The same law also presupposes that any civil government, or branch thereof, must adhere to those principals, defined such as unalienable rights on an equal basis, and exercise only the power textually given. Likewise, the law of Nature affirms that the province of a judge is to declare the law, not to make it.

As friend of the Court, the LONANG Institute[11] offers insight into the legal implications of the Law of Nature and its integral guarantees of intellectual freedom based on the mind being created free by our Creator. The founding legal principal bars a civil government … from declaring the expression of ideas and opinions illegal. It also bars … from compelling a person to express ideas which he or she may abhor or embrace. When applies to places of public accommodation the State … must stand aside in the marketplace of ideas, keeping the state’s thumb off the truth scale.”[13]

April 11, 2024 - The Cards of Your Destiny -

"The Ace of Spades in Mars is probably the most passionate and aggressive combination of influences possible."[9]

September 10, 2023 - "Jung and Tarot" -

Are the (Tarot) Trumps “simply adaptations of illustrations from a book of Petrarch’s sonnets”? .........

“Theories about the origin of this Fool (card) and his twenty-one companion Trumps are various and fanciful. ... Gertrude Moakley, pioneered the ingenious theory that the Trumps are of exoteric origin, being simply adaptations of illustrations from a book of Petrarch’s sonnets to Laura. This book was called I Trionfi, a title which translates as both ‘The Triumphs’ and ‘The Trumps.’

In Petrarch’s sonnets a series of allegorical characters each fought and triumphed over the preceding one. This theme, a popular one in Renaissance Italy, was the subject of many paintings of the period. It was also dramatized in pageants in which the allegorical figures, elaborately costumed, paraded around the castle courtyards in decorative chariots accompanied by knights on horseback in full regalia. Such parades, called carousels, are the origin of our modern merry-go-round. ...”[8]

Comment: This Blog-writer was blessed with a sudden insightful realization upon reading the last line of the above quote that enlightened him about an experience he had near a "merry-go-round" fifty-two years ago! (A grand realization that occurred only three pages into the text of the book! ; ~ )

February 23, 2023 - Passing Through The Door To Psychopathy -

This blog-writer has previously quoted a certain professor saying: "without dialogue the door to psychopathy is left open." Up until very recently the prevailing paradigm for parenting has been one void of dialogue with children. If after about eighteen of their foundation-building years children outwardly appear to have survived this void is it really any wonder that all the symptomatology eventually manifests in all the ways that it does? .........

The full-spectrum of these "manifestations" don't appear to be declining now but just the opposite. They manifest through any number of ways, most obviously may be physically, but equally so - mentally, emotionally, spiritually, etc.

This Blog-writer appeared to have survived over nineteen "foundation-building years" under psychopathic parenting. The most obvious symptoms of this first appeared in his nineteenth year after which he was unceremoniously "graduated" from his "family of origin" - after which he carried a chronic incomplete communication about the whole ordeal for about another thirty-three years or so. Realizing early on the damage that he had sustained he decided he was unqualified to become a parent. He wasn't willing to pass on the poisonous pedagogy to any child. Even though he didn't actually become a parent there were incidences when the "poison" had seeped through. He has greatly grieved this! He hopes the "poison" has finally been neutralized after so many years.

February 20, 2023 -

Just took the "gold standard Psychopathic test" with this blog-writer's father in mind and the test results indicated that (from his perception) his father was within several points of the criteria for a Psychopath!

January 29, 2023 - The Apollonian (NF) Temperment[7]*

October 24, 2022 - Dialogue for Community-Building -

Dialogue is this blog-writer's foundation for community-building. All other forms of any so-called "communication" that are without dialogue potentially leave open "the door to psychopathy" and will be regarded as such by this blog-writer from this moment forward.

April 27, 2022 - Beyond Joy! -

Comment just posted at YouTube -

"...Several of these songs move me tremendously - because they are more than just good music!
It is only now by my re-hearing them that I realize that my initial hearing of these in the 60s must have planted sacred seeds in the depth of my being that must have resonated with corresponding seeds that were planted in me by the creator. This is the only way that I can explain the depth to where certain of these songs resonate with me. I find this unique to The Seekers more than with any other of the musical groups of the sixties ..."[6]

January 21, 2022 - The Suppression of Healthy Skepticism -

"...Growing up in this weird world we live in, too many of us have been cowed down and shamed and subjected to guilt, by men whose moral compass went South centuries ago. We've been shamed into not asking questions, not pursuing answers, and told by those in positions of authority that it's not our business, that we are entertaining fantasies, that we are 'Conspiracy Theorists' or whatever other label they attach to us. ..."[4]

So very interesting, serendipitous and synchronistic to have just read this article by Anna almost two hours after having noted that:
as children we were conditioned to accept/"believe" the conventional narrative and that after at least twelve years of that a pattern of behavior was internalized that continued into our adult life even though as adults we no longer were under the same kind of suppressive elements that we were so vulnerable to as children. And yet what amounts to as fear-based "mind-control" still continued with the help of either our silent acquiescence (or even with some resistance/resentment) or maybe a little protest but hardly ever anything amounting to truly "right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed"[5]

September 12, 2021 - "The Human Caste System"

My gratitude for the Human Design System is 365 days/twenty years long! It extends further through the Gene Keys and through my correspondences with the author Richard Rudd (whom I just wrote to by snail mail several days ago). My gratitude reaches the heavens as well as the DNA in all the cells of my body! I Am Truly All-Grateful for Human Design and all the many personal introductions I have had with it over these twenty years, starting with my first meeting with Zeno back when.

Zeno and Chaitanyo were the ones who brought Human Design (via Ra) to the USA. If anyone has a front row perspective on where Human Design originated and in what form as well as the extensions that have occurred over the years since the original "Revelation" it is Zeno and Chaitanyo! Therefor I count the current "Human Design Transmission" newsletter by Chaitanyo[3] most worthy of consideration for anyone into or interested in Human Design.


February 17, 2021 - "All the sciences must be placed in the service of the one science truly worth studying: that of the human being. ...

... A change of point of view is necessary. From now on, the whole human being must be considered as the center of the universe, including the divinity that dwells within him. All the other sciences must contribute to this one science; they should no longer be considered independently because in reality, a human being is a summary of all that exists, and all the sciences converge in him. Once this new point of view is established in the minds of thinkers, all of existence will be transformed. Instead of focusing on the externals, on all that is material, rigid and lifeless, life itself with all its subtle aspects will be given top priority."[2]

February 3, 2021 -

The intellect is a faculty that allows us to know the physical world and a little of the psychic world, but no more, and as such, it is very limited. The intellect alone cannot know the truth. To know the truth of a rose is not just a question of perceiving its shape, color, and scent. The truth of a rose is its soul, its emanation, its existence, which the intellect cannot grasp. To know a rose, we must penetrate all the elements that make it a rose. The same is true of a human being; the truth about someone encompasses everything about them – their soul and spirit, their thoughts and feelings, their plans for the future and so on. As long as you do not know all these things, you do not know the truth about a person. You know a little bit about them, their appearance, but not the truth. The truth is a synthesis, which can only be grasped by the spirit.

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov[1]






[5] See middle of the second paragraph:



[8] Jung and Tarot By: Sallie Nichols, page 3, third paragraph.



[11] "The LONANG Institute is a Michigan-based nonprofit and nonpartisan research and educational institute. Application of the 'Laws of Nature and Nature’s God' to contemporary legal disputes is its specialty."

[12] Re: [53/8] See: "Numerology and The Divine Triangle" Chapter 4: "The Swords" page 222: 53/8.


[14] The First Organic Law for The United States of America (unincorporated) and referenced as such in the front pages of both the United States Code and the Statutes at Large: large/about-this-collection/


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